The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1719
  • Lol hi@JLZ666:) ikr my luck I'll get caught just wanted to peek in:)
    Everything is awesome!!!
  • Figures!!!lol
  • *sips a Quick glass of bubbly*
    Gotta run.... Bbl:)
  • Oops! Lost you on the page change @kathy......should've known!
    Hour and 1/2 to go then home.......thank goodness :D what a bizarre day!
  • Lol i know that was good timing:) , glad we all made it:):)
    Yes zombies lol we'll have to find new avatars hahaha!!
    Really gotta scoot..4 more hours:(
  • Wowswer!!! What a PARTY!!! I tried to read back as much as possible but there is SOOOOO much!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIMMIE KAKES!!! It seems you are in dream land right now as I see you were up very late partying with all the hotties!!! Nice job to EVERYONE who put on this awesome party!!!! WOO HOO!

    So sorry I missed you @kimmiecv...I've been stuck working and figured I'd pop in here on my lunch break...I will try back again. I've got a short work day so I sure hope I catch you on my next pop in ;-)))
    Hello everyone else!!!
  • @kimmiecv No way do Scotsmen wear anything under their kilts. . . Sweet dreams!
  • This is same but abit clearer (HappyBirthDAy)
    LOL @jlz666 ,i know what you mean about the typing to ppl ,i had just told @sunshine it felt weird typing to her at the moment
  • Happy birthday @kimmiecv, sorry i couldnt stay awake for the start of the party.
  • Wow, just finished catching up on the party. Awesome . :-)
  • A huge big smile on my soooo very tired face!! The party was a huge hit and you rocked till the birthday girl was tucked in bed! @all thank you for popping in here and leaving messages for Kimmie. I see even @xebic88 took a stroll into the BP and popped in :D and a amazing card, she will certainly love it!!
    @JLZ-666 kisses to you for being able to be a popper today! @kathy and @Sunhine I am still amazed that you both dropped in in the wee hours of the night! [[[huggsss]]]

    Speaking of hugggss... @rat !!! good on you!! your first hug! And you survived!! There isn't a sweeter person who could receive the first one. Watch out for when the laddies will leave the bp... all the huglovin woman will be back hee hee
  • Almost dinner time over here, so I am going to scoot. Be back later tonight!
  • @lesleyg Did you see Party Rusty?
  • I'm finally done!!! It's home time! Feels like I've been living a parallel life today....
    Hey @lesleyg! I'm sure the party will still be bouncing for hrs & hrs to come! Sorry I missed you:(
    @tompuss hi! No they certainly don't and that sounded like it came from experience??? Are you Scottish?!
    @surfcow the coos are wonderful! Sorry we couldn't get to you in time but they're yours for the taking!
    @xebic88 it is VERY strange talking to these girls....I mean guys....I'll miss them though! The castle looks much clearer now,it's fantastic!
    @grammyk well done on the read up! HaaHaa! It's heavy going but good for a laugh!
    @estar.........WOW!! Heehee! It was fab! Think we'll have to pull all the balloons,cakes and banners with us! We're on page 8! Enjoy your dinner,try not to do a header into your plate tho!
    All right I'm out of here,home and dinner is calling :D
  • Och aye da noo! I'm back from golf, cooked dinner, about to get the washing in make some soup and then do the ironing ( how mundane you think but how fab that a wee braw kilted laddie will do all that!) have just read all (I make it 9 & 1/2 pages JLZ!) and am just so glad that I can come to thus fantabulous place with such great peeps in it!
    Kimmie - did you manage to sleep? Pleasant dreams I hope! Are those poor boys STILL on the bouncy castle????
  • *GASP* it is 9&1/2 pages @mumsie! What happened?! Did you sneak your boy home to do the chores??? I thought they were still bouncing? I left Ewan here to give OB & the blues a break,I didn't think he'd have liked a day at my work;) that OB on the castle? HA! That's right up his street! Can you imagine if the blues got on? They'd be like little bullets! Oh my......I'm losing touch with reality....gotta go eat.
  • Lovin the accent BTW ;D
  • @jlz @estar @kathy @sunshine & anyone else you guys did an amazing job with the party! I wish I had more time to pop in today & enjoy the scenery. @kimmie hopefully I'll get back here later when you wake up :)
  • Hey @karen it was also @mumsie & @birdaddict It was great fun if a wee bit stressful at times ;) All worth it now though! I'm pretty sure you'll bump into @kimmie later! She'll be desperate to get back in here :D I on the other hand am now in my jammies at a pathetic 8-50pm! My phone is breathing a sigh of relief as well! Enjoy the views!
  • Wakes up from what they call a nap.. who in the world invented that??? Me brain isn't made to shut of during the evening, or night for that matter... I feel like I dozed off in the bouncy castle and the boys repeatedly bounced on my face! Feel more shattered now than I did before :? Looks up... Mumsie could you send Ewan over to my place, I have some dusting to do :D

    @karen68 thank you for the kind words and JLZ described it perfectly! 3,5 longggg days, but SOOOO worth it!
  • WooHoo!! I'm home from work!!:)
    Hi everyone!!! Thanks to all for coming to Kimmie party:)=
    * pours a nice glass of bubbly* Cheers Everyone:)
  • @JLZ666 you still here honey!!! What a trooper:)
    (((((( E*))))))
  • Kathy!!! Ow my even the exclamation marks look more energetic in my writing than me hahahahaha [[[[[huggggggssss]]]]]
  • Hahaha @E* lol I'm beat..i went late to work..was a looooong day!!!
  • Hi Kathy - pass a glass of Cristal please! Were you absolutely shattered ?
  • ((((( Mumsie))))))
  • Yep absolutely lol!!!
  • One heck of a party though so Well worth it!!! 10 pages..i... gotta read..:) :)
  • IKR I think we all were in hyper mode for the last 4 days and feeling the aftermath setting in. But I so wanna stay awake and pop in the several PMs.... but I think I will have to pass on writing too many words... my brain can not even think in Dutch anymore hahahahahaha But it is a BLAST and I LOVE it hahaahh
  • Ermmm I'm here in body @kathy lol! You and @sunshine were the real troupers....3am for goodness sake!
    Hey @estar leave Ewan alone! He's not going to anyone's house lol!
  • I'm going to miss these avatars :( they're freaky but I like it HaaHaaa!!
  • I hope Kimmie comes back lol:)
    @theanonymousesomeone sorry i didn't tell you..i figured you'd be here anyway:/:( my bad:(
  • Oh wow! I'm never going to catch up. Will have to take a close look at all the avatars also.
    Happy BirdDay @Kimmiecv Looks like the celebration is proceeding in full swing without you.
  • Hey @mvnla2 lol you gotta go back a few for a choice of cake!!
    But the Cristal flows freely on all pages:)
  • Yes gonna miss the avatars @JLZ666 wonder what the main site looks like with kilted men everywhere!! Hahaha...
  • mvnla2 they are somewhere in the last few pages, all lined up ready to dance with Kimmie :) many pages, but I think it will be fun to read them again in a few weeks... love it that this went on record... in the probably longest forum thread in history LOL
  • [[mumsie]]] how was golf??
  • IKR @kathy! I kept thinking"well nobody's been in a walkthrough today" but of course the avatars are already there LOL!!! People have to be wondering what the heck is going on!
  • I STILL Can't believe we went through almost 10 pages JUST today....!!!!
  • And that's without @kimmie Kathy!!!
  • Hahaha ikr @JLZ666 ...hee hee:) probably be 20 by the time the nights over:)
  • I have no doubt! I'm going to make a cup of tea and try to stay awake just a little bit longer ;) back in a bit.
  • K o gotta run to the store..I'll be back:)
  • JLZ you are a trooper indeed... I am looking at the screen and looking becomes staring and everything blurs out for me hahahahahha So I am sorry, ya'll have to excuse me, 11pm ?! Kimmie what did you do to me hahahahaha... nah... not in bed yet, so still nightowl LOL

    Hugggss to me laddies and keep on rocking! mwaaaah :^*
  • Goodness sake you've broken @estar Kimmie ;( I can't believe I'm sitting with a cup of nighty night tea and there's magnums of Cristal! WTH has happened?
    I think and hope you'll have a deep,dreamless "ding less" sleep! I won't be far behind you ;)
  • Where's Kimmie ¿ You gals are talking to her..?i not see her ¿
  • Ow and before I forget.... HERE IS TO KIMMIE!!!
    *cloink* (sound of two tea cups.. yes I am on my night tea as well LOL) to many many many more my sweet friend. ENJOY the rest of the party and the men! You deserve it!
  • Kathy I think me and JLZ will not make it to Kimmies wake up call by the laddies :/
    So we are pretending she is here hahahaha
  • Lol @E* cloink !,, sweet dreams (((((( Hugs))))/ wonderfully ya;) nighty night:)
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