The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1720
  • HeeHeee @ E* lucky if I'll even make it!!!
  • Ohh boy there i go..The Princess is In the House:):)
  • Ok I'm out......hubby is dragging me upstairs....not in a good way lol!! In a "get to bed now young lady" way.....nope...that doesn't sound good either!! I've had a blast ladies! It's been a very nice way to end a very crappy weekend :( Hope you all have a fab night and kisses again to the birthday girl :D
  • I too have my night time cup of tea - golf was good another gorgeous day of sunshine - won't be around tomorrow as playing a match against another club in the morning and then the annual Ladies v Gents in the afternoon - think the man I'm playing might well win! Night night all - Kimmie - hope you have had a great day!
  • Nighty night @JLZ666 sweet dreams (((((( hugs)))))
  • Nighty night @Mumsie (((((( hugs )/)))))) sweet dreams ....
    Have fun at golfing tomorrow:)
  • Looks like everybody partied out:(..
    Well guess I'll start reading before the next wave
    @rat how you holding up? Best let the youngun' s out while the gettings good:)
  • Whew! It took me almost 1.5 hrs to catch up on the party! Good thing Kimmie's sleeping or I would never have gotten caught up.
    @Kimmiecv -- Just got to say with all those cute snails on cakes, pretty soon, you'll be treating your snails as pets, and planting flowers just for them. : D
  • Seems like the party is over?
  • LOL good grief!!! Crazy party animals the whole lot of yous!!! :D
    Sorry I missed the last bit of fun! Of ALL the days to have a repairman come my Dad chose today! Soooo I have been up since 1pm so I could unload the freezer, which isn't the top box of the fridge! Nope it's a freezer THE SIZE OF A FRIDGE!! And unloading the top of it as we have it in the garage and all our home repair stuff ie rugs, paint, caulking stuff, plastic wrap blah blah blah the list goes on, all had to be unloaded!! Then the wait and pray he gets here before everything Unfreezes! Then the Reloading of the freezer! Not putting everything back up top! That I will help my bro in law do when he gets home in the next hour!
    Yep that's my birthday celebration!!! SOOOO I can't thank you all enough for an AMAZING time!!! And I promise I will get back to every one of you wonderful people who sent me PMs, cards and Pressys!! It may take a couple of days but I want to Thank every one of you for being my friends and so enriching my life!!! Every single one of you is special in my heart and I love you for taking the time out of your real lives to spend it with me! It means more than I could ever say!!!

    Mwaaaah :•
  • ((((Kimmiecv))))/
  • Good luck @kimmiecv
  • Hey @KitKat!! Goodness your all a mess of tired!! Can't believe what you all did for me! I'm in awe!!!!
  • LOL @rat! It's been an interesting day!! ;D
  • Lol i still have 6 pages to read or more I've just finished 1715 lol:)
  • Heehee @KitKat I still have to go through the lot myself! Things went so fast even I couldn't keep up!! LOL
  • Your so worth it my friend :) and pahtna !!!!
  • Lol i had to fall asleep..JLZ666 panic vibe woke me..i didn't even have dinger on!!:)
  • Thank you!! I honestly don't have the words for how full my heart is and how special you all are to me!!!!
  • I couldn't keep up either especially at 3a.m...
    Lol poor tas hahaha reading his comments is priceless....
  • I don't know how you did it KitKat! You must be exhausted!! I hope all of you get a right awesome sleep!! Everyone of you must be drained beyond the brink!!!
  • Sorry you had to spends your bday cleaning out freezer.that's no fun glad you could have a little fun this mornin' :)
  • I got a good laugh at them too! He stayed the course though which was really something! Usually all the men/boys run for their lives when we show up!!! :D
  • Hahahahaahahaahahaa a Little fun??!!! Heehee best birthday bash I've ever had!!!! :D
  • *pours Cristal for the bday girl..@rat and fills up random glasses*
    Raise glasses to Kimmie one of the best friends anyone could wish for*
  • Shoot it's been so hectic I haven't had a chance to get to our room! Nor the mentions and the kpig thing which bums me out!!! Can't believe my Dad chose today to do the repairs!! LOL just my luck!!!
  • *clink* back atcha @KitKat!! :)
  • Well I'm sure you want to get reading a little anyway..:)
    I'll be here:)...mwahhh (((((hugs))))
  • Thank you @KitKat!! :) Big fat Italian Kisses and a very Big (((((((((((((((Hug))))))))))))))
  • (BIG HUGs)Looks like u had a Hens night Darlin:) just been trying to catch up on the read ,sorry i missed an earlier time to wish u a "Happy Birthday ",just as well i think i missed all the bouncing of your scantily dressed man fest ,lol..i will be back in an hour or so ,is that when u expect to be venturing back ,when done with ya freezer?
  • There's lots of 'click things' so you better get,:)
    The kpig radio is somewhere in there..hee hee..have fun:)
    I'll bounce in the castle for a bit:)
  • @xebic88 yes I hope to be done soon but depends on when my bro in law gets his butt home!! :D Thank you for popping in cant tell you how awesome it was to see you in here not to mention your wonderful card!! Thank you!! (((((((Hugs)))))) and many kisses Mwaaaah :•
  • Have fun bouncing with the pretty boys @KitKat!! Ahhh what a lovely show they put on!! ;D
  • u have had a huge night @kathy you really are a star that shines so very bright ,xx ,i can feel your need for rejuvanating ( cant spell)u must be knackered ,,hope you dont mind me giving u a Big enery Hug:)
  • :) thanks @xebic88 ..i need an energy hug right about now:)
    and such lovely words:)
    The card you made for Kimmiecv is beautiful..its perfect for her:) glad you could make the party:)
  • thank u for the time reminder :) ,i m glad the u like it ,gives u a big hug of energy and a kiss on the cheeck,before throwing u in to the castle of bouncing men lolxx
  • Wow @Annifrid that's awesome:) glad you could come:)
    Ohh and,@theanonymousesomeone i absolutely looooove Rusty :) nice he joined the party and cute hat:) :)
  • Weeee heee * bouncing with the ladddies* :) :)
  • Gotta take a little nap..sorry eyes are closing on me lol...I'll be back
    (((((( hugs))))) @xebic88 :)
  • @annifrid Thank You!! What a great card!! Boy you all got my hot spots didn't you!! LOL :D Oooh fave fun bouncing with the pretty boys annifrid!! LOL
    @xebic88 your such a lover!! Are you sure you don't want to throw a kilt on and have a go at the bouncy castle?! LOL :D
  • Hmmm I'm pretty sure our Coo hit the kilt and the bouncy castle too?!! LOL
    Sleep tight @KitKat!! You sooo deserve it!! :)
  • Alright I'm off for a bit! Still have things to put away!! See you all in a while! Can't stop saying Thank you!!!! :D
  • BTW, do girls also wear kilts, or is it for boys only?
  • @annifrid Normally I would say only men wear kilts. But while I was leafing through the airline magazine on my way home today I saw an ad for this place:
    Uhhhhuuummmmm.... I guess the men like it.
  • Hahaha @ABCrazy i took a nap..every time i wake up today its to kilts lol
    And that was a pretty creative birthday wish:) I'm sure she'll love the luck:)
    She's probably in the freezer or laugh/crying her Eyes out reading through the days events..haha:)
  • @kathy you deserve a nap! I'm sorry I couldn't join you guys earlier, but I just flew home from Mexico today.
    Luck is a good thing. :-)
  • Oh seems I missed her again!!! I checked in a few times...and saw she wasn't here yet and now she's off again ;-( but...
    I know you'll be back @kimmiecv ;-)

    Hello to everyone else ;-) I still haven't been able to read ALL of the pages but what a wonderful "shindig" indeed. You guys ALL did an awesome job and I'm so glad that our special Kimmie Kakes is so very happy from it all. You truly are a special girl Kimmie...I knew it from the very start!!!

  • Thanks @ABCrazy how was your trip? You must be exhausted yourself.
    Lol Kimmie answered one of my walkthrough posts with a plea for luck..i just told her of your gift:)
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