The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1722
  • We are almost done with first half..I'm dune but hanging out improving till Kimmie finishers so we can start seconds half together:) can't go forward without my Pahtna:)
  • Good luck @lesleyg!! I'm thinking about heading in myself! Hoping ABCs good luck wish will hit me hard!! LOL
  • Ahahaha again that's 4 page changes today..!!,
  • Good luck ladies..I'm going in before bedtime hits me:)
    Just one more...* Clink*
  • Heehee @KitKat you still got the magic!! :D
    @lesleyg I think it's sadly a rinse and repeat of iamMightys strat! I just need 2K more to get out of there!!!
  • Glad to see the party is still going.. Happy Birthday again @kimmie! Don't those kilted men ever get tired?
    @kathy awesome job you guys did. And hi AA if you're lurking! Is there any Crystal left to end my day with? :)
  • *clink* And were off!! Good luck @KitKat!! I'm trying to get it wrapped up!! Was hoping the time off would give me more flinging time!! Wagahahahaha what was I thinking??!!! :/
  • Certainly is @karen68 :) and no these lads don't tire not like their female alter-egos haha..I'm beat:)
    * Clink*
  • Oh yes @karen68 there's plenty!!! Have at it! You could even take a bath in it!! LOL and I'm positive they have so much energy because they're stuck in the garage at JLZ-666s!! LOL
  • @kimmie here's a toast to you *clink* ! You're in good company you know, it's my Mum's birthday today too. Good luck in the clouds!
  • Ahhh awesome @karen68!! A very Big Happy Birthday to your Mum!! :)
    *clink* make sure you enjoy the bouncing babes!! :D Not to be missed!! LOL
  • I can only imagine what peeps outside of BP are thinking to see all of those beeeeautiful men popping up everywhere and just what it could mean!! Hahahahaahahaahahaa too funny!! :D
  • Hahaha ..sorry something went wonky with forum for asec..
    K I'm off too flinging..the Mom due home gotta smoke and
    I'll say good night before bed @Kimmie:)
    Night @karen68 AA thanks for coming;)
  • Okey dokey @Kathy see ya at bed time!! :)
  • @kimmie Do the men have to go back to @jlz's garage or can you kidnap them away to your castle? I'm going to miss them all tomorrow.
    Night @kathy. I'm going to try to get a few flings in too before bed. Thanks for the Crystal! :)
  • - POP -
    Just stopped in to say I'm gonna try to get back here before 10 pm tonight. I know there's lot's of catching up to do since I left the party at 3 am. Did you get any sleep @Kimmie? Did the repair man visit you? Laters
    - POP -
  • Ok..I'm back..yes @kimmiecv..definitely a rinse and repeat..I only have 91050 which is a few "K" above av. I just flung a few at it and I got the one birdie best , fully zoomed in (I think is what it's called where you can see the whole screen at once)by sending Chewy's dots to line up with the darker window's base in the that Chewy ends up just under the dark long circle thing up top and plows through the green pigger there. It's pretty much as iammighty's I think but maybe slightly higher than what most seem to have written? GL

    Hello @karen68!!! So glad I got to see you *Clink* to all ;-)))
    Give Mum's a Happy Bday from me!!!
    Good luck flingin' @Kathy!!!
    Hope to see you again before your pillow walk ;-)
  • @karen68 it's sooo tempting but she'd hunt me down and kill me!! LOL Remember @mumsie42 and that whole scary death scene?!! LOL Good luck on your flinging!! Kick bacon butt!! :)

    @Bird-addict you loon!! Thank you! And Thank you for a maaaavelous party!! Hope to catch you later then!! Nice pop by the way!! Hahaha
  • Ok @lesleyg I'm going in to try it out!!! Thank you! :)
  • ok @kimmiecv... I'm gonna fling some more than too. I'll be lurking back in, lol...I will also see if I can add any tips from 16 and I said though...once I finished, I went to the walkthroughs and it seems I remember most of them already have the best strats posted, it's just a matter of flingin til you get a score you can move on with! Seems there's not too much to add to what's already posted, but you never know...every little tip can help in these levels for sure ;-)
  • @kathy @kimmiecv I had a great trip! It was the escape & refocus that I really needed. Now I'm working on making the strong job lead I have become reality. I'll be busy for the next few days & weeks but will continue to stay in touch as I can. (((((((Hugs))))))))) to you both.

    Extra luck to you in CC. I'm headed there next.... Maybe in a few days. I haven't even looked at the new levels there yet.
  • Ok sorry @Kimmiecv I'm out:( i improved a bit on 12 all of these levels seem to be just fling until you get the right cycle..once you start getting higher scores keep flinging..seems like they are rigged at certain score frames i can't really explain what i I'm overtired..can't even change my avatar energy
    Night @lesleyg nice seeing you..pop in more often please:)
    *places flashlight on Kimmiecv booth..looks around at all the beautiful deco's and flowers :) what a love filed day:) night night..Happy Birthday Kimmie (((((( hugs))))))
    Arghhh stupid error box!!!! Night..
  • Whew got the post in...
  • Thanks for the help @lesleyg!! As always!! :)

    @abcrazy sounds like a much needed rest! Good luck with the job, I'm voting its a shoe in!! Maybe see ya in CC, in fact I'm sure we will!! ;/

    @Kathy I totally get what your saying, I've thought the same thing!! Big surprise! LOL
    And yes it was a beautiful, love filled and really special day you all gave me and I can't tell you how much it meant to me, there just aren't any words to express it even adequately!! Get good rest and I hope you wake up feeling refreshed!! Thank you for everything :)
    *super shines KitKats flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to Dreamland, goes to safe and retrieves my new handy dandy flashlight to use tonight, Whoo hooo!!*

  • @Kathy...nighty night ;-) (((((((HUGS)))))) and thank you for the evite! I will come to visit more often. I've missed my friends terribly ;-)

    @kimmiecv - you are soooo's my small pressy to you...I have no idea how to post pics and such so my breadcrumbs will have to do ,lol..btw..I should thank you...I just improved on level 16 almost 1K points ;-) up to 92100 now ;-)
    I'm off to bed myself. It's been a long day but I'm so very glad I got to spend this evening with you. I'm also so very glad you had this wonderful BDay party full of memories created just for you! You bring joy to so many here that it's only fitting!!! It's now imprinted in the world forever...never to be forgotten! yeah!!!
    A bug (((((((HUG))))))) se you soon - *mwah* ;-)
  • oh forgot to add...@ABcrazy - Best of Luck with your job venture!!! Good Night ;-)
    Good night to @all other lurkers ;-D
  • @lesleyg that's Fantabulous!!!! Great score! Seems more than fair you should get some serious points since you went in there to help me!! :D And thank you for spending time with me, making my day even brighter! I hope you can pop in more often too! I know your super busy so it's always such a treat when we can get you to ourselves here!! And thank you for the kind words! I can only hope that even half of it is true as all my friends here have made my life a whole lot more special for having you all in it and to give something back well thats all I can hope for!! :) Big (((((((Hugs))))))) and lots of Kisses back!!! Mwaaaah :•
  • *pokes head in to see if the Traveling Kilted Meat Market is gone*
  • Happy Birdday to our favorite late-nighter @kimmie!!
  • Hahahahaahahaahahaa too funny!!! @Ripsy I don't think it's completely safe yet but close enough!! :D Thank you!! It's been quite the Wonderful Day!!! :)
  • I knew it!! LOL that error box came a callin!! Stupid thing!!!
  • I'm glad you enjoyed it. I am going to try to see you out of your day the best I can.
    Did you get anything cool in real life?
  • Sorry @Ripsy I think my Dinger fried after today's crazy events!! LOL
    I actually got money so I could get some equipment to make my own tarts! Tomorrow is shopping day to hopefully get what's left of the list done!! Yeay!!! :) Don't worry about hanging in there! Better to get your sleep when you can! And Mom just got home with my heehee remember this?! Veggy Big Mac!!! LOL :D Ahhh like old times!! Hahahahaahahaahahaa
  • @kimmiecv - your birthday is over here in the Midwest so can I go back to ignoring you? Hahaha... Like that's ever gonna happen. I may not hang out at the BP too often but at least you know your birthday soirée was important enough to get me through the door. Aloha.
  • Nighty night @Kathy!
    @E-star I just sent you another card...could you post it or send me the code?
  • @Kimmie sorry I didn't make it back before 10 but it had to do with the kilts, lol. I don't think I'm gonna be sending Laird back to the garage right away. He's had so much fun at the party!
  • @Surfcow are you still in the BP? Why is it that you don't hang out in the BP? Too much useless chit chat for you, lol? I sure miss not bantering with you or stalking you. May have to take that up again. That's why you changed your avy isn't it? Hiding from lil 'ol BirdAddict the stalker?
  • Hey everyone
  • LOL @surfcow I've still got a little over an hour to go here! And yeah good luck with ignoring me!! :D Thanks for popping into the BP! That in itself was a big pressy!! The fact you stayed so long And came back for one more well that's just icing on my virtual cake!! ;D Off you go then into the ether of cowdom!!

    @Bird-addict no worries I've been popping in and out if here and yeahhhh Laird should sooo stay a wee while more!! Hahahahaahahaahahaa let's see if our @JLZ-666 will allow her pet to stay on a while longer!! :D

    Hey @fbb! :)

    I gotta go again!! Good luck with the stalking @Bird-addict!! LOL too flipping funny!!!
  • Oops, it's not minimized.
  • @fbb How do I minimize the video?
  • Anybody?
  • No Minnie. Hold your kids off for another half hour. Then you can go wild in here with all the left over cupcakes, cookies, and cakes. Crumbs everywhere!!!
  • Love it love it love it!!! @rat that video is a great way to wrap up @Kimmies party!
  • Sorry...busy with college stuff with my daughter. Be back later. Great video @Rat. Do we have a storage room in the nest for all the great stuff we've accumulated? Would be nice to have a treasure box.
  • Hahahahaahahaahahaa @rat!! :D Wish I could help you but uh I don't even know how to put that stuff up let alone making it smaller!! *clink* Thanks for bringing that one up again! Hilarious in the extreme!!! Heehee

    @Bird-addict not to worry I'm a popper ATM as well!! As to the treasure trove, turns out my Sweet Dutchie Friend has made me a room where I can visit all the really amazing goodies all you wonderful sweet and loving friends of mine have given me any time I want!!! :D Good gracious she's a smarty pants isn't she!!

    Well the time draws near to the end and I can't thank all of you enough for the absolutely Bestest most Amazing, Wonderful Shindigs in history!!! I hope you all got/get enough sleep after all the hard work and are refreshed!!! I appreciate and love every one of you!!!!
    Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!!!!
    Mwaaaaaaaaah :•
  • @kimmiecv I missed the start of the party, but I was here at the end. One last Happy Birthday!!!
  • That you were @rat!!! Thank you!! :D And I say better late than never!!!
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