The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1724
  • Good night @rat!! Thanks for playing with us!!!

    LOL I did see him jumping around @JLZ-666!!! :D He's got a lot of Ooomph!! LOL

    @Bird-addict that card is WICKED!!!!!!! Thank you!! Oooh gunna have to kiss every last Boyo for That one!!!!! :D Whoo Hooo!!!!
  • @rat goodnight and enjoy the nightmares (or are they secretly sweet dreams) of the kilted men! now run cause if you are not quick enough, you are in for your second [[[huggg]]]
  • Goodnight @rat! Think the surprises are all at home today!
  • Chaffing? No no ... With kimmies hands between me and the leather it has no chance of chaffing!
  • Ohhhhhhhhh heck!!!!!! Mental image.....go away please!
  • @Laird is trully a character indeed. I laughed my head off when I found him and when Bird Addict ran in there and called dips I could not agree on a better fit than her :)
  • Hahahahaahahaahahaa hahahahaahahaahahaa nice one!!!! :D My hands are a busy lot today!!!! Hahahahaahahaahahaa
  • Phone ringing
  • good grieve Laird... now you have me disgusted at 9:30 in the morning LOL
  • I don't know Mungo, I've been trying to talk @Rat into a kilt all day but he seems to think kilts don't flatter him. Someday...
  • OMG I'm so sorry I missed all the chatter for arranging this Pahtay!!!! I can only imagine some of the things that went on!!!! :D
  • I'm not disgusted Laird!!! Come to Mamma!!! :D
  • Hmmmm Mungo your next!!!!!
  • An I've been trying to get Bird Addict to let me borrow her red stilettos but she refuses. She thinks I'll break my neck in the bouncy castle. Don't ya think they'd finish off my outfit?
  • Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! LOL poor shoes would be ruined with those feetsies stuffed in em!!!!
  • Too bad @Mumsie didn't think to take Kincaid with her today. He would have made a mighty fine caddy!
  • I KNEW it! I just knew you'd be after the stilettos!
    @estar when's M&D home? They've had it got hot hot over here. You're going to be seeing plenty of photos ;) seriously,I'm sure they've had a fantastic time :D
  • Oh yeah!! Darn! And her trying to make off with the whole crew! You'd think she'd have thought of that!!!
  • Kimmie do you like me nose ring? I wore it special for you *wink wink*
  • Oh man the Photos!!! Poor poor e-star!!! :O
  • Loooove the nose ring!! Laird it matches mine!!! ;D
  • My what a flirt!! Good thing my kilted man is busy in my garage...........LOL
  • Did we scare all the other birdies away again? Funny how men who don't wear kilts are afraid of men who do, lol.
  • Heehee yep I think so @Bird-addict! They went a runnin!!! :D
  • I'm running out of time and I need to speak to @kimmie before I go. For some reason I'm really busy today.....nothing at all with steering peeps away from yesterday ;)
    Laird,are you really staying with us for a while longer or will you be in when I get home?
    @estar have fun catching up with the folks! I'm sure you can't wait to see them,it's been what? Nearly 3 weeks?
    @kimmie enjoy the rest of your evening! I'll see you in a minute.
  • that Is the downer JLZ... I don't know?! could happen anywhere between 1 and 5... and of course I wanna be the good daughter and welcome them home. So I will be out most of the day when they arrive. And yup visited 5 zoos I think and they are known to make 400 photos a day... cause they both take pictures (dad has a hobby and mom doesn't know what to do, so adopted his, but dad turns it into a weird competition!) ahhhh I can not wait LOL
  • @E-star thanks for sending that last code. I had thought I would be able to substitute the codes between the HTML but I couldn't figure out where you pull the code from...the URL doesn't work.
  • @jlz yup almost 3 weeks, and ermmm I can not wait *rolls her eyes*
  • That is because it is my webserver @Bird Addict... So the code didn't work, because I didn't upload the image on there yet... make sense?
  • Ok @JLZ-666 ill listen for the ding!! Have a good day! Sorry it's a make up day though! Yuck!! :/ Although it sure was fun!!!! :D

    Ack @e-star!!! It's worse than my sis and her hubby! And they take Loads of pics!!! Then compile them into a loooong slide show!!! :O
  • I can relate to the looooooong slide shows. My (I mean Bird Addicts) husband is a photographer so it's a constant for me (I mean her).
  • And I loved the idea of the boys sending the card, and you are welcome my friend!
  • LOL @Bird-addict your turning into an alter ego!! Hahahaaaa what have we done to you!!!! :D
  • E-star I finally noticed the .nl in the code and knew I had to email you. Is a web server the same as a server?
  • JLZ hope the day flies by and you will be at home in a jiffy, kisses!
  • I love the idea too!!! :D A very wonderful ending to a very Wonderful Day!!! Thank You my Sweet Friends for the Amazing Party!!! :)
  • @kimmiecv All bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this a.m. Kimmie?
  • @bird addict Every website is hosted on a "webserver" which is kinda the same as a server. We rent a place on a webserver (via a hosting company) Hubby has a hobby to make blog websites, photo website and stuff like that. I have my own website, which I don't use anymore, but keep the url, so I can keep my email. (last part of the email is a website name and in my case it is my own website) But for the BP got a separate url from hubby to put all my stuff on so I can show them whenever I want. hence the bphq (get it BP HQ?)
  • Hey @tompuss!! Yep bright eyed!! :) Got to get up early tomorrow though so I really am going to TRY to get to my pillow walk before 4am!! ;)
  • @tompuss hey how are you doing today? I see you haven't mastered the Gravatar thing yet. Would have loved to see the white Dutch kitty on you ;)
  • E-star, I wanna do the same. My hubby sells domaine names and hosting. We have several websites. So looks like I have the access to my own web server, no?
  • Sorry! I had to pop back in! Kimmie your dinger just went.
    @birdaddict I meant will LAIRD be back in the garage waiting on me getting home? Haaahaaaa I'm lost about the other story!
    Ok really leaving now!
    Have a great day everyone :D
  • Oh my stupid eyes! That was @estar!! It's these men! I is confused !!! Haaahaaaa!!! Oh my! This is going to be a long day!
  • Yes Bird addict. I use a program (with ftp functions) log in, put the file there and if you understand the url thing, it is an eazy peezy thing to do. Way easier than to upload onto another website. Cause the downside of websites that allow you to upload images, they tend to delete them after a certain period of time.. or like ABN don't support the picture to be viewed outside the ABN surroundings.
  • @JLZ, I am Laird, Lord and Master! I really have to go back to the garage? *meek whimper*
  • LOL @JLZ-666!!!! Your men even confuse you!!! Heehee and you live with them all!! :D OK I'm off to check my dingalingaling!!!! Heeheeeeehahshaaaaa :O
  • Isn't flip functions only for MAC?
  • sorry laird not understanding the question flip functions?? do you mean the FTP function?? no there are a lot of programs with FTP functions which enables you to log on to your web server and access it like a sort of hard drive. But I do work on the Mac and I use "forklift" not sure if this is available for PC though.
  • hmmm @kimmie that sounds ermmmm (okay sorry, probably my brain that is just wired the wrong way) but check your dingalingaling?? ROTFLMAO!
  • Sorry, getting bleary eyed. FTP has to do with data transfer (I think) Flip Functions is where you can assign different functionality to the F keys. I don't use either one so not real up on it all. Not at all familiar with Forklift. I use iPad for flinging but have to use windows for work caus we keep books on QuickBooks. I like MAC so much better.
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