The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1729
  • OB, could you give me double Pig Killer please, remember no alcohol
  • No, page change
  • *poofs in before doing dishes*
    Hey @fbb sorry to hear your phone doesn't like SW and king pig, not sure why that is but it's a bummer. :/

    @KitKat thanks for the sweet smelling pretty rose and the much needed bag of good luck!! :) Sleep well and it's TGIF!! Whoo Hooo!! :D
    *shines KitKats flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to Dreamland *
    Off to do yeehaaaa NOT!! *poof*
  • Hello. Lurkers?
  • I fling with my right index finger, @kimmiecv & @kathy. Don't worry about 4-18, Kimmie, you'll get there in the end, you always do.
  • See you all later.
  • Hey @AM. How are you today? How's the flinging?
  • @AngerManagement I finally watched The Phantom Menace yesterday! Great movie, I just loved the lightsaber fighting, the only weird thing is that I'm used to all the characters as birds/pigs and they are actually people or robots :D
    Looking forward to the other five episodes ;)
  • @angermanagement thanks for the vote of confidence!! :) Ahh you must not be playing on a phone? Can't see how one on a phone could play with their right hand as it'd be in the way and slow down or totally muck up ones aim with certain birds?!

    Well I'm signing off in BP for the night! Everyone have a great Day/Night!! :)
  • A question for all you experts: how do you post images here??
  • Hey @TomPuss not sure I count as an expert, but there are a couple of ways to post a picture. If you want to show a picture from your own files, you need to upload it first to your own profile... choose album from the drop down menu on the top right and select "Upload photo", browse thru your files and select the photo and choose "upload". You will also have the opportunity to add some text and press "done". It will be added to your album. Underneath the photo is a white box next to "embed"... copy that code and you can paste that code in the comments. This will make the picture appear and link to your album.
    If you want a picture from another website to appear in hear you need to use html code. Let me know if you want to know more :D
  • @Tompuss, press Album in your profile page, then press Upload picture and select the picture you want to upload
  • I'd like to order Pork Waffles and a large order of Crispy Pig Ears. May I also order Bird Seed Syrup on the side, along with a cup of Chicken Feed Tea?
  • Hello @TheWingman181 Welcome to the Bloated Pig. I see from your order you have been on page 1 :D

    Orange Bird will take care of your order and will bring it to you soon. I see you are new at the nest, I hope you are enjoying yourself!
  • Hello everyone. Greetings from Heat Wave Central here in New England!

    Let's see, I wonder what today's weather is going to be? Oh, hot and muggy, just like yesterday. And the day before. And the day before. And the day before...

    Oops sorry, it looks like it's going to be hotter and muggier! What a refreshing change.

    I would give all my 3-stars right now for central air conditioning... Yes, ALL of them.

    OK, done with the whining. Thank you for indulging me.

    Hello to anyone who's still lurking, and welcome @TheWingman181 -- glad you've joined us, and hope you'll keep visiting. We love to meet new people!
  • Oh, @Hunnybunny -- I forgot: thanks for sharing your story about the opera! It made me laugh for about half an hour. See how that phrase "for the purposes of the opera" just sticks in your head? Now you'll find yourself using it in all kinds of situations.

    I particularly like using it to describe Dilbert-like situations, when something is happening for no good reason.


    Colleague: So, we're having a call with the client this afternoon?

    Me: Yes. We'll be walking through the same presentation we gave them last week, only this time Bob from Marketing will be on the call. You know, for the purposes of the opera.
  • Hey @TheWingman181, welcome to the Bloated Pig, remember to read the page 1, of course you did, you ordered food and drink from the menu. Anyway, if you want your avatar appears in the forum, you need to use Gravatar, there is a thread "How do I create an avatar" shows you how to do it, hope you have a grea time in here
  • By the way, @AngerManagement, could you give me an example link please, just take a link from one of your picture
  • @estar @firebombbird @ angermanagement Thank you all so much for the helpful info and good advice, much appreciated!

    @angermanagement Do you know Royston's cartoons? He did several on anger management, including one featuring Red, it's a really nice joke. Can't post it here cos of copyright but it's easy to find on
  • @mvnla2 no, I'm not a Whovian, or even a big fan, but I live right in the middle of what could be called "Dr Who World" it's filmed here and in Cardiff, which is a few miles away. The Dr Who Experience is a three mile walk in one direction, Captain Jack (John Barrowman) lives five miles away in the opposite direction. And a hundred yards down the road is a restaurant full of actors. Never seen an actual "Doctor" there, unfortunately.
  • OOH OOH OOH @TomPuss I write comic books!!! They are at
  • @ABSM just got error 404 every time I tried your website
  • And then website not yet published
  • Whoops. Little bug I had to fix. Try it now @hunnybunny
  • @ABSM found it now. Unfortunately my tired old bunny eyes can't read it on the iPad. Give me five to get out the laptop with the bigger screen lol
  • @ABSM just read chapter one of Shipwrecked. Very good, indeed. Will send a friend request to ask you more
  • Just three starred space pig bang 1-14 Yippee!
    I never look at walk throughs until I three star.
    It's sad that i should be so excited, Space is only my 'side dish' to Seasons, but every little step ..............
  • Woo Hooo !!! Finished with mine & dine above top 500 (barely)
    OB a double Sunupper please:)..:)
  • How do i find your comics @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster
    Hmmm surprised @rat9 hasn't asked you to drop the master part lol;)
  • Oh oh may be time to put little miss Error Box on again..:)
  • Well done @kathy, I just three starred 1-15, so much easier that 1-14. Haven't even looked at my averages in Space, just trying to three star on my own. That's the first step, then above average, then top 200, 100, 50.....
    Noooooo, no, no, not space as well, Seasons takes up so much time!
    And goodnight. Past midnight here, been out all day with He-Who-Does-Not-Fling, it's hot, I'm tired, little flinging today, so roll on tomorrow and fling, fling, fling...........
  • Welcome to the best Angry Bird Series @hunnybunny. Space!!! Come on and catch me. I love the inspires me to greatness.
    Shame on you @Kathy. @angrybirdsspaceMASTER aspires to earn the title. Give him time. He's one of those young whipper snappers we talked about. I wish him the best of luck. He's going to need it. Har dee har har...he he he he
  • Thanks @angermanagement;:)
    *bows head in shame*
    Ohh your right could i what was i thinking..these young whippersnappers must have goals ;)
  • Thanks @Hunnybunny good luck;:
    Sweet, dreams see you tomorrow:)
  • Calling @Kathy calling @KitKat follow my breadcrumbs!!!! :D
  • Hello !!! @Kimmiecv thanks:)
  • That was very weird 3 times i;)
    So i saw your post in 18..your still gonna finish 19 and 20 right
    No rush on my account I'm cleaning up ( trying to) in ab but whenever your ready to move on I'm here:)
    OB 2 Sunuppers please:)
  • Hello @KitKat your very welcome!! :D
  • Yep last 2 and I'm done! Following the strat it seems you used I think it's Damn82much, you got another awesome score so hopefully I can get a decent one!! :)
  • Frikken 18 was NOT cooperating at all!! :/
  • Ikr 18 i think was the worst based on luck level so far!!! You did good though got in under 100:)
    O.k good luck on the next not so bad but still...:( you'll get it:)
    Take a case of Sunuppers lol on the house;)
  • Lol you should see my abo leaderboards hahaha..didn't realize i was that crappy of a Flinger..hahaha..Ohh well above average..all i care since i lost progress 3 times at least i got that:)
  • Hahahahaahahaahahaa yeah I'm going to need it! And how sad is that #99! By the skin of my teeth I got it!! But I was going nutters doing it over and over for the last 3 days, then again most of the last few were 3 day miserys!!! :/ I. Hate. CC!!! I really hope the next bunch are better like everyone says! Can't take 20 more of the first half!!!!
  • You mean in abo??
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