The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1742
  • Thanks @everyone! :D

    @JunkenMetel - Haha, if it's up to me, you're not even close losing your 1st place, gosh, I can't even get three stars in all those levels O.O
  • I'd be happy to make one for those that would like one.
  • Hi @Lisko -- don't tell me you've finally met your Waterloo? Oh, wait sorry -- does that count as an obscure reference to irrelevant European history that you have to Google to make sense of? Not to mention a completely indefensible pun, what with the beach theme and all...

    Hi @firebombbird.

    @ripsy - I think you're just torturing us now...

    And I feel cheated out of a page change! However, my feelings are assuaged by the fact that the page change went to Lisko, so I'm OK with that. :-)
  • And where is @AngerMangement, who delights in pouncing on page changes with clever name references?
  • Oooh @Ripsy it's been so long since I've drooled over that pic. I haven't had breakfast yet so I'd love one! :D
    Actually the 1st pic of your breakast looks yummy too, although I'd leave off the mustard.
    OB could I get a large black coffee please?
  • I can make them without mustard. I was going to leave it dry, but I am hooked on Honey Mustard. French's isn't too sweet. Actually has a little bite to it.
  • I'm just not a mustard fan. I might replace it with some salsa or something like that.
    @Ripsy how's the family? I've been enjoying your posts on your blog. Will you have 1 or 2 in school in Sept?
  • Thanks @Kimmiecv, luck seems to be better than skill sometimes!
    Think it was Ben Hogan said that “Golf is a matter of luck, and the more I practice, the luckier I get!”

    @Kathy I will see what extra points I can get on the 4-20, guess I will just have to work on it. Sometimes the next day a difficult one is done one the first try. I have 3 stared all of the 4’s up to 4-36 except for the 4-20 and 4-34.

    In looking at your earlier post on that, spent quite a while on 4-34 and found out that you don’t have to put your cursor on the exact spot, but can hit anywhere to initiate the hit. However, the preliminary dotted path indicator on my 7” tablet is not the path that the bird will take, it is either lower and misses everything or is too high and it crashes into the platform. The dotted preliminary path on my pad is not the same as on the video, if I use that path it will crash into the platform every time. When drawing back to aim, it seems to have a ratchet effect in the aiming and it wants to do two clicks up or down. Also wondering about the amount to pull back. I have destroyed the platform and cut the chain only twice in several (seems like and may be hundreds) times, and missed on the cleanup!

    Wrote this early this morning before 3 starring the 4-34 with a score of 76030 by cutting the chain with the first bird, then laser sobering the platform from below and crashing into the last pig’s structure and a lot of luck! Maybe this will help someone with this level.
  • I don't really like Mustard either. Just honey mustard.
    Family is good. Maddy is very afraid of walking. Eli is a lunatic. Isaiah is crazy. I will only have isaiah in school. Next year Eli will go.
  • @Ripsy sounds like life as usual for you! Does Maddy realize once she's walking she can run away from her brothers when they bother her. Or she can follow them around as younger siblings like to do. Which may lead to her having to run away from them..
  • @rdnzlrips82 -- Too bad those restaurants are all in the East.
    @rat -- Is Kobe a type of steer or a way of feeding them?
  • @karen she just won't do it. But once she realizes its faster than crawling and less work she will love it.
  • @Lisko -- Congrats! Here's to another day, another week, and another month! Raises glass of water in a toast.
  • @Ripsy then you will long for the days when not all your kids were walking. Although I expect she's an expert crawler & can really get around.
    @Lisko I just read back a page or two & saw your lovely badge from E-star. That's awesome, 1 month!
  • @rd -- Thanks, interesting -- sort of a combination of breed and feeding.
    @theanonymoussomeone -- I used to get nosebleeds all the time, especially when I lived in Denver (the mile-high city, for our non-U.S. friends). My father also got them and eventually had his nose cauterized. Haven't gotten them much in LA, probably a combination of low altitude and few radical swings in weather. Better stop here to save people's sensitivities. Other people were always more worried about my nosebleeds than I was.
  • @karen she is very fast. And she can climb like a pro. She only today started climbing on top of the ktchen table.
  • @mvnla2 A good example to explain the difference between Kobe beef and American style Kobe beef is champagne. Champagne comes from the Champagne region in France and is highly regulated and trademarked. Most countries won't/can't call a sparkling wine champagne unless it comes from there. In the USA, you can inject carbonation into a bottle of Ripple and call it Champagne. We be bad. So is the knockoff.

    Edit: I'm referring to some of the pitiful stuff we call Champagne. I know nothing about the quality(?) of America style Kobe beef. Never had it. Want it. The original, that is.
  • @Kathy, thanks. I finally figured out how to get more points on 4-20. Have two birds left! I had been clearing out all the piggies, but using all the players and wondering why I didn’t get the stars.
    The key is with the first bird to clear the way for Lea to pull the doors inward into the hanging piggies and open the door for the final blow. My score was 108360, just above the minimum, but good enough for me!

    @Kimmiecv, thanks for the info on the bug, but I have a tablet and could have sworn that I had the three stars! Now I can firrgettaboutit!
  • Hi everyone. Whats New in the BP!? :-)
  • @WiiWillie -- Someone who quotes Ben Hogan must play golf, right? Left message for you on map group.
  • @tas I suffered from terrible nosebleeds as a teenager, for no reason whatsoever. They finally went away. However, last winter He-Who-Does-Not-Fling got a heavy cold (better known as man flu). After a thorough blow, there was blood on the tissue. "OMG my nose is bleeding"
    A few days later, I had the cold, ditto with the blow, and my nose bled like your very graphic description.
    He decided his hadn't really had a nose bleed at all. Men.....
    Please see the doc though

    @Rat I'm also deaf in one ear. No exploding eardrum for me, just some blood vessel that gave up the ghost (another English idiom here, that may not have made it across the pond). But selective hearing helps to keep you sane. Considering your challenge, will let you know...

    She left the web, she left the loom
    She made three paces cross the room
    She saw the water lily bloom
    She saw the helmet and the plume
    She looked down to Camelot
    Out flew the web and floated wide
    The mirror cracked from side to side
    The curse has come upon me cried
    The Lady of Shallot
    I used to be able to quote nearly the whole poem. Now I had to look a little up just to get the most famous stanza. Age.....
  • I think I am starting to hallucinate. I coulda sworn the pop up in Rio just flipped me the bird.....
  • Hello everyone else :-)))
  • @BPC I think you live in two parallel universes. So anything could have have happened. Near me someone drives a huge, expensive, gorgeous Bentley, with the number plate BPC1. Looking at members map, you're nowhere near me
    Now I seem madder than you.....
  • I promise, I do not drive a Bentley! I am pretty certain I have never even seen one anywhere near my neighborhood ;)
  • BPC.... hmmmm.... British Petroleum Corporation?
  • And from the way you spell neighbourhood, you are definitely on the other side of the pond from me!
    Lets hope the pop up flings you just the right bird every time, not some of those Rovio selections, where you really need the red before the blue, but they decided otherwise grrrr
  • Nah, just some rich guy / girl, I expect. We certainly live in a nice area, but not one full of captains of industry
  • @hunnybunny Any crumbs I leave are normally meant as helpful hints to a higher score or a new strategy. But, If you want to take them as a challenge, bring it on. lol Always up for a challenge in Space.

    Edit: Misread your comment. You meant your considering my earlier pm challenge...Sorry.
  • @Rat any challenge suits me, and you I expect. Just got 148480 in pig bang s1. I'm fifth on the leader board , you're third. Getting closer to overtaking the Great King Rat of Space on one measly level. Pick a Seasons level, my home, to challenge me
  • @hunnybunny WTG Are you able to put your subtle differences in strategy in words that fellow flingers could follow? I couldn't. BTW, I assume your referring to Pig Bang S-2, not S-1. I'd hate to see flingers trying to match 148480 in S-1. Their feathers might fall out from exhaustion. lol
  • Mumsie yawns, stretches, puts the small mountain of new dusters in her knitting bag, finishes off the sunupper she ordered earlier - much, much earlier - and realises that, yet again, she has nodded off in her rocking chair! She hopes she didn't snore or drool! It is now real life bedtime too so it is a fond hi & goodbye to @junkenmetel, @hunnybunny, @mvlna, @ripsy, @rat, @BPC ( that pop up is causing my one remaining brain to glow red hot with irritation!). @ccjolly - long time no see! And @wiiwillie - do you golf?
    Mumsie 'poof's off to dreamland hoping that all the virtual sleep will not impact on the real thing! G'night all
  • @Kathy . Hope you had a fantastic day at work, you love your job don’t you?
    Now it is the 4-40 that I need help with, of course who does’nt? Well, ok so there are some nimble fingers out there that did it in one try!
  • @mumsie, I told my caddie I was nothing but a poor golfer, he told me "Your'e not even that yet!"
    At one time I was a certified club fitter, didn't help my game.
  • @rat I had to learn about ice birds, laser birds, all the different things the birds do in Space, the gravity, the fact that the nasty smirking piggies don't drown in Space, but they certainly do in Seasons Piglantis. All by myself. No subtle differences explained to me, just learnt. My pathetic scores are on for about 30 levels in Space. Other than the two you gave me crumbs for, the ones you see I've three starred without resorting to walk throughs. That is my challenge to myself. Never look at a walk through until three lovely stars. Been playing Space as a side dish, as AngerManagement would say, for about 2/3 weeks.
    Some challenge between us I think when, if ever, the new Space episode arrives.
    And yes I meant S-2, although I'd love to see the exhausted featherless flingers lol
  • Goodnight Mumsie
    Sorry WiiWillie can't talk golf, I do watch it on TV, but have absolutely no hand, eye, ball coordination whatsoever
  • @mumsey. True story: I was at a golf convention and all the major manufactures were there toting their wares. At the question and answer session, I took the mike and said: “ This is a testimonial, I have tried all of your shafts, and I can say that I have had equally bad shots on all of them!”
  • @Hunnybunny If it were not for the walk through I would not advance very far, but I have only been playing for two weeks, so don't have a backlog of information on AB. Was a real clutz on Mario Bros.
  • Sweet dreams @Mumsie
    I heard my name @wiiwillie i am stuck on 4-39 , good job on passing through the troublesome levels are you moving on to Boba Fett afterwards that's where @Kimmiecv and i are headed probably tomorrow if you want to hold up we 3 can go together:)
  • I've missed a lot of chat today..OB a Sunupper to sip while i catch up;)
  • @WiiWillie -- Sounds to me like you could probably give Mumsie a run for her money. Me, I'm officially an awful golfer. My golf pro only gives me lessons on the condition that I never tell anyone I'm taking from him. (A joke, but could be true.) Never even knew anyone who had a caddie to insult them.
    So do you still play?
  • @hunnybunny I looked at your Seasons leaderboard and picked ToT 3-3 for our challenge. I picked it because you have a lot of room for improvement and therefore it wouldn't be a waste of your time and talents. Gauntlet thrown. Is it accepted?
  • @mvnla2 have not in a long time, my "partner" brother in law stopped playing weekly because of health issues, he passed away last week.
  • @Rat accepted (she says through gritted teeth, hating that level)
    Off to fling, I'll never get to bed tonight....
  • Ok I've caught 3 pages can't remember any thing i just read lol
    So I'll start fresh..
    @theanonymousesomeone please let us know what the Doc says!!
    @lisko do you know anything about Mazda..sounds like your doing great with the car took a WHOLE engines apart!! Impressive:)
    @Ripsy yummy looking food.@Kimmiecv your notification scared me when i saw you post'my kind of big then i had to read down..i knew better hehee..
    @junkenmetal i always seen to just miss you in the morning..I'll try to get up later..haha..
    Anyone I've missed i m sorry my crs has taken hold..
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