The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1741
  • @rat. It said Kobe Beef on the menu and it was delicious. Maybe Hawaii?
  • Phish I know. Trey Anastasio? I not into music though.
  • @Ripsy - No need to apologize :) Actually I've been doing great lately. It helps a lot when you've got all kinds off stuff to do! :D

    Yesterday was awful! It was almost +35C and the light rain just made it A LOT worse! TLM was happy with the rain though. He ran around the garden (naked of course) while we were fixing the engine :D

    @Rat - Haha! Last summer when we were visiting my parents in their summer place thunder came and we all went inside. I was watching out from the window when I lightning striked right next to us. My father had left a metal spade on a pile of sand and the lightning hit there, it was only about 5m away from the window. First I didn't even realize what happened but when I heard the sound I almost had a heart attack O.O
  • Apparently no one saw me last page....
  • @tas Apparently you should go read under your comment on the last page. :D

    @rat Trey Anastasio is Phish's guitar player.
  • @lisko. I am just glad to hear you are doing better.
  • @lisko I'm use to a delay between light and sound. There was no delay. Very scary.
  • Hi @tas! Sorry to hear about the nose bleeding :/ It's good to go and see a doctor. Like @Ripsy said - hopefully it's nothing severe!
  • @ripsy Told ya I don't do music. Too many years around jet engines.
    @tas sorry about the nose bleeds. they can be serious.
  • Congrats on completing another week @lisko. I'm proud of you.
  • I understand @rat. I'm surprised I can still hear it after being in a few Garage Bands. You know? Small Garage. Everything is loud. Too dumb to wear earplugs.
  • @ripsy I lost one ear drum to a puddle jumper fight. Small six seat plane, no pressure, and I had a cold. Wrong combo. Don't recommend anyone doing it.
  • It's amazing how much pain a little eardrum can create just before it blows.
  • I think you scared them @rat....
  • @tas I normally love your stories, not enamored with this one.
  • @Rat - A friend of mine had exactly the same! I don't know how much it hurts, but I still remember that he had to keep a "paper plug" in his ear 'cause there were all kinds of fluids coming out from his ear and it was DISGUSTING! :D
  • @tas You think I scared them all away. My job here is complete. My scare factor is back. Yesssss.
  • @lisko Nothing but scar tissue in right ear. Left ear works for everything but certain high frequencies.
  • @lisko I want to start rebuilding a couple of Cushman scooters I've had in storage since the early 70's. Do you know Cushman?
  • @Rat - Ouch!

    @Ripsy - Haha, I know what you mean with garage bands! Hubby played when he was young and without ear plugs, of course. Now he can't hear properly, especially if there's some noise on the backround. Though I think that sometimes he just turns his ears off just to avoid hearing what I'm saying :D
  • Selective hearing. I have the same affliction with my wife.
  • @Rat - Haha, never heard, I think I need some help from google :D We've got 7 cars! Most of them are Datsuns from 60's or 70's :D
  • @lisko They were my first vehicles. They're scooters but have a foot pedal clutch and a gear stick.
  • @lisko Any background noise normal people hear is my foreground noise. Quite horrible.
  • My first car was a 67 mustang fastback. 289 four barrel carb. I loved that car to death. No, I really wore it out.
  • @kimmie must be really enjoying that burger. She got quiet.
  • @Rat - I did some research with my friend Google and actually now I'm pretty sure that I saw one just about week ago! In a motor museum though, they had a display where was different kinds of motorcycles and scooters :D

    Edit: Mustangs are great :D I would like to get one, but it's way too expensive to drive mustang here, 'cause the fuel costs almost 1,70€/l :/
  • @lisko Yeah, they haven't made Cushmans since 1974???
  • @lisko I wish I still had mine but even the frame was bent after I got through with it.
  • @all Is anyone else having problems? I've crashed out of ABN three times tonight already.
  • @Rat - Nope, haven't noticed any problems :)
  • No problems here. Except my eyes keep closing for longer periods of time at a more frequent rate. Which means I am heading to PillowLand night @all.
  • Well, I'm going to take a page from @ripsy's playbook and go eat something. It's been great catching up with everyone. Ya'll have been keeping me from flinging. That's OK. I testified in ABA yesterday and haven't flung.........much since then.
  • @E-Star - YAY! Thanks again! :D I'm really doing great, actually FANTASTIC! :D We've been looking a project car for me, but there hasn't been anything interesting yet so we'll keep on looking for THE ONE :D
  • @lisko congrats on being sober for a month, that's a really great achievement WTG :)
  • Congrats @lisko
    @tas, that sounds bad, may be you need to go to the doctor, have you tell your parent ?
  • YYYYYYAAAAAAYYYYYYYY You can do it @lisko!
    @fbb they know as much about it as I do.
  • So... Is it gone ?
  • Thanks @Harrystar6, @tas & @fbb :D

    @tas - When are you going to see the doc? You shouldn't worry too much before that, 'cause I've read that stress can also cause nose bleed. I know a lot of people who are suffering for it, but no one hasn't got anything severe causing the bleeds. I think it's usually only about the veins being so thin so they break by themselves :)
  • It might be stress, but I doubt it. It usually happens randomly, during a sudden seasonal change, or when something hits my nose. But usually and recently, it has been just random.
  • @rat and @Ripsy sorry I disappeared on you, had to help my Mom with my Dad and then dinner time was upon us so straight into the kitchen.

    @lisko a big huge Congrats!!! You've done so well!! Nice badge e-star made you too!! Wear it with pride! You more than earned it!! :D

    @tas I've gotten bloody noses pretty regularly with weather changes too especially when summer and winter hit, it's likely due to something of that nature but it's smart to have it checked out. I had it checked out many years ago and it is what it is, can't change it so you just deal with it. Good luck and let us know what the doc says! :)

    Everyone have a great day! :)
  • Mumsie comes in beaming! She has just heard that @Lisko is doing fantastically well! Sooooo pleased! Hope you find your project car soon. @tas hope your visit to the doc goes well - but may I suggest that there was a tad too much information on the nature of your nosebleed!
    Gosh so much to catch up with. OB an Americano please while I sit here and knit whilst reading all the news over the last few pages!
  • Good Morning All!!:)
    Congratulations @lisko !! Yay so proud of you:)
    @theanonymousesomeone i do Hope your nosebleeds aren't serious, my nephew has them as welland his aredue to the weather changes , the slightest change in atmospheric pressure can trigger it:(
  • OK, now that I'm on my PC and not my iPad, I can actually type and get down to business!

    @Lisko -- what a scary story about the lightning! I'm so glad no one was hurt!

    @TAS -- I hope you're OK.

    @Kathy -- That's the beauty of snorkeling; you don't have to go under the just float on top. I'm actually a terrible swimmer, and even with a mask and snorkel, I have to get used to putting my face in the water. But once I settle in, I'm channeling Jacques Cousteau! If you can swim at all, you can snorkel. Even if you can't swim, and you wear a vest, you can snorkel.

    Hello @Rat, @Ripsy, @Mumsie, @FireBombBird, @Kimmiecv -- hope you're all having a good day.

    Sorry if I missed anyone!
  • So glad to see that my room-clearing skills are still impeccable. :-)
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