The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1743
  • @hunnybunny He he he he he he he Good Luck to both of us. I just read the walkthrough. What have I done?

  • @mvnla2 the not yet was really a joke. I told that to Harvey Penick and then he told a true story I think, about the (and I am parphrasing) about the King that was visiting, and his caddy said that he may be a king, but he is no golfer!
  • @Kathy well, it is level 4-40 on ABSW. There is no way that I can launch a bird on start up, and then follow with wasted bird #2 that does nothing but blow up TNT. I accidentally got to within one pig with a bird left, could have pulled Darth off the level where he was trapped, but blew it. It can wait, I have things to do this evening, have spent my allotted time on AB this afternoon. ( but will do more)
  • @wiiwillie i am about to give up on 4-39 so I'll be starting 4-40 very soon like within the next 10 minutes lol..see what happens;)
  • Oops @wiiwillie thought i was in a better place on 4-39..but I'm not:( gotta few more flings before i get to4-40...sorry:(
  • @all What's happened? I have no scores in my leaderboards. I checked another player. They have no scores either.
  • @all And they're back. That was scary.
  • @Kathy, Never mind the 4-40 just got lucky, not skill for sure, aced the episode!!!
  • Wtg !! @wiiwillie :) !!! I Hope you left some breadcrumbs:)
  • @Kathy, If I did the birds ate them. I was not even watching when Darth got blown up by blasting the TNT on the far right pig. Could never launch the first bird at start up, but, so started by first tower and after fan, and second on the TNT blocks to luck out on the next tower. Found out that the Wookie will break a fan, (0ne in the middle)! That may have helped to clear the way for a shot at the lone pig in the far right tower with two birds left!
  • Heehee @wiiwillie thanks i hate it when i don't know what caused the demise of the green like to think i did it on purpose..but these cloud city levels are so unpredictable it seems luck is the best defense if it happens to strike:) good job!! Are you now on to Boba fett?
    I am not sure if I've accumulated enough of the jet packs may have to go back..:(
  • (TARDIS sound echos from outside)(Austyn get outta the TARDIS) GUYS long time no see, it's been few months since i last online.
  • @WiiWillie -- Sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. Being such good friends with a brother-in-law is a special kind of relationship. I'm sure you have many great memories.
    I hope you start playing golf again. I find that it is good physical and mental exercise, even if I'm lousy. I still think you were very good once, and probably still pretty good. Don't give up something that has been so much of your life.
  • Hello @giratina :) !!! Long time no see:)
  • I'm sorry @wiiwillie i must missed about your brother-in-law :(
  • @WiiWillie @Mumsie and all -- In case none of you know Harvey Penick is in the (U.S.?) Golf Hall of Fame, and coached many great golf legends. So WiiWillie would seem to be a couple of orders of magnitude better than the rest of us duffers.
    So WiiWillie --Confess: What was your lowest handicap index ever? (And no, there is no way I'll tell you mine.)
  • Arghhhh !! I don't know why i keep watching this show it's so sad.:( it's called 'Fight for Life'
    It's on nat geo wild..about animals ..with the newborn babies and their struggle to survive..
    The other night was elephants.tonight black makes me cry but i can't stop watching:(
    Makes my human existence seem very simple...
  • @Kathy Don't know how to get backpacks, clues?
    I watched the apology to elephants on PBS.
  • I had a list @wiiwillie of the jetpacks but i lost it,:( maybe uhmmm ..hmm there's got to be a helpful page somewhere..i will look now and report back asap:)
  • This may go horribly wrong it'ssupposed to be a link to the jetpacks
    Guide here goes..
  • Haha * pats herself on the back..spins and jumps.!!! *
    I did it..i did it!!!
    :) :) :)
  • @mvnla2 Just because I saw Harvey in Austin, Texas, was too shy to ask him about my grip, told him the not yet joke, (which he probably had heard before) does not make me a scratch golfer, in another meaning maybe. I once shot an 88 on a par 72. Bob Hope was my idol, wanted to be a bogie golfer like him, only saving face was my putting average.
  • @mvnia2 my handicap was my wife. (good thing she doe not read these.) No really, never had one
  • Not sure if the 'apology to elephants'was the same one i watched..this is a series called 'Fight for life' the elephant one did have some disturbing scenes of man I'll say'harming them'for the ivory..but it was mostly about the struggles of the babies trying to fend for themselves because their moms were new at it..i never knew the bond these magnificent animals have to their young and there herd..its amazing..
  • @WiiWillie -- Well, I had you figured as a semi-pro, but OK, guess not. None the less, I bet you would have a lower handicap than either Mumsie or me. I'm not sure what Mumsie's is, but I think she said pretty high. Mine is probably higher than Mumsie's. Mumsie with her high handicap can be fierce competition, I think, but I'm not. Need to get over recent back problems before I can really compete with anyone.
    You might think about joining your local public golf course club, which would get you a handicap index, and lots of people to play with.
  • Hey everyone
  • @Kathy the PBS one was about how elephants were treated, especially in the circus, and how a group was trying to get them back in the wild.
    Hey, liked that link to the backpacks! Neat!
  • Hey @firebombbird long time no see!
    @wiiwillie I'm glad i didn't see that would make me cry harder to know their delibratley mistreated:(
  • My spelling is atrocious forgive me..i used to be a great speller until i got a smartphone...
  • My smartphone rejected me. (Sorry, couldn't resist)
  • @mvnla2 Thanks, do have some memories, lots of golf jokes. But some are funny real life ones.
    Ken in our group was having a bad day. On the third hole he gave up and went home. We remember the day as the day that Ken shot a 32 on the front nine. ( Explanation for you non golfers: 36 would have been a good score on all of the front nine holes.)
  • Bedtime for me.good night all..thanks for T the chat;)
    *places flashlight on Kimmiecv booth..sorry i barely missed ya pahtna..we're almost outta the clouds..* *clink* nice job we went and done good;)
  • @WiiWillie -- I don't think even I have done that bad! Don't blame him for going home.
  • Slogs in after a Very loooong day *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely through dreamland *
    LOL Glad you figured out the Big Mac thing @Kathy, Yep we done pretty darn good!! This last one is going to take a while though! :/

    And whatayaknow it's Tuesday!!!
    OB earplugs for all please....1.....2.....3 warning over!!!
    WWwhhhiiiinnnneee WWwhhhiiiinnnneee WWwhhhiiiinnnneee heeeeelp AB goddess to get me out of the clouds!!!!!!!

    @wiiwillie no worries, sorry I couldn't help more but happy to hear you've scored well and moved on! :)
    Hey @junkenmetel we keep missing each other! Glad to hear your doing well! Nice poems and sayings goin on!! :)

    Good luck with the challenge @hunnybunny & @rat may the best flinger win!! Heehee

    On that note I'm outta here!!! :)
  • Hi everyone :)
    OB, a bacon ice cream with pig shaped biscuit in it please.

    I'm at a summer camp.
    Like most adults here, I go to bed at two or later, get up at seven or earlier, get annoyed by kids all the time, have loads of work, and enjoy every single second of it :D
  • .*places baskets filled with earplugs on all the booths..and on the bar*
    Happy WWWwwwhhhiiinnneee Tuesday everyone!!!
    Have a Fantabulous Flingin' Day:)
  • Sound fun @Annifrid, hope you enjoy it ;)
  • @rdnzlrips82 @Kathy @E* and the rest of the team:

    Champagne (and sparkling grape juice for the minors) on me today!

    I was just invited to give a talk at my alma mater's colloquium this fall, and I'm super pumped!
  • Congrats @AMslimfordy I'm sure it's quite an honor to speak at a colloquium. Excuse me while I google "colloquium". Go Friars
  • @Kathy Boba Fett may have to wait. I have just about burned the retinas out lately. Like a dummy I paid for the backpacks, would have liked to find and get them. You can tell I’m new, thought the no ad purchase was permanent! Still don’t have a clue on how or if to use the power up thingies in ABSW.

    @mvnla2 In Ken’s defense, he was a better golfer than that. But our group had fun. It was not a competition among ourselves per se, but more friendly bantering. And Never played for money. Never had an official handicap, but think it was in the high 20’s
  • @mvnla2 BC Comics is one of my favorites, especially on golf. If you have a way to look up the cartoon for 2012 8-19, it is worth a try. I will try to explain it.
    Guys on the golf course, one is about to tee off. “Hold up.” Says the second guy “You’re going to want to increase your loft to counter for wind gusts her.” “I suspect a club head angle of at least 36 degrees should put you safely within margin at this distance.” The first guy looks at him a couple of times. The second guy hands him a club and says “Hit the white ball thingie with this shiny metal thingie.”
  • Yea!!! The Space update comes out Thursday. So sayeth the King. (trying the power of positive thinking)
  • Wow @AMslimfordy that is amazing!! Congratulations my friend, to know they asked you must give you such a sense of accomplishment and pride, so enjoy that feeling cause you worked hard for it! and the best of luck picking the topic, but I know you will do an amazing job like always! Cheers and thanks for the Bubbly :D
  • @rat hope it really does and enjoy the new levels my space rodent :) how are the fingers and joints, did you give them lots of rest? Hope they are ready for a marathon of Space flinging!
  • WTG @AMslimfordy! Mmm topic - the physics of Angry Birds! Promise me that somehow you'll get Angry Birds into the colloquium! ( Mumsie takes a leaf out of @ratsbook & pops into Google to find out what it is! Oh that makes sense!) good luck!
    I've played golf today with my friend who is going to be my caddie on Thursday for a 36 hole singles matchplay competition - I play off 26 ( dropped 3 shots in the last 10 weeks but got one back!) and my opponent plays off 10 - that means I get a shot on 16 holes on each round - hope I don't waste em! @wiiwillie I like the one where the golfer after a terrible game threatened to drown himself in the lake and his caddie said "nope that won't work - you'll never be able to keep your head down and still for long enough!" Sorry to hear about your brother in law - but as @mvlna2 says must be lots of good memories.
    @annafrid - know that feeling - used to go with disabled children on pilgrimage to Lourdes - so tiring but so rewarding.

    @tas - how was the visit to the doc?
  • Oh @kathy - forgot it was Tuesday! Can I whine about the stupid PU pop up in Rio? Whiiiinnneee!!!
  • Good one @Mumsie. lol.
    Okay @Kathy, I lied, trying to get 25 blocks with one bird. But may take a break.
  • Congratulations @AMslimfordy. Being recognized by peers for work or accomplishments with an invitation such as this is quite an honor.
  • @AMSlimfordy -- Congrats on the invite! It's a great honor, especially since you don't have your PhD yet. You could always talk about the mathematics of Angry Birds! (Just joking : D ) I'm sure you'll come up with something.
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