The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1747
  • LOL IKR @annifrid!! I knew you were at camp and I think one other was too, thought it was AM but might have been @tas, can't remember now. Yikes that's a long time of not much if any flinging!! Think I'd go nutters!! :D
  • @kimmiecv after 90 minutes at the challenge, gave up, went back to GGGL and hit a fab shot first time. Just my luck.....
  • I'm in the HATE camping camp too
  • Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa dontcha just wish the challenge would hit on that One level you Know you could ace if they'd just Pick It!!! Well at least you hit a big score in your seasons so all was definantly Not lost!!! :D
  • Yep!! I'm So glad I don't have to do the camping thing anymore!!! I always wondered WTH was supposed to be so fun about no air/heat, no good running water and never really feeling Clean!!! Not to mention the free for all with the Bugs and other critters!! Nope not for me! Ill take a nice hotel over camping any day!! LOL
  • If I can't find a plug for my hair dryer there is no way I'm going anywhere.
    I roughed it around Europe with a rucksack when I was nineteen. We were sooo dirty when we got back, yuk. Soon learnt I'm a five star luxury sort of girl.
  • When I said we were so dirty, I meant me and my friend, not me and my rucksack!
  • *Snicker* Good one :D Yep in fact I'd take a flippin motel 6 before going to a camp! ( US's very most cheapest of hotels, besides the ones that rent by the hour, in which case I'd take the camp as IT would be cleaner!) ROFLMAO
  • Careful Kimmie, no talk of "renting" please ;-)
  • I'm not in camp, @kathy! It's not that I'm partially Agrophobic, it's just that I don't see the point in it! You go out to the wild with all of the utensils and resources that you have at home, make your own home, usually failing at it, then basically do what you would at home, then come home and boast to your friends over the facade of being an adventurer who likes wild experiences! I hate camping!
  • Hi @Angermanagement where you been lurking? Obviously not in a tent! Hateful things.
    Come and join me in my virtual five star hotel, it's much more comfy:-)
  • Happy Birthday @howiek :)
    Hope you have a wonderful day:)
  • Good morning all..Happy Friday!!
    @Kimmiecv did I say 3 i meant 5 i think..nice score you're doing awesome!
    Maybe angryboy at summer camp?
  • @hunnybunny I'm not sure you're aware, but @robobird took the lead in Season's Bonus level as well. It was the only level in Seasons he entered scores for. Almost like he picked you out specifically. lol
  • @rat I know. I read the posts, and commented. Just a little joke, or did you lose your sense of humour overnight lol
    It's takes more than a robotic bird to upset this bunny
    Anyway, back to real life. I just stopped for lunch, and had a little fling on the side. As you do!
  • Oh, and Happy Birthday to HowieK. We haven't met, but have a good day
  • @rat that was the conversion i was referring to about Asher yes lucky steviep hadn't hit space he'd be complaining all over that thread haha..
  • Gotta go doctor calling..
    Have a great day everyone
    great cake and cupcakes @sunshine :)
  • If some people say patience leads to good things, wouldn't procrastination be a virtue?

    ..Anybody here?
  • @MsRuffledFeathers -- Welcome to the BP! Hope you come back. Yesterday was a very slow day, and today could be also. Check the last page for welcome messages.
    Hopefully you have found some of the answers you're looking for on this site. Just about everything you want to know about AB or ABN can be found on the menus on the gold bar at the top of the page. Just ask here to find answers to any other question or help finding the answer you're looking for.
    If you want your avatar to show up in the forum, you need to use gravatar, there is a forum at the top of the forum page telling you how.
  • @howiek -- Happy BirdDay!
    @BBinMiami -- Hi! Haven't seen you in the BP for a while. Welcome back. Just to make sure you feel welcome, food and drinks are on me today.
  • @angermanagement and other camping haters -- I am now squarely in the camp of the luxury hotel lovers (and haven't been camping for years), but there were many years when I went camping by choice. I grew up going on long iconic road trips and camping trips every summer. Although at camps that were accessible by a car we slept on air mattresses, when backpacking we slept on those short, thin, not very soft pads that can be rolled up compactly.
    Our honeymoon was a backpacking trip, which was shortened by a bear who ran off with one of our backpacks and ate all the food. Not at all fond of bears. If you've only seen them in zoos, you have no idea how athletic and fast they are.
    The reward for camping / backpacking is going to wilderness locations where you can't stay in a hotel / motel or even access from one. Being 2 or 3 days if hiking and several thousand vertical feet from the trailhead is really special. No one will notice how dirty you are, and the streams / lakes are usually too cold to even take a swim. OK, it's also cheaper that the cheapest motel, and I did camp on my first trip through Europe. Campgrounds in Europe can be quite luxurious, and most seem to have showers.
  • Ahhh...finally completed 3 starring Pig Dipper for Windows 8...loving it!
  • @mvnla2 - what a lovely, beautifully written mini-essay about camping! It was a joy to read.

    And hello @everyone. So excited the challenge today it Piglantis -- one of my favorite episodes! It always makes me giggle...
  • @JunkenMetel -- Thanks!
    At least they didn't pick the one level in Piglantis I haven't been able to get above average on, no matter how many times I've tried. Otherwise I like Piglantis.
  • Huge thunderstorm here. Not impressed :-(
  • Hello everyone :) Happy Friday!!!
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please..i wish it was Tuesday just for the whine factor Boba Fett 5 is so frustrating!!!
  • @kathy I could whine at all of TorT, today's challenge, AB in general. After yesterday's good flinging today has been dire. :-(
  • Ha ha even the not really a whine whine worked. Went from 177 to 20 on GGGL 1-9 leader board
  • Unbelievable, went back to GGGL, two shots at 1-17 and went from 300 odd to 58th. May have to stay up a bit longer
    Drinks on me OB :-))))))))
  • You are on a roll!!! Thanks for the drink..OB I'll have Sunupper please and some of Hunnybunny luck:) must be the new bunny:)
  • Well it worked!! I got the one birdy in Boba fett 5 finally..not the greatest score but good enough:) thanks @Hunnybunny:)
  • Well done Kathy
    With all the luck floating around here I think I'll check the lotto results!
  • I should have quit when I was ahead. Back to mediocracy again. Good night, happy flinging
  • Tonights episode of 'Fight for life' lions..a single mother lioness trying to keep her cub alive against all odds avoiding large prides of vicious lioness..trying to stave of starvation:(:(
  • And the flashlight hits the booth..@Kimmiecv good night and good won't be long
    Boba not so great..but not as bad as think..?
    Have a great night all:)
  • HaPpY BirThDaY @howiek hope the day was a special one and the next year only brings you joy!!
  • @Kathy it's as bad as I suspected, you however seem to have a thing going with boba so I'd expect its not so bad for you ;) I'm just thankful there are only a few levels!!
    Sleep well!
    *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow replaces batteries and sets out candles to see her safely through dreamland *
  • *pop* Happy Birdday @HowieK! Two more minutes to my time zone. *pop*
  • Hi @Kimmie! @Angermanagement your description of camp matches mine. Sorry to hear youre partially agoraphobic. Hope it doesn't keep you from too many activities.
  • Ok, I'm out of here. Too many problems trying to post that last comment. Off to fling.
  • Re-read my post @birdaddict -_- I'm not Agrophobic, I love the outdoors;)
  • Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening whatever
  • Hey Kathy, I'm a new member who wants to check out this place. I notice there are lots of new people here, too.

    BTW, can I get a Hearty & Healthy Apple Muffin? I'm starved.
  • @iPuffle hello. None of the guys who run this place seem to be here at the moment. Drinks and food are free on your first visit. Please read page one for the rules, other than those anything goes!
    Been flinging birds and slaughtering swine for long?
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