The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1748
  • Mumsie flops into her rocking chair - ok OB enough housework done - an Americano and a catch up on news please! What @howiek's birthday was yesterday oh no! Many belated happy returns - we've not been formally introduced but if you pop into the BP OB has a drink waiting for you!
    Mmmm @rat and @hunnybunny are being chased by @robobird - he looks a tad scary in Hunnybunny's photo - he passed me so long ago and so fast I never even saw him!
    @junkenmetel - i used to like piglantis but could not improve my score nor today on Rio - seem to have lost any flinging ability! Must be all the golf!
    Camping - well when the children were small it was the only way to afford a holiday and in the UK that often meant rain as well - I came to the conclusion that no-one really enjoyed camping - you just had to watch them - every morning they would get up, get dressed leave the tent, zip it up and disappear til bedtime! France and Spain were better cos you could sit outside the tent in the sunshine!
    Mumsie sips her coffee, sits back, selects a particularly pleasant rainbow coloured wool, casts on and begins the next batch of dusters.
  • Good afternoon @Mumsie Robobird turned out to be a hacker. Order has returned to the leader boards. Poor old Rat turned to drink when he thought he'd lost his crown.
    Nice colours you have there!
    @iPuffle, see my reply on the previous page.
    Your very nice avatar doesn't show up on the forum pages, you need a gravatar. Look under forum for 'how do I create an avatar' and follow the gravatar link
  • @Hunnybunny You bet! Been stuck on Red's Mighty Feathers level 8 for a while now. I hate those nasty fireworks...
  • OB water please and some bacon ice cream
    Anybody lurking? Or all out enjoying Saturday night, other than me sat here with blues feeling sorry for myself?
  • I'm lurking @Hunnybunny still stuck in Boba fett level 7 stinks!! actually can't user the word i want lol;:)
  • @kathy I don't know why you play SW you seem to hate every level!
  • Just looked at your scores. You're rather good at it lol
  • Haha @Hunnybunny me and Kimmie started this quest we damn sure we gonna finish it good so we don't have to ever go back lol:)
  • And Kimmie's scores are equally good I see.
    I understand your logic. I rushed through loads of Seasons episodes and now revisiting to get into the top 25. Some of them I never want to see again:-(
  • Seasons is our next quest, not sure where e will start though,we gotta look at what we got
    lost progress a while back all i have no idea what I've regained probably not much lol;:)
  • Well I'm off to do some errands be back in a bit;)
  • See you later
  • No lurkers?
  • Ah well, on the down side I've not slept well for two days. I'm tried and grumpy, but still can't sleep.
    On the up side, I've gone from 84 to 23 on the GGGL leader board.
    Still no lurkers?
  • @hunnybunny -- Hi, if you're still up. I assume you're at least trying to sleep, unless you are one of the night-owls, and your bunnies probably don't like owls.
    Spent most of the day playing golf and getting there and back. Now trying to catch up.
  • Hey Everyone :)
  • *poofs in ...bangs on dinger!!! * #!&$&# stupid thing not working!!
    Anyway sorry i missed everyone..good night hope dinger its fixed Tomorrow
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth, with a little note*
    "hey pahtna :) we're almost done:) sorry i couldn't hang for the last level,:(
    Hopefully move on tomorrow great scores you Got!!*high five\*
    Nighty night (((( hug)))
  • Hey @fbb where are you flinging right now?
  • Well, last week, for some reasons, I lost all of my progress in all the Angry Birds game, so I have to play them again :( I already finished ABO and save it to my Rovio account, now I'm working on Season.
  • @fbb I have lost all my progress on ABO three times, I hope you can get back your progress :), I am currently working on ABR and good luck in seasons :)
  • Some levels of Seasons are fustratingly hard, mostly based on luck, I gotta need some Whine
  • @fbb I agree I am sure you will three star all the levels :)
  • @fbb what level are you stuck on in seasons? The level I am stuck on in rio is the golden beach ball level 5.
  • I'm stuck on so many levels, they're nearly impossible to get 3 stars
  • @Kathy my dinger has been on the fritz as well, started yesterday. WHat are you talking about? What level can't you hang with? It seems like a rotation is going on Pahtna, I get a couple going well then you get a couple, it's wacky weird!! Maybe we'll get lucky *snicker* and the last 2 will see us both with great scores for the finish line *snort* ;D
    *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely through dreamland *

    Off to mop the kitchen.....yeehaaaa :/
  • Well I've done some ironing, put away all the laundry, cooked breakfast for hubby and number 3 son (they're off to Old Trafford for the cricket) and I'm off to play golf! @mvlna2 - where did you play yesterday?? Did you have a good game?
    @hunnybunny - is it the muggy nights that are causing your sleep to fly out of the window! Last night I woke so often, then realised hubby had closed all the windows before we went out but neither of us had noticed they weren't open when we went to bed! It did alleviate the mugginess a little! But have to say if it means we continue to have a summer - I'll take it!
    Kimmie & kathy - WTG girls - you two are an awesome team! Such grit and determination!
    @harrystar6 - you lost all progress! Have you read all the hints and tips for backup now so that it never happens again? @firebombbird - none are impossible to three star but some are sooooo hard you just have to hang in there and come on a Tuesday and whhhiiinnnneee!
  • @mumsie I meant to say I have lost progress on ABO a few times before hasn't happend for a while now, sorry to get you confused, no I haven't really checked out the backup guild I will make sure to read it some time in the future :)
  • @mumsie42 thank you! We are Finally at the end of Boba (thank goodness!) didn't like it much! Glad to hear you got some of those pesky chores done and the dusters are simply amazing, as always!! Love the colours in this last batch!! Enjoy your golf!! :)
  • @mvnla @mumsie I can't sleep because I'm too hot. It's not the weather though. I'm 53. You can work out the rest !!

    @all just had roast pork for Sunday Lunch accompanying wine called "16 little black pigs" Come on you smirking green piggies, I'm ready for you now lol
  • @Mumsie -- I had a pretty good game for me. -- No competition, just friendly golf with lots of gimme's, which of course helped my score and satisfaction.
    We played at a course in Long Beach called Skylinks. Never played there before, may not again. The layout and fairway were nice, but the greens were in poor shape. It is also a Los Angeles County public course, and all of the county courses allow 5-somes, so the rounds tend to be long. It took 5.5 hrs for 18 holes! We only saw 3-somes or 4-somes right in front of or behind us, but I suppose there were 5-somes somewhere ahead. We waited on nearly every hole, and the people ahead of us weren't that bad and were also waiting.
    You may of answered this before, but do you always play 18 holes? If so, I can't imagine how you play so many rounds per week. -- I would be totally exhausted.
    How long does it take you to play 18? I'm sure you've never seen a 5-some! Hate courses that do that!. Unfortunately, one of the LA courses that has a fantastic ocean view, Los Verdes, is a county course that allows 5-somes, and is so busy that anything else than a 5-some is unheard of. Other "near-by" courses with an ocean view are private and range from expensive to exorbitant. My definition of "near-by" is anything within a hour or so on a weekend, so doesn't require staying overnight.
  • @harrystar and @firebombbird -- It's a good idea to get into the habit of backing everything up (not just AB progress). I had a hard-drive crash at work, and even the recovery experts could not recover it (a bad case of the dreadful blue screen for PC users). Even though I backed up occasionally, I lost ~2 months of work! Talk about learning a lesson the hard way. Afterwards, I set a reminder on my calendar and backed up every Friday.
  • @hunnybunny -- Yeah, I know what you mean. I found that some of the osteoporosis meds, which I need to take anyway, help with that problem.
  • @hunnybunny -- I give up! I don't think you can get 16 little black pigs in the U.S. Did you have a white or red variety? Did find out that it used to be called Black Pig, until the real-life pig had 16 piglets!
  • Need to stop talking to myself! Back later.
  • *rushes in ..getouttamyway.. I'm in a hurry..*frantically searches @Kimmiecv favorite booth.for luck factor* darn..searches around for @angermanagement luck factor..darn*
    OB I'll take a double PigKiller to go please..
    *poofs back to B-10 ... *
  • @mvnla2 the Pinot Grigio
  • sorry lot going on
  • @mvlna2 - hi 5 and a half hours is a loooong time - and waiting on each hole may help with the camaraderie but does nothing for my golf! Yes I play 18 , occasionally 12 but that's normally in the winter - our course from the ladies tees s 5445 yds (a smidgeon over 3 miles ) but as you well know the idea of playing golf down the middle of the fairway is laughable! it's really odd because playing golf does not seem to bother my hip at all but I went shopping last week and cannot have walked more than a mile all told - with stops for looking and stops for trying on and by the end of an hour my hip was killing me! No 5 somes are as rare as hen's teeth!
    @hunnybunny - ah yes I remember that! Cold flannel on head, no duvet, towel as blanket! Or wandering around the garden in the wee small hours!
  • Hi @Mumsie
    Hello @The Wingman181 :)
    OB drinks on me please..I'll have a PigKiller:)
  • Hi @wingman181
    Hi @kathy thanks for the drink - a Pigkiller for me please OB - I'll just sit here at the bar cos I'm going swimming in the morning so can't stay long- need to go to bed very soon. Cheers Kathy *clink*
  • *clink * @Mumsie sorry stepped away for dinner..
  • @Mumsie -- So does that mean you usually play only 9 holes? How long does that take? If it's an 18 hole course around here, you normally can't play 9 (unless you're willing to pay for 18) except very early in the morning or late in the evening. Most of the courses with only 9 holes are either par-3s or not "regulation" length, i.e. they have less than 2 par 5s, and more par 3s. Many (most?) of the public courses around here are >6000 yds from the women's tees? Talk about making it difficult!
    I can understand your comment about golf not bothering your knees. The golf swing doesn't bother my back, but putting does. I now have a long putter, which helps. It's the standing and waiting that kills it, thus I always play with a cart. At least you can sit while waiting!
  • Sorry @mvlna2 I obviously confused you - I play 18 holes every time I play - but in the winter sometimes I'll only play 12 - mine is a private members club so once I pay the annual fee I can play most days if I want to! Though there often competitions or societies booked in - generally I play at least twice a week but the last few weeks have been extraordinarily great weather and I've got further in my knock out matchplay comps this year - so sometimes been playing 5 times a week with one run of 9 times in 12 days!
  • Oh 18 holes in matchplay is about 3 - 31/2 hrs - depending on number of people on course stroke play comps we play in 3s - so 3 1/2 - 4 hours - though the good weather has brought loads of people out to play so sometimes a tad longer
  • Well I'm off to bed! Good night @all
  • @Kimmiecv whenever your ready.if you want to keep on in 2 that's cool I'll keep trying 10
    But i can drop it on a dime if you want..:)
    Nice work pahtna OB a bottle of Cristal please:)
  • I'm Soooooo ready @Kathy!!! We done good Pahtna!!! Onward we go, Jedi I think?!
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