The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1745
  • @mvnla2 Tried it all. I've been in the acceptance/survival mode for about five years now.
    There's always a new young gun. Mudslinger is making a run in Pig Dipper as we speak.

  • @Kathy speaking of Darth jumping around, have trapped him with a fan so he couldn't jump. (don't ask how I did it) might give you a chance to up the score before zapping him?
  • Thanks @wiiwillie :) But i already beat him!! , one birder like papat:)
    Yay @Kimmiecv on to Boba Fett!! When yore ready unless you want to finish Droids?
  • K breaks over gotta fett back to work..
  • Anyone lurking?
  • Quiet night i guess!!
    I hate Wednesday i get home so late:(
  • @Kathy can't stay I'm still working but wanted to make sure you got my note in CC-40, I'm ready to hit boba. I was just doing the droids while you were finishing up. :) I'll try to catch you before you turn in for the night. Just as I thought boba is a menace!!! :/
  • Just checking it out now @Kimmiecv..just got home myself..its gonna be tough..Boba fett needs flying lessons!!
  • Helpl! J-10 is driving me nuts! (don’t have far to go, though) I hit the bar, the richotets never get to the TNT! Must have a weak redbird, he can’t push the bar far enough, and it gets blasted to pieces too soon.
  • Peanutbutter flashback. @ripsy you ever tried Nutella?
  • I'll take a peek@wiiwillie:)
  • Me no like Boba Fret!!
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth..with the'L' did me no good..maybe you can warm it up;) nighty night..((((= hug)))))
  • @Kathy I couldn't agree more!!! Hate It!!!! :/
    *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
    Thanks for the 'L' factor, just wish it'd work even half way! See ya tomorrow (((hugs)))
  • Good Morning Everyone!! Have a Fantabulous Flingin' Day:)
  • Hey friends... bought my first android phone just now. though you won't recognize the model
  • Hello @everyone. Just flitting through to say hi.

    @Hunnybunny -- love your new avatar! Our first house rabbit was a mini lop, and your avatar reminds me of her; she was a good bun!

    @Lamia - congrats on your new phone. I wouldn't assume that we wouldn't recognize the model -- plenty of geeks around here!

    I must say I'm very jealous of all of you playing the newest ABSW levels...I guess I'm going to have to give in and get Star Wars on my iPad, like I did with Rio and Seasons, while waiting for it on the PC, which I much prefer. And then I have to go and reconquer every level again when things finally do get released on the PC! I'm not sure I'm even caught up yet on Abracadabra...(or whatever it's called).

    Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • Anyone lurking?
    Thank you Junkenmetel he's a cute little thing isn't he?
    @hb I like the new avatar!
  • TY @tas
    Without going into gory detail, how's the nose?
  • Awww @Hunnybunny so cute..,
    Yes @theanonymousesomeone how's the nose ¿
    And does anyone know where @angryboy has run of to? Haven't seen him for quite some time..
  • Hi @Kathy
    I haven't seen AngerManagement for a while either
    Perhaps they're being angry on holiday somewhere
  • Yes i was gonna mention [email protected] angermanagement did reply to me in a walkthrough earlier today..maybe just no time for forum..
  • We seem to have frightened tas away. Unless he's composing a really long tale about his trip to the nose doctor...
  • Lol..@Hunnybunny i gotta step out also..I'll be lurking jist so i don't miss 'the nose story' hee hee:)
  • Goodnight @tas @kathy I went up 43 places on the Go Green, Get Lucky leader board today. I pass my flinging luck to you both
  • @theanonymoussomeone -- People are curious about your trip to the Dr. for your nose, but they misspelled your name. I'm curious also. So stop back in and give us an explanation suitable for those who do not want the gory details. (You can send gory details to me in PM if you want.)
  • Thanks @mvnla2 i didn't realize i misspelled it..was on PC so not auto save..
    @theanonymoussomeone please let us know we are worried..
  • @all I have been dethroned in Space. Someone is currently entering first or second place scores in all levels. Gawhh!
  • Ohh No @rat !!! Are they legit scores?
  • They can't be!!! Call on slim to check them..
  • I'll be back..gotta get bf off to work..
  • @ABslimfordy Please look at @robobird. He's just finished getting all levels with top scores in Danger Zone matching the current top score holders. I'm not into statistics, but even I know the odds on that happening.
  • * steps in to give papa a hand*
    @Amslimfordy if you could check out ,@rat comment above concerning space leaderboards and robobird scores thanks:)
  • @Kathy Thanks he he
  • @Kathy Where's the best place to leave a message for Slim when something like this occurs?
  • I need a drink. OB, a shot of tequila and keep em coming.
  • what is going on in Pigdipper @rat
  • @mudslinger New kid on the block.
  • @mudslinger If your into fantasy, check out his Danger Zone scores.
  • @rat I see he bet you in DZ -12 other than that you guys must be clones, should I flag my high scores or jest see what plays out
  • @hunnybunny @robobird has moved into your bailiwick now, Seasons. Top scores in all levels of trophy room.
  • @mudslinger Even I'm not that good.
  • Ya'll need to flag some scores @rat, it's obvious he's a hacker, we've been having probs in ABSW with hackers as well.
    Hello @mudslinger welcome to BP, can't remember seeing you here before.
  • @all And there goes Angry Birds lite. He/she is taking over all of Angy Birds.
  • You may also want to pick a walkthrough and leave an @ there for either sal or slim as either of them can take care of it, sal took care of the last one in SW. :)
  • @rat He also had top score on BDP 19-7 which was the Challenge level 10 min ago.
  • Chill @rat it's a hacker. Please read above, one of the guys will take care of it if you flag some scores.
  • @kimmiecv I started flaging the scores, but my flinger finger got tired.
  • LOL only need to flag a couple @rat and maybe leave a note in a walkthrough. Once they get em they erase the whole leaderboard and it's done! :)
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