The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1760
  • @hunnybunny--Do me a favor and fling away two eggs and then time how long it takes to time out on the third bird. Also, the path of egg at different speeds.

  • @hunnybunny--*giving best pouty face* Please....
  • Good morning! Thanks for all the b-day wishes @hunnybunny @annifrid @kimmiecv @ripsy @fbb Sorry I sprung it on everyone so late. Mr Rat did a fine job of keeping me entertained & I did have a great day with my family.

    @kimmiecv My son's birthday was Weds but we'll also be celebrating his on Sat with a house full of teens.
  • Mornin' @ABcrazy Do you feel any younger after your nap?
  • Sorry @Rat had to go out, no cigarettes! Sunny weather, top down (on the car, that is), Beth Harte on the CD, nearly didn't come back!
  • Thanks anyway @HB. I've got another ipad and am rushing through the levels to S-15 as we speak. Problem solved.
  • @Rat Don't understand your request, now I've re-read it. If I fling away two eggs, ie not kill a piggy, the thing will never time time out with the third bird sat there. I know, I've often left a level unfinished when real life interrupts, and you come back, no matter how much longer, and the iPad is still running, with the birds looking at you accusingly, and the piggies smirking.
    Where would you like me to fling the eggs at different speeds? I can't reach South Carolina from here lol! :-)
  • @Rat virtual egg heading your way, duck
  • I've got this. Second ipad is almost to S-15. It's amazing how fast you can go through the levels when all you need is one star. Liberating. Thanks again for trying @hunnybunny
  • @rat no younger at all. 3 cups of coffee & I'm still foggy. Just not a morning person.
  • @hunnybunny Sorry to hear about your attempt. That was a slow one. You wanted that to die. I can't imagine that would have been any more fun than watching grass grow.
  • @AB--What cha complaining about? At least you sleep.
  • Men!
    I walk away from the infuriating Rat, go to the (real life) freezer, and my other half has yet again stuffed it so full so his favourites I can't open the drawers!
  • @AB I hate mornings too! The other half is always up at six (yes, six!) goodness knows how we stayed together all this time ;-)
  • All right. Men goodies. Maybe not healthy, but satisfying.
  • Strange... Well, hi everybody!!
  • I just had one of his ice creams, yummy :-)
    How's it going @Rat got to 10m yet? In danger of overtaking the hacker scores in GC?
  • Hi @bubbleslover--Did my words help you with S-15?
  • Hi @bubbleslover we haven't met, but I do know your brother. What's strange?
  • King of Space, demoted to "Prince" again lol
    S-16 indeed!!
    Edit: rat edited his comment, so this doesn't make sense anymore
  • Madame Bunny, I want to kill this thing before it gets to 10 million. I'm not sure the game will handle an eight digit number. It might reset. I'm at 7.4 million.
  • Two hours of bad sleep in three days. I feel good that I can type. Remember numbers, forget-a-bout-it.
  • Woah! 7.4 million!?! That is a lot!!
  • Hello everyone. Sorry I haven't been in for a while; work has been a bit crazy, and I haven't had anything interesting to report.

    But let me make sure I say hi to @Rat, @Hunnybunny, @Kimmiecv, @mvnla2, @annifrid, @mumsie, @firebombbird, @e-star, and @mumsie. (Apologies to anyone I left out.)

    Happy birthday @ABcrazy!

    I'm thrilled that we FINALLY got the Rio and Star Wars updates on the PC -- except that I had just about finished them on my iPad, and now I have to go back and start all over at the beginning. Because, you know. For reasons.

    I will say, however, that I am not a fan of the Lando bird. I just can't seem to get the knack of him. Of course, I haven't allowed myself the luxury of the walkthroughs yet, so maybe I'll change my mind. I do like the giant toaster-shaped cloud fan things in the new levels Cloud City in ABSW -- they're kind of fun.

    But I think Market Mayhem in ABR has been my favorite of the new releases. Because there was a lot of, you know, mayhem.

    This week's ABF is not a much fun as last week''s back to a more traditional style. And last week, for the first time, I finally won against @grammyK. I must say it was a hard-fought battle, which was fun for both of us. Nothing like playing against someone else to really up your game.

    I notice that when I installed the new release of ABF on my ipad there was a mention in the release notes of changes that would allow future themes, among other things. Which sounds exciting. Something to look forward to.

    Hope you're all having a wonderful day! Happy flinging!

  • Mister Rat I'm sure you'll manage it, and gloat for the rest of the day! (Read year)
  • Ah @Junkenmetel I know those 'reasons' !!
  • Only two hours of sleep? There was only once that I only got one hour of sleep... Because my friends were drawing mustaches on my face.... I was not happy the next day.
  • @bubbleslover--They don't count until you kill the last piggy. And I messed up and lost my second egg because of neurological problems.
    Morning @JunkenMetel
  • Hi @Hunnybunny; good morning @Rat!

    Oh, and I forgot to welcome @BubblesLover to the nest! It's wonderful to have a new sunny face around here. Mustaches and all. :D
  • Two dozen spinal surgeries killed my ability to sleep. Get 10 hours tonight and tell me about how good it feels in the morning @bubbleslover. I've forgotten.
  • Grrrr... Lets hope my iPod doesn't die when I get S-15 to work. If I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all!! :D
  • @bubbleslover--Plug it in if you get it running. You don't want the battery to die.
  • @JunkenMetel I am @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster's little sister, (so I don't have mustaches)! Now my brother is getting S-16 unlocked.
  • You'll get there @bubbleslover if you're prepared to waste half your life on it! And the other half wasted playing ordinary AB games!
  • I've got too much luck at the moment. I want my S-15 to die. I've never seen it run so fast.
  • Bad Bunny Bad
  • Off to ABA again for me. I'm now preparing dinner with one hand and typing this with the other. Help!!!!
  • Good Bunny surely!
  • I can't get past nine levels, so I let my brother do it for me. (He does it a lot but he still doesn't let me put the levels he's beat on leader boards)
  • ... And my iPod dies when ABSM gets to showing me it.
  • Your not cooking with eggs are you? @hunnybunny
  • Hi, @JunkenMetel, I also started to play ABF for a couple weeks ago, but I only play with Red and Chuck and my another account (just for recieving free gifts) :D
    You're right, this week is not much fun (no water cannon !?!) And if you play on mobile device, the background is no longer Surf & Turf any more, it's back to the old theme.
  • Bye BP! See everybody tomorrow!!
  • Keep flinging @bubbleslover, can't have the men beating us!
  • Poultry substitute!
  • OK, I'm off to look at the "third egg". Bye for now @all
  • Bye rat, good luck
  • @mvnla2, why would I need to go to a school practice session?
  • Haha. Commandeered the iPad from @bubbleslover. I was about to three star Pig Dipper
    level 20 on her iPod and unlock S-16... and the iPod died. Blaaaaaaaah....
  • I forgot you had to three star everything to open S-15. That took me an extra ten minutes.
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