The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1764
  • Ok Estar go to bed before you make me feel really old lol!
  • @rat9 PA now you made her go to sleep crying!!! Shame Shame tsk tsk..I'm very disappointed..:(
  • @anotherpagechange
    We've done about five today!
    Party on........
  • She's been giving me sad eyes and guilt trips for days.
  • I think @rat#9 is trying to pull another last word thingy on e* since he can't win with @kimmiecv.
    Hmmm.... Not bad here under the solid table for protection.....
  • Congrats, girl. Did I read that you went to egg three to complete the game?
  • WELLL ..*taps foot..hands on hips..explain..?
  • Mister Rat, I didn't know you loved little old Bunny in the first place lol
  • @all--Can't I leave for a few hours without being called a coward. I've been here for days with no sleep. Shame, shame, shame on y'all.
  • O.k since I'm not dinging I'm going flinging..
    OB a PigKiller please:)
    See ya all in a bit:) enjoy...
  • She couldn't really leave. Do I hear @Estar lurking?
  • Second egg abject disaster, aaaarrrrgggghhhh!
    Shot again and prayed
    Good old Slim has already acknowledge the bunny's flinging prowess yea again
    I'm over the moon or hadn't you noticed
  • ((((((((Hugs)))))))))) e* He's just a rat after all... (Kicking in his general direction)
  • @rat No. Next question? ;-)
  • Don't worry Rat she'll be back. Who can resist the Rat (in your dreams, boy)
  • @hunnybunny--I'm old school. I don't fling the L word around like confetti. I've truly only loved two women in my life and one was my Mother. I like you a lot. I'm over the moon for you today. Did some of my luck finally rub off on ya?
  • I am always lurking... whohahahaha... or I am the worst closerupper at night. ;)
  • Yes, I like you too @Estar.
  • Awwwwww ((((((((like)))))))) @rat9
  • *runs to mister Rat and gives him his second in his virtual adventure HUGGGGG*
    *leaves confused and flabbergasted mister Rat behind and walks out the door*
    Me likes you too my funny mister Rat!
  • @hunnybunny--I'm glad you waited till Friday to get S-"15". You can party harty and sleep in tomorrow.
  • Aaaagggghhhh!!!!
  • @rat don't take little old bunny too seriously. And no, no luck from you, where were you when I needed you! ABSM came to my rescue.
  • As @estar said, I've only had one hug before. I avoid hugs and cheek pinchin'.
  • @hunnybunny--I'm so so sorry but after three days of no sleep and all I could do was watch the grass grow on my ipad, I needed to pass out for a few.
  • Well here we go, I'm off to bed as well, Mister Rat, I've never hugged anyone here before, get ready to cringe
  • I shouldn't have said that out loud. They will try and hug me every time I step in the BP now.
  • That wasn't bad. You deserved a Big Hug @hunnybunny
  • Goodnight all. Champagne still on ice OB? They're on me tonight:-)))))
  • Nope, not me Ratman. *PINCH*
  • Thanks @hunnybunny been fun dancing with you! Sleep well.
  • @ABcrazy--I did see you. Just haven't had a chance to say hi. I see they've been taking care of you today after not showing up to your Surprise party.
  • Clear the tables. I'm going to be running all over this place avoiding all the estrogen in here tonight.
  • @ABCrazy -- What did you mean that I'd agree that hummers are the best? Are you referring to birds or cars? or ??? If cars -- remember that I live in LA, not TX, and I'm part of the geek crowd, not the Hollywood crowd.
  • Hi @mvnla2--How's the longer leg. Is it making you walk in circles?
  • Ok Pa your forgiven get some rest (((((( hug)))))) Like Ya:)
  • See, Another hug..
  • I've gotten to slow to outrun all the pretty ladies. Do I need to slow down a little more?
  • Errrr... @mvnla2 I'm a simple girl. Don't try to read too much into my comments. You have a hummer as your avatar and I'm pretty sure you said at some time they are one of your fav birds. But..... Maybe I'm not reading deep enough?
    (Hides back under the table)
  • @all--Where were all of you when I was sixteen?
  • @ratman IN YOUR DREAMS!!!
    Wide open on that one...
  • @ABcrazy @mvnla2 has a very subtle sense of humor. She's gotten me numerous times. Hence, the leg pullin' I gave her yesterday.
  • K @ratman (pecks on a random smudge on the table leg)
  • @AB At sixteen, that's all I had were dreams. If I knew then what I know now...I'd probably have messed up the 38 year marriage I've enjoyed.
  • @AB--K doesn't mean what I think it means, does it?
  • @ratman I think you done alright to make 38 years in marriage. And it sounds like still happy years. We could learn much from you.
  • I've only K'd two women since 1973.
  • Errr... K just means OK. For me anyway.
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