The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1765
  • @ABCrazy -- It's taken me a while to catch up. Wow! It's been so quiet for days, and now pages and pages. I was confused when I first read your comment, but finally figured out what you meant. Yes, I do like hummers (the birds), but don't know if I would hire one to fix anything. There is one? who frequently visits our backyard, and keeps flying full speed into our sliding doors; must be admiring his / her reflection too much.
    @rat9 -- You pulled the shorter leg by mistake, so now I walk straight. Thanks
  • @AB--If you think I got lucky with the seven million score, square it. That's I lucky I got when my better half accepted me.
  • @Rat9 -- When have I ever gotten you? It's your sense of humor that can be WAY to subtle.
  • @mvnla2 Just trying to liven things up a bit.... I'd hire a hummer to fix a nectar surplus?
  • Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Too subtle?
  • @mvnla2--I am somewhat an acquired taste.
  • @mvnla2--I wish I could have seen your face when you googled that app.
    @AB--I thought you said it meant Oh Kay?
  • Yes .... @ratman uhmmmm... What did you think it meant?
  • I think @AB is trying to subtle me to death as well
  • As much as I enjoy talkin' to y'all. I need to go eat. It's been fun @all
  • Feed well @ratman Been fun obfuscating with ya. Look forward to it again sometime. :-)
  • @rat9 -- Well, you got it right when you said I was gullible, at least for technical things that sound interesting and plausible.
    Well, I have to admit that a lot of your humor is not very subtle, which is why when you are it's easy to fall for it.
  • @rat9 -- I didn't Google it, just looked for it in the app store, and thought you'd gotten the name wrong. I was so slow on the uptake, I don't think my face registered anything.
  • @mvnla2--That's my philosophy. Keep em' guessing.
  • POTJ 29 is a stupid stupid horrible based on sole luck level and i am never NEVER..Never going to get into top 100!!! I don't care if it's Friday I'm WWWwwwhhhiiinnneee ing!!!
    OB could i pleas have a triple super duper luck filled PigKiller please:) :(
  • Cool @ABCrazy is that really the nat geo cover ¿ Awesome:) sorry I'm in a Flingin' mood:(
  • @abcrazy, love love loooove that magazine? Book? Is it for real, like a real stories thing? Cool pressy!!! :D

    @Kathy the super good news, your going to end up in the top 10 whether you get it or not!!! I had to admit defeat in the last world on a couple of levels but I was happy with the overall end, so maybe for you it's better for your sanity to hit the ones you can really make a dent in and be super happy you did seriously great?! Just a thought.....
  • :) :) that's why i love you @Kimmiecv pahtna..your right.why bang my head off the wall on the ones i can't get!! Your so smarty:) (((((hugs))))
  • That's all I'm sayin @Kathy!! ;D Love and ((((Hugs)))) back Pahtna LOL :D
    (Stupid dinger Still isn't working right!!!) :( good thing I checked in!!
  • My dinger working now..cheek the star..mine was shut off don't know why?..@Kimmiecv
  • @kimmiecv I'm still iPad challenged. So when I sent my S-15 image to Slim, for some reason it turned into Snort pulling his hair. Telling Slim to get off the cmptr. Not what you need to send the cmptr guy right after you tell him he's scary.
  • @Kathy I'd just turned it "on!" Stupid thing!! :/

    WAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAA OMG good one @rat!! :D

    Ok now it's time to eat!! Be back in a erm while?! LOL
  • @kimmie--He corrected it before I could. lol
  • Ding ding @ Kimmiecv :) :) I'll be sleeping enjoy your dinger..ermm Dinner ..hee hee:)
  • Tomorrows another day.
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth \* nighty night all.
  • Nightnight Kathy, sleep tight.... Evenin Kimmie!! Whats for dinner ?
    Goodmorning to mysideoftheponders :)
  • *maybe if I'm quiet under this table she won't see me*
  • Good morning @Estar hope you slept well

    What's that furry thing under the table?
  • @rat dont worry, you dont have to hide... I am not going to hug you! I have never had a man go arghhhh after a Dutchie hug and frankly dont want to experience that a second time, so you are safe... i am not a pincher either, so don't hide on my account :)

    @hunnybunny goodmorning to you as well ... Slept well, bit short to my tasting, but good notheless... You?
  • Not so good Estar, managed about four hours.
    Back to reality today, housework, ironing, cooking, perhaps a little fling in Seasons, just the one or two haha!
  • Well my 5 hours wasn't enough so you must be knackered... any reason why you couldn't sleep? anxious to go ironing LOL?
  • @Estar the inability to sleep will hit you when you get a little older, if you understand my meaning!
    And never eager to iron lol
  • eek... even less sleep?? hmmm how much years of 5 hour sleep do have left?? 18 was it? LOL
  • I just did my ironing of 2 weeks worth last monday... nope not my favorite thing to do either. and I don't even have children, just hubby's and my own clothes... it took me almost 2 hours :/
  • *throws some left over bread crumbs from breakfast under the table with the furry feet*
  • Just found out they are working on the railroad today, so change of plans. Don't mind taking the train, but when they are known for delays when they work on the tracks. Normally it would take 49 minutes... now with the detour it is said to be 1 hour and 15 minutes... not taking in account the extra delay they will probably have... so switching our plans, Gouda will have the honor of a visit of hubby and me today :D
  • No kids here either, but still a mound of the hateful stuff!
    The other half has gone out, so at least I a can put on some loud music and sing along (that's the dreadful screeching you can hear!)
  • are you going to bring some cheese back to tempt the furry one out from under the table?
  • @e-star I see you got your bum out of bed early!! ;D And now you have to change your plans! :/

    Hello @hunnybunny :)

    Ooopsy gotta give Tig his meds!! BRB
  • Morning, Kimmie. I'm guessing its real early morning for you, like haven't gone to bed yet, early morning!!
  • *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow, sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    @rat wherever you may be hiding, I wonder what slim thought when he saw *Snort* attacking him while he was on the computer.....hmmmmm is rat trying to threaten me? And here I am ready to put him on the top of yet another space level.......should I laugh or should I put a few rat traps out.......:......:::.:::::...just to be safe........
  • It's only 1:40 here @hunnybunny, that's like ummmm mid evening for me!! ;)
  • @HunnyBunny LOL nahhhh if someone doesn't want to play with me I am fine with that. The old geezer likes them somewhat less young ladies I guess... maybe that comes with age as well ;)

    @Kimmie mwaaaaah indeed I am, but that is the beauty of hubby and me, doesn't matter what when or where, we always have fun! Give Tig a big cuddle from me
  • 1:40 is indeed the beginning of the evening for Kimmie, she will be here for at least 2 hours if not 3 :D
  • You got it @e-star, he loooooves his auntie E* she gives him yummy treats!!! :D
  • Mwaaaaaaah my Sweet Dutchie Friend!! So you've a change in plans but it sounds just as fun!! Is it still a train ride? And when do you leave and how long does the ride take then?
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