The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1769
  • Whatcha doing today?
  • Oh @kimmiecvpagechanger - I thought that was Snort! Silly me!
  • Hellooooo @mumsie!!! :)
  • Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa maybe I can give Snort a makeover?!! LOL give Rat a heart attack! He'll never let me puppy-sit again!! :D
  • Just about to go and well guess....... Yup you're right .... To play golf! With hubby - doesn't happen often, normally we play alternate days - probably one of the reasons we've been married over 40 years! Before golf it was the fact that I worked nights and he worked days!
  • (Methinks E* could do a really, really good avatar with @rat dressed as a cheerleader!!)
    Americano to go please OB - must dash!
  • LOL!!! Well have a great time! Hope you haven't killed him by days end, erm other than trouncing him at golf that is!! ;D
  • Kimmie - I hadn't realised you knew that playing mixed golf encourages thoughts of divorce, hired assassins etc!
  • Wahahahahahaahahahaahaaa can't wait to see That one @mumsie!! :D Hope you have sunshine for your golf today!!! :)
  • I've heard stories that'll curl toes @mumsie!! Man and wife golf is a dangerous mix!!! ;D
  • @Kimmie and Mumsie hiii... sorry I wanted to get dressed, brush my teeth and poor another cup before I re entered :D need to read up... back in a sec
  • Mumsie have fun playing golf and I think any man woman combo playing a game is walking on thin ice... as a woman of course I believe men can not take it if a woman beats them at their game. LOL... so kick some balls Mumsie (golf balls for those confused LOL)
  • :D heeheee
  • Alrighty @e-star I'm off for my pillow walk!! Have a fantabulous day!! Hope whatever you decide to do the sun follows you all the way!! :) Mwaaaah :•
  • Mwaaaaah :-* Kimmie have a safe Pillow walk and hope you will find yourself in dreamland within a few minutes. As for me, Sunday is a mandatory lazy one for us hahahah (or at least that is what we tell each other LOL) so no real plans, just spending it in the garden, reading a book... flinging some birds and when the rain comes (indeed it is sunny now, but rain is said to come in the afternoon :/ ) just go inside and enjoy a comfy evening on the couch with the iPad. Hope to see you after your sleep in!
  • Ahhhh sounds like a rather wonderful day!! Enjoy the sun while its out then!! And the couch when the rain hits!! Hopefully catch you later!!! :D
  • Sorry so large. I'm not to good with these new fangled contraptions. Could you shrink it for me @E-Star. If not I'll remove it. Thanks.
  • Hahahahaha... I know it is a huge thing over on your side, but for me it doesn't ring a bell @mister Rat... so cheerleader outfit still stays LOL hahahahha... ow and good ermmm morning... or is it good after powernap time?

    btw I did shrink it into a link, no problem :D
  • Well, listen to the link to get the tune in your head and then replace the words. I thought Mickey was known the world over. Thanks for the shrinkage.
  • And Kimmie is one of the few that really really knows me and she was dead on... 9:30 will never be on my schedule unless I have something planned. In which case I would wake up just a few minutes before that and don't have time to stop in for a cup of coffee... which btw, OB can I have to doses of caffeine for mister Rat and me, thanks!
  • Mickey is, the club isn't ;)
    I am not sure I want to mister Rat... kinda liking the idea of you in a cheerleader outfit doing a cheer for me... don't make me get rid of that... pulllease :D
  • @E-Star Your going to hate me. I can't stay. Headed out with the better half. But I had to say Hi. Help me out everybody. Sing M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E.......
  • Curious thought mister Rat and you don't have to answer if it is too personal... but does the misses sleep as little as you or does she sleep like a logg and doesn't wake up when you sneak into bed in the middle of the night, just to step out of it again after 2 hours? I always wake up when Hubby steps out of bed... well granted the chance of him waking up before me is slim to none, so the few times he does wake up before me, I first check my temp to see if I am sick and right after that I ask him if he is sick... LOL
  • 6'5" with my belly falling out, dressed in a short cheerleaders outfit, bad image. Sing everybody!!!
  • @E-Star--She's past the @hunnybunny stage of life so she sleeps like a log.
  • Awww. welll booooo... but remember one thing mister Rat, I am not a hater... I am a lover :D So you scoot, there is no better reason for you to leave me hanging in the BP all by myself than the misses! So go and love her like I know you do! see you later mister Rat!
  • :D thanks for the answer... a match made in heaven the both of you! Now go one you chubby chearleader of mine! scoot!
  • Too early for me, I can't spell. Thank goodness for edit.
  • I'm glad I finally got to see my favorite Dutch girl. Have a GREAT day @E-Star
  • BTW, Where did everybody else go. Maybe I'm the one with a body odor problem?
  • Na, just the awful singing voice!
  • Yes, honey. I'm coming. Just talking to my girls.
  • Bye rat
    Hi and bye Estar
    We're off out too. A lovely sunny day for a walk by the sea
  • Hahahaha Just stepped outside, thinking mister Rat was already on his way to the misses. It was a pleasure mister Rat, thanks for the mental image to keep me smiling the whole day (I know you didn't put it there but you gave me no choice, had to... ya know LOL) Enjoy your day as well!
  • Hi and Bye Hunnybunny... have a fab day to day as well!
  • @E-Star -- I think you're not old enough. Those of us in the Seniors' forum grew up glued to the TV set watching the Mickey Mouse Club. It was one of the first TV shows I watched, and in my case, we watched it at a girlfriend's house, because we didn't have a TV. Personally I think the image of @rat9 in a white t-shirt, black pants, and with mouse-ears on his head (not rat ears), and carrying pom-poms is pretty hilarious.
  • @mumsie @kimmiecv anyone else interested -- I play golf with my hubby all the time, and we enjoy it. Of course, we don't compete with each other, and we don't compete as a team. The fact that he refuses to get a handicap index does make it difficult to compete.
    We also used to play each other in tennis. I think I won a set once or twice. One of the items on my bucket list (before anyone called them bucket lists) was to beat him at tennis. I figured that when I was ~70 our age difference might give me enough of an advantage. However, I ruptured my achilles tendon (playing tennis) years ago, so that goal has been scratched from my list, and I'm not even 70 yet!
  • @Kimmiecv -- When you get up, be sure to tell us what kind of creature your new pet is.
  • @mvnla @mumsie @ Estar @rat
    The secret of a happy marriage? Well a bit like all of yours. Thirty one years coming up.
    We both worked long hours, like Mumsie sometimes on different shifts.
    But not like mvnla, we're not sporty, but loving quizzing, and ALWAYS compete (although mvnla, there was a little competitive edge in your comment!)
    And like Estar and Rat. No kids. If you stick together without kids, you know you've found your soul mate. Nothing to stick you together, other than love!
  • @Hunnybunny -- A little competitive edge? Unlike my hubby, I'm willing to compete even when I have little chance of winning. Haven't played scrabble with hubby for years and year, nor will anyone else in the family! I forget exactly what did me in, but it was something like 300 pts in a single turn (included a Q on a triple letter score as part of a triple word score, plus a few other odds and ends).
  • @mvnla2 I remember my 365 points in Scrabble. "Moorings" left side of board, two triple point squares, about another four or five words joined up, some must have had the Q Z or X in them. Success!
  • @Hunnybunny -- You're right, it must have been 2 triple point squares. The word was "jonquil(s)"
  • Ah, mvnla2 two of a kind...
    And aren't we all of a kind here, competitive, addictive, good job we're found our addictions here.
  • @Hunnybunny -- If it wasn't clear, the word with the fantastic score was my hubby's! BTW -- He memorized all the 2 letter words in the dictionary, and most of the unusual 3 letter ones.
  • @mvnla2 No!
    I really thought it was yours.
    On the same theme, that's why I don't play chess anymore with the hubby. A long game, a good strat, school boy error, aaarrrrggghhhh!
  • You guys make me look tranguil. Another good Scrabble word.
  • Thanks for the mouse ears @mvnla2.

    Not so much for the Pom Poms.
  • Dancing round the kitchen again
    Sixpence None the Richer "kiss me"
    Play it to your loved one, sums up everything
  • Yea! Back on top in Tatooine! If only by a mere 20 pts. OB, a round on me!
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