The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1771
  • Oh no it's happening again!! Notice from page 1768 @E* it's gotta be something in ABN notification..system no? I haven't changed a thing since i fixed it...
  • E* sign off for the night, have a fabulous evening othersideoftheponders. I haven't used my flashlight much lately, but I will leave it in your booth Kimmie for a nice shine and new batteries.
    Night night Kathy, ABCrazy and Mister PomPom see you all tomorrow :D
  • Awww crap i keep getting notice and i think you guys are here..hut it 2 pages back..i give Up
    @Amslimfordy any reports of notification trouble?
  • Nighty night @E* sweet dreams (((((( hug))))))
  • [[[huggs]]] Kathy hope the notifications trouble will be fixed soon. I still don't have problems, so my guess would still be gmail.
  • @kathy I don't know if this counts as notification trouble or not. I've only gotten a few of the email notes from messages @me over the past few days. I've been checking in as I can, but there are definitely more @mentions than email notifications coming my way. I also use gmail so maybe? I haven't bothered to check spam tho.
  • G'nite @e* Happy flinging dreams!
  • Ah *comes in on page 1770:)*
  • Hey @ABCrazy yes it's nuts..keep getting notification a day late thought o fixed it but i don't think it's gmail..but it could be.seeing those who have gmail having troubles..i am subscribed by the star and usually get every comment here but now it's few and previous pages..strange..
  • @Kathy -- Did you check your spam mail? Also I think there is usually a way to identify a sender (ABN) as someone you want to receive all e-mail from. You're obviously getting a lot of e-mail from ABN, so gmail obviously thinks it's spam.
  • @mvnla2 yep checked spam no notifications there..? Very curious worked for a short time then back to sending delayed sporadic notifications..
  • I just got a notification from @karen68 i think it was from last night..oh well..hopefully it will Work itself out..I've clears browser cache done hard refresh the whole nine yard guess out just is what it is..@ABCrazy you still having troubles also..
    @JLZ666 i know your in dreamland..but let me know if your using gmail..i think that may be the issue..
  • Back to page 1769..¿ Hi@Hunnybunny :)
  • Got the sgt Shultz notice from @rat9 I'll be out till they fix this
    Good night all..ding me when its fixed..
  • Good night @Kathy?

    *Gives e-stars flashlight a heavy buff and shine, replaces batteries and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * Yikes it needed some work! ;)
  • Aha @Kimmiecv got yours notice:) in real time..gimmie Back my flashlight lol:)
    Funny i shut off the star thingie and now getting notice..maybe cause you @ me very s wonky things going on
  • Ooops didn't take my flashlight..haha sorry,*kicks herself in butt*.read carefully...
  • @Kathy my notifications have been off as well, I don't have gmail so I'm thinking it may be something to do with the site? Hahaa so not ready for bed just yet eh?!! LOL
  • And yep maybe the @ is what's getting through? Lets try it.......I put a (?) next to it because you hadn't left your flashlight and I wasn't sure if I was going to need to poof over and extricate it from you like I did last night here we go....... @Kathy ;D
  • @Kimmiecv -- So what is the thing in the pic you called your newest pet? Yesterday for you, I think.
  • Pooh sorry @mvnla2 I meant to respond to your question but got side tracked! It's a caterpillar :) Pretty amazing markings aren't they! Not sure of the name, if there is a specific one, which I'm sure there is! My sister sent it to me and I immediately fell in love with the colours and the skull looking markings!! :D
  • @kimmiecv--That's one pretty amazing bug. I wonder if he's half as interesting when he changes into a butterfly or moth?

    Whoo Hoo!! Drinks on me. I found a mini-glitch on Utopia 4-27. Ran up an additional 15k to give me another Top Score. I don't know how high it can go and I couldn't repeat the setup if you threaten me. It was luck, but I'll take it.
  • Dunno @rat, I've decided mine isn't going to change, too pretty and wicked wrapped into one to let em!! ;)
    Congrats on finding an unknown (?) glitch and grabbing the trophy with it!!! :D
  • Getting better got @Kimmiecv notification :) yep think something to Do.with the site..
  • I just got 7 notices at once...
  • @Kimmiecv Roflmao haha nm i was wondering why i woke Up with with a sore hands and some Kim kind of strange indent on my face lol..
  • Ok refreshed 3 times since last post..:( really gotta to to sleep though
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth* good news pahtnah:)
    Tomorrow we can move on..just need a few to clean Up..but not spending much time
    We can get together and figure out seasons:)
    ((((( hug))))) i have tomorrow off:) nighty night:)
  • LOL yep that's why the funny markings all over you @Kathy ;D
    We still have the droids to do in SW! Noooot quite finished!! But much closer, that is until the next update!! :O Thankfully we won't need to go back until After the dust settles though!!! :)
    Boooo I have to work tomorrow :( But that'll give you time to do whatever you want in POTJ before we move to the droids. :)
    *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * sleep well and enjoy your day off!! :) ((((hugs))))
  • @kimmie--I like your Phyllodes Imperialis. Better known as the Imperial Fruit Sucking Moth. Most are brown. Yours is much prettier.
    Good night @Kathy AKA Ma
  • Mumsie walks bleary eyed into the BP having stayed up to watch Europe's victory in the Solheim cup! Double Espresso please OB
  • @rat your starting to sound like AM! Thanks for the name for my pet, she does look imperialistic! At least to me!! :D

    Good morning @mumsie42!! Glad to hear your team won!! :) I heard you kicked bacon butt in the challenge!!! Good work you!! :D
  • I'm calling it quits for the night!! Everyone have a great Monday!! :)
  • Night @kimmiecv sleep tight
  • Good morning, everybody!! @ABSM and I have just about wasted half our life trying to get S-15 glitch to work... How do you do it, @Rat
  • @bubbleslover I'm not a King of Space, but:
    Zoom right out so you can see all the planets
    Fire the egg through the middle of the gravity field on the lower side of the first planet, detonate when it hits the underside of the next planet
    Hopefully, the anchors and rafts will fly out
    What you want is one pig left, mine was about eight o'clock on the upper right planet. As long as he is there, wait, do not restart, it can take five minutes for the glitch to start working
    The speed of the count varies from attempt to attempt. I got 500,000+ in five and a half hours.
    ABSM kill strategy worked for me. Thanks for that!
  • OB goes over to the rocking chair, gently eases Mumsie's knitting out of her hands, places her feet up on the pile of dusters she has completed , puts a few behind her head and covers her with a blanket. A faint smile hovers over Mumsie's face as she sleeps on.
  • Good morning, all. Hope everyone is having a good day.

    @ABcrazy - I don't do welding (yet!); I do what we jewelers call soldering, which is really braising, although sometimes we also do fusing. We use much lower temperature acetylene-air torches, mostly; sometime acetylene and oxygen or propane and oxygen with a very fine-tip torch for very precise work. We've even been know to make do with butane, when we have to -- in fact that's how I started, years ago, by just practicing with one of those small butane kitchen torches.

    I did once get the chance to use a welding torch with a cutter tip to slice off a piece of a railroad tie to make a small anvil out of. That was truly awesome!

    I'm pretty sure you're right about @Lisko learning welding. It's definitely on my list of stuff to learn.
  • Morning @Junkenmetel @bubbleslover @mumsie Afternoon @hunnybunny--I don't know if you noticed but I found another glitch last night and got another Top Score. Utopia 4-27. Let the glitch run for 15-20 minutes before it died. I didn't have a particularly good 1st or 2nd shot. Sometimes you just get LUCKY.
  • ABF this week is boring, I done it in only 1 hour
  • @Rat I haven't started Utopia yet. Trying to get above average on everything in Pig Bang at the moment.
    BTW Mumsie's in my time zone, about 200 miles north from here
  • Hi Mumsie, Junkenmetel, FBB.
  • @bubbleslover--I just started the S-16 glitch again just to confirm my approach for you. It took four shots to start it. So I'm going to say confirmed. This only works if your playing on an iPad. Zoom all the way in. Find the bright star to the right of water on left planet at 8 o'clock. At minimum power, aim slightly above that star. After you get it started, your on your own. Good luck

    Sorry, I wasn't thinking. Good afternoon @mumsie.
  • Good morning @Rat. Congrats on your top score. I love Utopia! What platform is that on -- can I try it on my iPad? I just got ABS installed on there, so I have to go through all the levels again, unfortunately...

    Hi @firebombbird. I'm not thrilled with ABF this week either, although I find the traditional blocks much harder to...I haven't even 3 starred yet. Although I didn't spend much time or look at the walkthroughs either. I lost last week's tournament to @grammyK, who only had intermittent internet access, and still managed to beat me!
  • Brain still not working. Hi @fbb I think I'll just go back to bed this morning.
  • @junkenmetel--If you're asking , do I play on an iPad, yes. But I can't repeat the glitch on 4-27. It was pure luck to get it started. I let it run for about 20 minutes before it killed itself.
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