The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1773
  • BF just took her for a ride..seems time he listen to me lol..:)
    @Hunnybunny yes the Mazda Miata is a sweet little car:)
  • He must learn to listen to Pig Leader!
  • Haha..what a patient sole he must be..i can picture you all exited with the top down..and hewhodoesnotfling sitting soaking wet nodding at you..haha.
  • Haha..i really did earn my title:)
  • Ok car done..I'm gone to flinging.see ya later..I'll try to lurk if anyone needs me @me :)
  • Well, OB, I'm sat here on my own now. This lady of a certain age has hardly slept in two nights, so early to bed, and, hopefully, late to rise
    Good flinging to those who come in later
  • Have fun @AMslimfordy! Enjoy!
  • @AMslimfordy Enjoy your well deserved holiday and have loads of fun! 2 Months in advance notice during the summertime? That is cutting it a bit close...

    (hmmm I got married within 6 weeks of deciding to finally make it happen after 7 years, luckily we didn't invite a lot of people)

    Thanks for sending out the message in here, lots of hawk eyes in the BP :D
  • @Kathy Congratulations on your new rank! I see you are in some great company!
    @Mumsie I see you have been busy with all them precious dusters, they look amazing!
    @HunnyBunny night night and hope you sleep well AND long!

    I am off to watch a movie with Hubby :D
  • Thanks E* know right hee hee me right Up there with Sal and Fuji..
    And i got a personal congrats from 2 admins .:) slim and you:) i feeling special haha..
  • Ohhh lol and No w I'm getting double notices haha..
    @ Kimmiecv i am soooo over potj never gonna get the 3 remaining above100 i don't care..
    We did awesome Pahtna 6 and 7 place pretty impressive:)
    Whenever your ready we do bonus then outta absw?
  • @AMSlimfordy -- Have a great vacation -- you deserve it. Especially one without admin duties. Sounds like you're going someplace exciting. Any hints as to where? Is it going to be a real vacation without internet and AB? Got to admit, that doesn't sound like a real vacation to me, but it probably gives you a real rest. Everyone complained like crazy about the intermittent WiFi on our family week. We probably had 10 cell phones and 10 computers or iPads!
  • @Amslimfordy Have a great vacation:) Hope wherever it is away from the hustle of the city:)
    You know we'll well keep a lookout while your gone..:)
  • @mvnla2 Well there is Internet but way too expensive. Going on a Caribbean cruise!
  • @AMslimfordy -- Wow! Have fun! Yeah, internet on a ship is prohibitive, but you can get in-port service for not that much. (Should I be telling you this? Probably not.)
    Never been, but probably should go. Of course, I'd have to play golf, so don't know if a cruise would work. : )
  • Well that explains the "ahoy"! @AMslimfordy have a wonderful relaxing trip
  • Woo hoo @Amslimfordy a Caribbean cruise that's my dream :) Hope you have a fabulous time..
    @mvnla2 those ships probably have golf lol;)
  • Cross my fingers..knock on wood.i think my notification working;:)
  • I've always dreamed of getting married by a Captain on a cruise ship..never gonna happen..but it's a cool dream lol
  • Hello hello?
    OB I'll take a Sunupper please:) sorry I've been confused lately don't know who's here or when?
  • Ding ding @Kimmiecv I'm ready to move when you are just say the word Pahtna:)
  • @AMslimfordy have a fabulous well deserved time!! :)
  • WORD!!!!! Wahahahahahaahahahaahaaa :D I be More than ready to hit the droids and erm S thingys!! Lets do it @Kathy!!! :) We did good :D
  • Ooh ohh i got A , ding;) Kimmiecv says to slim have a fabulous long ago I'll not know? a
  • @kathy romance on the high seas.. Did you ever watch "The Love Boat"?
    Hi @kimmie. The Powah Twins are back in action!
  • Ahhaha didn't get the ding..but got the message @Kimmiecv let's blow this pop stand and hit the Droids woo hoo * high fives*
  • @karen68 Yes!! The Love Boat one of my favorite:)
  • The 'POWAH Twins' back in action i like that:)
    Drinks on me OB..o.k I'm of to Droids..:)
  • Hey @karen68!! :) Yep on to the last part (until the new update that is ;)!)

    Yep @Kathy here we go!! Did you already play all of them? They're very confusing to me, I've played the first 4 so far, it's wicked hard to get in the top 100 though!!!
  • We did awesome:) and we'll clean Up in seasons also especially we have E* videos:)
  • Darn, got the Love Boat theme in my head now.
    Good luck on the droids @kimmie & @kathy. I could never get the hang of them very well.
  • Yep agreed!! :)
  • Thanks @karen68 I'm with you, they're strange and not like the other bonus levels. Getting good scores, seriously tough!!!
  • I'm lost @Kimmiecv I'm on bonus level one walkthrough says S-1 but I'm confused is there separate Droid and bonus? Cause my walkthrough doesn't match my level..
  • @Kathy -- What they call golf on a cruise ship is more like a practice range. Not the real thing. I believe there are many beautiful courses in the Caribbean.
  • I'm telling you the notification is Wonky in the forum!! I just hit the star and I'm getting Old posts!!?? Something ain't right!!
    @Kathy I went to my leaderboards for SW and hit the droid pic, it took me to the droid walkthroughs, which IMO bites as you have to go through getting the egg to get to the droids! :/ But you can scrub it once it starts. So try that, I'm hoping the S ones are farther down on those?! Guess well find out. Not even sure what the S ones are from?!
  • I had to look at the picture and compare it to the first droid level to make sure I had it right @Kathy, the walkthrough system for these isn't exactly user friendly. :(
  • @Kathy I sent you a post in the droid section I was talking about! Hopefully that will help you get there! :)
  • Arrggguuuggghhh! It happened again! My ABO went to zero again right in the middle of a fling!
    Couldn't wait for Tuesday.
  • @wiiwilly what do you mean? Like while your actually Playing it zeros out on you in the middle of the game? Or your leaderboards are giving you fits?
  • @Kimmiecv Don't use the leaderboards- like my tablet reboots, and then no scores on ABO, but my ABSW is still ok (thank goodness)
  • Good grief that sounds like a nasty bug @wiiwilly!!! I'd be screaming the blues too!!! :/
  • only happens on ABO, may be a bug. But did get it back after a day.
  • Ok I'm back had to shower after all the car repairs..and yuck x work tomorrow + (
    I got the right level now @Kimmiecv:) ty:)
  • Sounds like one to me, especially as it only happens on that particular game. I wonder if anyone else has had that prob, I haven't heard of it but that doesn't mean a whole lot! ;)
  • Did you get my @mention or find it on your own @Kathy? I hope your car is street ready now!!
  • Here we go Pahtna!! LOL :D
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