The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1772
  • Thanks @Rat -- guess I'll make myself do some real work instead, then!
  • Highly recommened @junkenmetel. I could have scored 230k if I'd had two good shots to go with the glitch. So my score will eventually be beaten.
  • @JunkenMetalPageChangeFinally!

    Hurray! My first one! Where's @AngerManagement? And @Kathy, Queen of Page Changes?
  • Good afternoon/morning @all!
    Congrats @junkenmetalpagechangerfinally lol!
    OB you really do take good care of @mumsie don't you?!
    @kathy hope you're enjoying your day did say that right? My pm's got to me about 6hrs after being sent. i found them in here first thing this morning but only got dinged a couple of hrs ago. I've been doing some test emails outside the nest & they're all sending and being received quickly so I'm guessing it's maybe nest related? I'm also Gmail and have cleared out a ton of mail and spam this weekend but it didn't make any difference.
    @kimmie I know you're pillow walking but I was happy to see you leave here before 2am ;)
    OB I've drank my quota of coffee for today so could I please have a fruit tea to go?
    Have a great day and happy flinging everyone!
    Off to flirk for a couple of hrs
  • Ahhhh @kathy you've got a big green piggy face!!!!! Congrats sweetie,that's some achievement!!!!
  • @rat @rat9 -- Ok Time to confess! What was the mini glitch you found. I would like to add it to the self-destroying and unstable levels list. Did it happen before you flung any birds? Can it be repeated?
  • @mvnla2--Utopia 4-27. After the first shot, a pig bounced on a piece of licorice for about twenty minutes. I was about to plug in the iPad and let it run when he died. He gave me an additional 15k plus 5k for dying. Pure luck. I've seen the wooden ball do this for 5-8k, but never a pig. I could not repeat it.
  • Grrrrr
    Bad piggy moment! New high score, and hit the restart button!
  • shame on you.@hunnybunny.

    Was it in Space. Was it one of my top scores?
  • Na, one of Annach's
  • Whatcha playing? @hunnybunny
  • Pig Bang
    I'm only trying for above average scores at the moment. Slow going, I'm about half way there
  • @mvnla2--I looked at your unstable list last night. But since the S-16 glitch wasn't listed, I didn't bother to tell you about 4-27 glitch. I wasn't sure where glitches are listed.
  • @rat -- Thanks! Figured I'd have to search for that caterpillar myself.
    @Kimmiecv -- If you Google Phyllodes Imperialis, and click on the photos, there is an even more amazing one, with sort of long thin things sticking up from it's body. I think yours is prettier though.
    @rat -- Saw your description on the walkthrough. Thanks! May have to try it. Looks like the way all the highest scores are obtained.
  • Good luck @bunny. I'm not a fan of Pig Bang.
  • Nor me at the moment:-( Back to fling for me!
  • @mvnla2--I'm not so sure that's how the others were attained. If I'd had two good shots to go with the glitch, I would have scored about 230k. I've scored 210k without the glitch, pig or wooden ball, since last night.
  • @mumsie -- Congrats on the Solheim Cup win! (I didn't watch it, darn.) Talk about a spectacular looking course! I used to live in Denver when I was in high school, but that was long before I started playing golf, and even longer before the course was built. Don't know if you're aware that Denver is "The Mile High City," so it takes most people a while to get adjusted to the altitude. Golf balls do tend to go further though. : )
    At this rate, not sure when I'll catch up; I'm still on 1771. Just had to look at Kimmie's pet and now the golf course.
  • @rat -- Slowly catching up.
    ABSp S-15 is listed under unstable levels. The list is divided into 2 parts, self-destroying levels (destruction occurs before any shots fired), followed by unstable levels (shots fired first). If you haven't read the unstable levels part, there are some pretty interesting things there.
  • @rat -- Did you post how you got to 210 without the glitch? Still have to catch up with the rest of the site.
  • @mvnla2--I used the @fleshyskeleton method which is already posted.
  • @mvnla2--I must be asleep. I can't find the SD and UnS list today.
  • @rat
    Like a lot of forums, it tends to move. I've considered changing the name so it doesn't start with "please", I think that confuses a lot of people. Sometimes even me.
  • Mumsie yawns, stretches and beams as OB rushes over with a cup of tea and a biscuit. She thanks him again for looking after her so well, then rearranges her dusters, folds the blanket neatly, and checks what's been happening while she dozed.
    @rat - you constantly amaze me with your skill and patience! I seem to run out of the latter too fast and sadly never had much of the former! Think I may have to wait til the weather turns back to its normal dreary self and then spend the days I can't play golf into concentrated AB original improvements! Cos I completed all those before I found the nest so possibly haven't even looked at walkthroughs.
    Hi @junkenmetal - congrats on your first page change - probably happen often from now on.
    @mvlna2 - mmm golf balls go further in Denver - must ask geographer hubby where is Denver exactly and can we call in for a game of golf!
    Hi @hunnybunny - has it been a bit of a grey day for you today ! It is here - playing golf in Chester tomorrow and the forecast looks more like summer! Here's hoping the good weather is not finished yet!
    @JLZ666 - enjoy your fruit tea.
    @kathy - do hope your dinging problems are sorting themselves out. All my AB notifications go into a AB folder in hotmail but no dings - don't know why - I tend to just keep popping in.
    Do hope @Lisko's ok and just too busy to appear in the nest.
    Hi @bubbleslover - I may try again for anchors away but tried it every night for three weeks in Feb while on holiday and failed - as opposed to @jlz666 who got it on her first try!!!
    Off to cook dinner - see you later.
  • Hi all just peeking see I've missed quite a bit:(
    @junkenmetal congrats on the page change:) as Mumsie said it will probably happen more often now:) @JLZ666 yes i think the notification trouble is site related I've tripled checked my gmail settings and I'm receiving mail notifications from outside the nest..its sporadic sometimes it dings, but only to find is a notice from 3 pages back..yep my day off:) still in my jammies haha its almost 1 pm..nice relaxing day..BF is sleeping*knocks on bar* that is wood right..yep;)
    Off to absw to hopefully finish Up today:)
    OB I'll take a Sunupper please;)
  • Ok now notice from JLZ666 brings me here and the notice isn't even here
    She said " ah Kathy now you have a big green piggie face"
    O really wish they fix this..
  • @kathy get your glasses on! The post from JLZ666 is on this page!
  • Ok lol thanks@Hunnybunny but still delayed notice..
  • Quick someone post something i think I've figured it out!!
  • I'm sounding like Kate Bush, but @Kathy ain't answering!
  • Nope guess not @Hunnybunny thanks though:)
  • I'll let you know when i get the ding on that one..maybe tomorrow lol..
  • Just been to B&R and found why @JLZ666 commented on @kathy and a green face - Pig Leader Hurrah !! OB get a large glass of whatever Kathy wants on my tab!
  • @Mumsie -- Denver is the capital of Colorado, which easterners say is in the west, and westerners say it's in the midwest. It is at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, which form the continental divide for North America. If you really want to see golf balls go a lot further, try someplace even higher. There is a nice golf course in Snowmass (a ski resort near Aspen), which is more like 10,000 ft. The club where they played the Solhiem (sp?) Cup is private. Don't know if you can play there or not. You could try having your club pro ask them.
    There is also a nice golf course at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs; the Broadmoor is an expensive resort -- I've never played there.
    Unfortunately for you, Colorado (CO) is probably 5 hrs by plane from NY. So if you're seriously thinking of going there, you might want to make it part of a grand tour of the western U.S.
    Also, golf in and near the Rockies is strictly summertime only. Summer is reliably only June through August. I remember getting snowed in (~2 or 3 ft) on a camping trip at the beginning of Sept.
  • Thanks @mvlna2 - my geography is appalling - my hubby is constantly amazed that I find my way anywhere (my last job involved driving all our England) and I am delighted that I live on an island as if I hit water I know I've gone too far! A tour of Western USA is one of hubby's dreams but....... Maybe one day!
  • Poor @Kathy....I really should have explained my "big green pig face" comment lol! Especially when you're only getting some of the notifications! Kudos on still being in PJ's...that's a day off indeed!
    @mumsie I didn't want to wake you earlier,you looked so peaceful wrapped up in your blankie :) I managed to persuade hubby to delete the golf highlights............well,he knew who won anyway ;) Just about to cuddle up with kitty & catch up with "orange is the new black" I'm loving it!
  • Tada got Mumsies ding:) :)
    Lol @JLZ666 good thing i didn't see that comment,i wouldn't have know wth you were talking about seeing si didn't know about the award lol..
    Thanks @Mumsie I'll takea large Sunupper please OB:)
    Mumsie do i merit a duster?.., puleeeze:)
  • Another notification you didn't get - a very special duster awaits you in B&R!
  • Still notification from page 1770
    @Amslimfordy any ideas?
  • @kathy pig leader!! WTG girl!!
    @mumsie, we're the other way around. I always know where I am and where I'm going. The other half has no idea whatsoever. We've travelled the world (luckily for us) and he still doesn't know east from west.
    @mvnla Broadmoor in the UK is a secure hospital for the criminally insane. Without the criminal bit, golfers may fit in well! A bit like Kathy's quote from Einstein on insanity: trying to do the same thing, over and over again, expecting a different result. Golfers and bird flingers lol
  • Be back later..BF got th e distributor cap and rotor..gonna go put it in and Hope for the best
  • Thanks@Hunnybunny:)
  • @kathy leave it to him. Or can't he cope without Pig Leader on that very easy man job?
  • Lol @Hunnybunny i enjoy doing it:) its to fire her Up and see what happens..Ohh i seem to be getting dings when i am @mentioned..:)
  • And what is the much loved "her"?
  • The her is a crap box 1993 Mazda her of a friend for 400$ so been nickel and dimeing her..trial and error she keeps sputtering..but just changed distributor and rotor.adjusted the idle and it sounds good:) just gotta take her for a ride and pray she doesn't stall
    Next step o2 sensor i wish @lisko hubby was here lol:) I'm just a backyard mechanic fix the obvious..that's were my abilities in car engines end
  • I had I little Mazda MX5 (think its called a Miata in the US). I saw one on a TV programme when first released, $8000 in US. £16000 in UK. Twice as much, given the exchange at the time. Might as well as been £160000, no way I could afford her.
    Two years later, got my hands on the little beauty. I loved her to death, bright red, two seats, convertible, cross spoke alloys! Cross spoke alloys, how good are they!!!
    Had her four and a half years. Loved her to death. My favourite car ever, without a doubt!
  • And I test drove her, in the rain, with the top down. My other half thought I was mad, but sat there patiently in the passenger seat. Bless him....
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