The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1778
  • @kimmie , Hi there!

    Once upon a time HappyShake and Goavs4 were the undisputed leaders in AB Space.

    HappyShake seemed to lose interest a while back - before Rat came along - but he's been around sporadically since then. Goavs4 continued to put up a good fight against Rat but eventually he had to concede that Rat is like the Borg: resistance is futile.

    As for me, I seem to plod along at my own pace, in no man’s land between second and fourth place.
  • @burpie--As you know, not a big fan of Utopia. But I'm closing in on first place. Just luck mostly. Haven't played it much.
    @kimmie--2 1/2 hours Whoo Hoo!
  • The Borg? @burpie I like it.
  • ROFLMAO @burpie!! I do seem to remember goavs4 but I don't remember happyshake, of course it's been a year since I hit space and only added my wee scores in then so I haven't really seen the avgs yet. I think I'm scared!! Maybe a good thing it'll be ages before I head over there to fight my way to avg in all things space!! :O
  • Tomorrows Thursday. Space update Paaallleeeeaaaassssee!!!!
  • :D I hope so @rat! I may not be a fighting contender for top scores but I Loved space and that's why I'm saving it for last so the more updates the merrier ill be!! And the happier @rattheborg will be!! LMAO
  • Don't count Happyshake out. It's amazing how quickly he moves. Really good flinger. Same with Goavs4.
  • @burpie if I could actually stand at 2nd and 4th place I'd be Glooooowing!!! :D
  • I can't believe we started a new page with a (.) stupid error box!!!
  • @rat did you say you got 31/2 hours sleep?
  • @kimmie--I better watch out. I don't want to take on too many personae. I might forget who I am.
  • 2 1/2. Did I say 3 1/2? I must be dreaming.
  • Oh never mind I see it was 2 1/2 eh not so great then. :(
  • LOL we're getting scary!!! :D
  • Ahem...@Kimmiecv Good Morning!!!!
  • Nah we'd remind you @rat!! Hahaahaa
  • Buuuuusted!!!!!! Uh good morning @Kathy!! Gee is it that early again?! Huh who knew?! :D
  • @kimmie--Two hours is about the top end for a sleep session. A good day is when I can catch a nap to go with it. So, 2 1/2 hours was great. I feel much more human. Less Borglike.
  • I warned you about @Kathy. Now your both in trouble.
  • Can't chat gotta Getty ready and I'm late:(
    Go to bed..((((( hug))))
  • @rat while its great you got a whopping 1/2 hour more I'm not sure you want to forego the Borg part?! May cause severe loss in numbers!! Heehee
  • @all hi and bye!
    Off out for a girly lunch. Driving, though, so no champagne :-(
    @Burpie are you a Trekkie? I certainly am!
    Bye for now
  • Resistance is futile @kimmie. Go to bed
  • Okey dokey @Kathy have a quick work day! I plan on sleeping as long as I'm able! No alarm clock! Fingers crossed and toes for good measure!! ;) See ya when your home and I'm *fingers/toes crossed* up!! :)
  • hi and bye bunny
  • Have fun @hunnybunny! Shoulda had the hubby drop you off and pick you up though!! No Champers on a girly date bites!!
  • She probably wants to drive her baby with the top down @kimmie
  • @rat I'm off then, I do try to limit it to oh between 4 and 5am ;) I hope you catch some more shut eye between now and when I can pop back in!! :)
  • Yep she prob does!! It's the price she's gotta pay then! :)
  • As @kimmie would say...bbl
  • ;D Good bye @rat!

    @burpie it was nice chatting with you, hope you pop in more often!!

    Everyone have a great Wednesday see ya laters!!! :)
  • @kimmie , see you around!

    @hunnybunny , I'm a great fan of TOS but I never did get into the newer series.
  • Um, although I do have a fond spot for the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition. How can you not like those?
  • Too true @burpie Too true.
  • They did a lot with very little in the original Star Trek.
  • BTW @ burpie, I don't normally use language like "word". I was just trying to get the "last word" in with @kimmie.
  • Have a great day all:) Yay Kimmiecv no alarm sleep well sweet dreams:)
    *shines Up Kimmie flashlight nice and clean for later use\%
    Hopefully not top cramped Up..hee hee ...bells a ringin' gotta fly..
  • Error box!!!
  • 3-Starred & above average all levels of Hoth....
    Now working on Cloud City :)
  • Lurkers? Borg? Ferengi? Changelings? Romulans? Anybody?
  • Obviously not. I'll go and read up the Ferengi Rules of Aquisition. No. 58 seems to fit for flingers "There is no substitute for success"
  • @Hunnybunny! Had to google Ferengi, before I said hi.
    But I'm popping.
    @rat9 -- Used your strat to improve my score by a couple of K on yesterday's challenge, even though I was already above average. Just seemed too good an opportunity to strike it lucky and beat you. HA! But thanks anyway.
    Tomorrow's Thurs. If there is no new AB update, may just have to upgrade my IOS operating system so I can play the latests update from SuperStickman Golf.
    Of course, I could work on the Hunny-Do List my hubby keeps reminding me about. I always thought the Hunny-Do List was something the wife created for her husband, not the other was around!
    I could always try for above average on all of AB, but I keep thinking the averages have been distorted by PUs, even if the highest scores haven't.
  • @mvnla2 I've obviously got the hunny do list! He works, I don't.
    I'd rather he retire, I have a list of hubby do. But they're all day trips, last minute holidays, city breaks. His father worked ten hours a day, six days a week, until ten weeks before he died, at 76. I married the son!!!
  • @Hunnybunny -- Same situation. I retired; he didn't, even though he's older than me. He says he will never retire, unless they make him do too much stuff he doesn't like, and don't let him take enough time off for his hobbies, vacation, etc. At least he's not a workaholic, just likes what he does and the people he works with.
    Well, actually, he did retire from one job ~10 years ago. It was a whole 2 weeks before he went back to work. My hubby's father retired at a normal age, so at least it's not in the genes.
  • @mvnla2 mine went about four months after the first retirement. Relaxing, Christmas, Caribbean cruise, mopping around the house. Job!
  • @mvnla2, @hunnybunny--My better half is only two bad days in a row from retirement.
  • @rat WTG Mrs Rat!
  • @hunnybunny--She likes her job so she may hang on for a max of two more years. We're in the golden years of retirement savings. Have been for some time now.
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