The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1779
  • What will she do all day, other than prising your cold, but not yet dead, fingers off the iPad?
    Sorry about that one........
  • Hunny I'm Home:) lol been dying to say that...
    @mvnla2 yes in most households the hunny do list is for the hubby lol
    Wtg Mrs.rat enjoy retirement are they giving a party?
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please lots of reading to do:)
  • Aww @Hunnybunny that wasn't nice:(
  • @kathy trying but will never get the crown lol
  • No no no no no, I said she's two "bad" days away from retirement. In other words, If she gets treated poorly or gets bored, she's outta there.
  • I see @Hunnybunnypagechangernevergettin my crown' is still tryin lol
    Wth is there a limit on word length?
  • Ohhhh @rat kinda like my 'days away from retirement'
  • Ah ah joke about Mrs Rats car, you must have missed out on that one. She loves her car, only her cold hands can be prised from the wheel
  • I had an ekg yesterday and whatever they stuck on me i think I'm allergic to all the spots they stuck the things are red and itchy:( any ideas anyone..
  • @kathy i tried a long one, too long, didn't even turn blue
  • Ohhh sorry @Hunnybunny i missed it with the page change..
  • @rat too slow for the ladies, keep up
  • @kathy you a Trekkie? Burpie was, rat seemed to know some Borg stuff (massaged his ego I think, being a Borg)
  • @kathy ever had an oxygen mask strapped to your face? That's real bad allergic reaction. Like a huge red clown smile. Not, not, not a good look
  • Yep wouldn't let me type the rest to space..
  • I love original star trek..:) Brb gotta help BF..for a sec..
  • @Ma--I do the finances, not because I'm chauvinistic, but because she doesn't want to deal with it. Last year I mentioned we'd need to spend at twice the rate we currently live on just with the annuities. Not touching investment principle. She was surprised. I didn't know why? She'd just never looked at our finances in that way. It was very liberating for her. Hence, if she has two days in a row, she's quitting. Problem is, she likes her job.
  • Rat, Borg, I don't know who I am anymore.
  • I'm a rat in the collective!!!
  • Oh, it's on now Miss Bunny!!
  • @rat boring about the finances!
    Interesting about rat v Borg
    I'm going Romulan for me. Need to dye the hair and lose a couple of pounds (read twenty!)
  • @Kathy--Just routine on the EKG right?
  • Ok rat, trekkie character you most love? Which one you'd love to be?
  • Before you post, Diana Troi, is not allowed
  • Yes just routine..they want to make as much money off my insurance as they possibly can:)
  • She do love her car. Finds excuses to go for a drive.
    Trek character I'd like to be? Hmm...Need to think a bit on that. Not an easy question.
  • I like Scotty:) 'she ll nevermake it captain':) also like sulu :)
  • Are we talking crew only or aliens as well?
  • K i need to fling!! My finger getting twitchy..hee bbl:)
    Hope you get your space update soon:)
  • @hunnybunny--I think maybe any red shirter. They didn't need to work long.
  • @kathy you have no idea on making money on health insurance. My sis lived lived in Boston for five years, her husbands a diplomat. What it cost us UK tax payers for her exploratory stuff, dentistry, c section (ok I'll forgive that one) hypochondria
  • But get killed!
  • Aliens are allowed
  • Also gotta go. I'll give it thought.
  • Omg this dreadful avy has to go! Too sweet and fluffy! Not me at all
    Edit: now changed to space bunny! Any comments?
  • See you tomorrow @rat @kathy
    This woman of a certain age hardly slept last night. Hoping for eight hours tonight. Sorry @rat
  • @hunnybunny--I highly encourage sleep in others. I live (sleep) vicariously through them. I still have memories of sleeping 12 hours on Saturday's after working, going to school, and playing football all week. The type of football that uses the oblong "pigskin" ball.
  • @hunnybunny--I appreciate the Space bunny avatar, but I agree, it's blasé'.
  • Need a little help on ABO Hang em High 3-1
    Followed the walk thru but don’t get the red bird to fall on the piggies at the bottom. Several tries and keep getting the same results (=insanity) Most of the time the big pig on the right bottom does not get hit by the round stone. So far my score is 60570. If I knock the brick wall onto the bottom and then go for TNT the big piggy at the bottom is left.
  • I'll see what i can do to help @wiiwillie:)
  • @wiiwillie ham'em high 3-1¿
  • @wiiwillie its 12-1 13-1 or 14-1 on ham em' high ¿
  • @wiiwillie you mean poached egg? Hello...can't help if i duont know where ¿ I think you mean abo poached eggs 3-1
  • oops. @Kathy that is Poached Eggs 3-1. was on wrong level
  • I figured @wiiwillie from what i remember i kinda bounced Up to the TNT off the top of stack of rocks underneath..but hold on I'm trying it now:)
  • Sorry not stack of rocks.hold on I'll figure it out..:)
  • @Kathy, that is 3 redbirds to launch ; with TNT and small rock at the top, pig with helment below ect.. BTW am using a tablet, android
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