The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1780
  • Ok its been a long time..but i just got 64k you want yo try to hit'just under the tnt like the middle of the black Shelf it sits on is tricky..but red will bounce back wards..and the boulders will do there rolling..always wait for that little one on top to roll will give the big boulder a nudge to take out the left bottom piggies..I'll keep trying to see if i can help more..good luck
    Remember to 3 P's Patience, Persistence, Practice the wise words of a dear friend:)
  • @wiiwillie over here!!! Page change,:)
  • Ok @wiiwillie its not red that bounces down..sorry about that..but still aim just below tnt and it should fall just red doesn't fall on piggies he goes far right usually debris from block tower falls or the boulder takes them out..wish i knew how to make video:(
  • I am on Android phone..sorry missed your comment in the page change..yes we are on the correct level..
  • Hey everybody!! Btw thanks @Rat9 for the tip... No wonder it only works on the iPad!! I have been trying FOREVER on my iPod! Who else is on?
  • Arfhhhhhh did it wrong @E-star Hellp !!! :( sorry
  • @wiiwillie Quick Come see;)
  • @bubbleslover--Have you got it cranked up and running?
  • @Kathy, thanks a hundred fold! Success to the successful thistle shifter! My bird did fall similar to yours instead of the walk thru. But I got my three stars!!
  • Nope!! I have an iPod... No iPad, though! Ooh well!! I have gotten it like a million times in the iPod, it just alway dies in one certain spot, @Rat. Is that a glitch in a glitch?
  • ("It" as in the pig, not the iPod)
  • Wtg!!! @wiiwillie :) ! Glad i could help,;:)
  • Sorry im in the midst of helping a friend in real life as well..I'm a lurkin':)
  • It is okay!! WOOHOO I finally have a higher score on s-15 than @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster!!! >:)
  • Wtg !!! @bubbleslover :) your bro not gonna like that lol!!
    Have a cranberry juice..on me or drink of your choice..non-alcoholic you know the drill:)
    , OB bring bubbleslover what she likes please:)
  • Anything's fine... But don't be having OB do anything!! ;D does chuck Matilda or Red do anything to help? Just wondering... :)
  • Oh man!!! It is way late! Time flies! I have to go soon, just a few more comments before I leave, or else I might fall asleep...;P
  • @bubbleslover have you read page 1 of our forum? OB is in charge he's the bartender.actually @team is in charge and that's (me Ripsy, sunshine and E*) the blues are the waitresses and they are usually busy delivering around the site ..Lil'red has enough to do killing piggies:) as well as idea who is Matilda? Lol
  • Princesspagechanger strikes again...
    Lol @Hunnybunny I'm way up on ya..and I'm not even trying it just happens hence the crown..hee hee
  • Guess I'll go change..
  • White bird is Matilda... Oh well!!! Goodnight, @Kathy!! ;)
  • Read the birdman story @bubbleslover white bird is'white vail 'in here yes i forgot Matilda on site sorry ;) sweet dreams..:)
  • Hey at least you got your glory today..tell AngryBirdsSpaceMaster i said good night as well..
    Nighty night sleep well..z:)
  • bye!!! Good night, @Kathy
  • You changed your picture thingy!! I like it!!! Good night!! ;)
  • It didn't change its supposed to be my Princesspagechanger crown..but ty good night @bubbleslover:)
  • *oooch ouch..rubs forehead and left cheek..*

    Look one here..OB how you let me nod off on my flashlight again:(..oh i know your busy do q wonderful job..i see you've fluffed @Mumsies cushions and filled her knitting do take a shine to her huh ¿*
    *OB just nods and goes on dusting the glasses, and cleaning the candlelights*
    Yep your right i should be getting on to bed..nighty night
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth* big (((( hugs)))) pahtna hope you enjoyed sleeping through the alarm:) nighty night..
    Good night @rat Pa I'll see ya in the a.m don't let the wild one stay up all night..bring in the snort video..hee hee good night
    *(((((hug))))) aha snuck one in..:)
  • @Kathy sorry I missed you and yes I Actually got me some sleep, even if it was patchy it was still Sleep!! :)
    *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * (((((Hugs)))))
  • Wow, I got the last "word" with @kimmiecv last night. Will wonders never cease? She really was tired.
  • Cherish it @rat, it's rare!!! Just ask my Fam!! LMAO ;D
  • @kimmiecv--I've heard old wives' tales of women who live together becoming synchronous. But Ma lives on the East coast while you live, well, you know where you live. That's quite a geographic separation. Yet, everywhere I look I see the two of you with similar, if not identical results. Even your Anchor's Away scores are linked. I'd wager you even accomplished this feat at the same time of the month. I looked it up. Yep. Three days of separation with almost identical scores. Of course that was six months ago. I'm sure your totally in sync now. It's a good thing you two don't live in the same town. You'd probably become the first people in history to become joined as Siamese twins after birth. Just an observation. lol
  • I've got way too much time on my hands. Don't I?
  • And another week of your theories, eh, @Rat?
    No Space update again!
    I'm in the snowy wastelands of Wreck the Halls, hence my reason for chatting away to rodents, rather than concentrating on flinging. Those snow blocks are hateful
  • @rat that's why we're know as the AB twins! We have a whole lot of scores that are seriously close to each others, just can't fight it!! And Rat I really think you may have too much time on your hands!! Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa ;D
  • Good morning @all
  • Good morning Rat
    Hello Kimmie, I can work out the time zones, but not your sleeping patterns, so I'll stick to 'Hello' a safe bet whatever the time :-)
  • @all--Has anyone else other than @hunnybunny noticed how erratic TAS has been lately. No avatar anymore, no leaderboards, and yesterday he was pinging all over the site incoherently at 2 o'clock in the morning on a school night. Starting to get concerned about my Mississippi mate.
  • @Rat I sent him a message a few days ago, but didn't get a reply. And he never answers questions put to him here either.
  • LOL don't blame you @hunnybunny, it's early morning here (2:40ish) so hello and good morning to you :)

    @rat don't worry it's typical Tas behaviour I'm not seeing anything he's done lately that he hasn't done before. :)
  • That's to you as well @hunnybunny, he's always been that way, in fact when he was showing such good manners, well that's when I was getting a bit worried as what your seeing now is much more typical of his normal behaviour.
  • @hunnybunny--He's answered my PM's. But I'm evidently out of touch with the younger generation because I don't have a clue where his head is.
  • Erm @rat I could tell ya but can't say it in BP!! :D
  • BTW, I got my glasses yesterday. Lookout, I've got perfect vision in one eye, OK in the other. I can now see the piggies.
    @kimmiecv--My opinion of your age just got a whole lot younger.
  • @rat you know that Kimmie's age is a state secret. Don't try to tempt her to breaking her silence with that back handed compliment!
  • @kimmie--I guess you can call your twin, Grand Ma. I'll just stick with Ma.
  • ROFLMAO I've not a clue to my age @rat! I just look forward to the cake and presents, that just never seems to get old!!! :D
  • @Rat you're digging yourself a hole there, boy
    Certain things should never be spoken about. A lady's age is one of them
  • I thought women liked getting younger. I know a lot that celebrated their 29th birthday one too many times. I never understood that. Why would you want to look so bad at 29?
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