The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1781
  • Congrats on the new glasses @rat. :) Ummm nope I don't think I'm going there!! Nope not on my life!! LOL
  • I think women should lie the other direction. Then they could look great for their age.
  • OMG @rat you are indeed looking for trouble!! Hahahaaaa As to my age I've never given it much thought, I figure your doing darn good if you can move and are still breathing! Anything else is icing on your cake!! :D
  • Ain't I philosophical this morning? As @HB said. I better shut up.
  • Now see I'd agree with that one! I used to tell people I was 60 for that very reason!! :D
  • It's not Kimmie you should worry about, calling Kathy Grand Ma, even if by default, could lead to trouble!
  • Hmmm maybe ill start doing that again.......I'm pretty sure I'm not 60!!
  • Oops. Sorry about that Ma.
  • Good point @hunnybunny!!

    Hey @rat at 60 do you get Medicare?
  • @Rat ha ha you kick it to death in real life, and fix it your virtual one! I like it
    @Kimmie sorry if you don't understand a word of this
  • Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  • @hunnybunny I'm used to stuff floating over my head!! :)
  • With my "advanced" age my memory fades in and out. Do I remember correctly that, like me, Ma has no children?
  • My other half is sixty in January. Don't mention it in his hearing, he's very depressed about it.
    He has all his hair, it's not very grey, has hardly put on any weight since I first met him, and his teeth are all his own. He should be proud!
  • Nor me, nor Estar,
    Mumsie has our share!
  • @rat she's got daughters.
    @hunnybunny I think your hubby needs a good crack on the head!! Most men would be awful proud to still be able to say they had half that stuff going for them!!
  • I'm jealous @HB. Lost the battle on weight after the last surgery. Been losing the hair since birth. Still got all my own teeth. One outta three ain't bad is it?
  • On my Dads side of the family all of them went grey before 16, except my Dad, somehow he lucked out, my sisters been plucking Greys out of her head since high school. It skipped me too, until recently, now I've got this wicked cool grey streak right up front!! :D
  • I'm thinking I need to leave soon. @Kathy will be here shortly and I'm not sure after the "Grand" comment I want to be here. And stupid me just dinged her.
  • @Kimmie he'll probably get one by Monday. He's off for four days starting tomorrow. He'll do my head in, getting me out of bed too early, scowling when I play birds, generally annoying me, in the way that all husbands do lol
    But he has promised me a trip over the Newport Transporter Bridge, which will be fun. I'm easily pleased.
  • Gooooodmorning my fellow flingers!! Trying to get back into the (to the outside world) normal hours and woke up at 10AM... closed our eyes at 5, ahhhh the remembrance of the 5 hours sleep is back :D
  • Stupid auto correct!! :/ Ummm @rat she doesn't read most of the chitter chatter so if your lucky she'll miss it! If not uhhh it was nice knowing you!! :D
  • @Rat, I'll leave @Kimmie to laugh at your misfortune when she turns up
    In the words of the great @Kathy I need a 'Showa'
    Oh dear, I dinged her to :-)
  • Yikes! What kind of time off is that @hunnybunny!! The point of time off IS to sleep in!! At least your getting a fun trip out of the harassment!! LOL

    WTH @e-star!! You've several days left!! Nutter!! Good morning! :D
  • @hunnybunny--I'm not sure I ever said congRATs on your getting so high on the list of Anchors Away. Congratulations on a battle well fought. It's really a short list.
  • Hi and bye Estar
    See you all later
  • Bye hunnybunny hope you have fun plans!! :)
  • Hi and bye @estar. @Kathy has been dinged three times now. I'm gone!!!
  • Hahhah IKR but wanted to be here just in case an update landed, Slim is on holiday, so wanted to be sure my fellow Nesters were not left without anyone to contact if an update landed, so set my alarm for 9, checked and dozed for another hour :D
  • @HunnyBunny don't slip and have a great showa :D
  • Why would you need to get up early for an update e-star? Me no understand??
  • @rat ya sure you are not leaving because of me?? I promised never to hug you anymore :(
  • @rat your pretty safe when she first gets up, she's in a rush to get to work, it's later you better say your prayers over! But I'd be surprised if she reads it, having said that she likely will!! Heehee your a dead man walking!! WAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAA
  • @Estar--I'm not here!! But if I were, you could hug me.
  • Updates always land at 9AM my time, lots of traffic on update day, so I wanted to be ready if needed.
  • Ya sure Mister Rat?? The last time you arghhhhh ed me :/
  • Kimmie kimmie.... you LOON!! The postie just rang!!! Sorry Hubby is very camera shy so no picture, but I can tell ya his eyes lighted up seeing all the yummies... For me?? yes Hubby for you :D
  • But for what e-star? What happens on update day? Besides going crazy putting walkthroughs up at rapid speed..........

    Rats a closet hugger ;)
  • Whaaaat!!! You were supposed to take pictures so I could enjoy it too!!! :(
  • Lots of chatter that needs moderation and I wanted to try my hand at making the videos, so Sal didn't have to do it all. really don't know exactly where I could have helped, just wanted to be here just in cause I could
  • He liked them!! Yeay :D Wait until you all taste em!! Yummy!!!
  • I know... I am sorry, I pulled out the camera and he looked at me with his evil eyes.. I am so sorry Kimmie, but I fear Hubby more than you... But I do Love you my dear sweet friend Mwaaaaah!!
  • Ok the moderation makes total sense I get it now, Duh!!

    Well I'm glad his eyes lit up and now he's got yummys to dig into American style!! And you've got more pixie sticks!!!! :D Good grief you wouldn't think it so hard to find the bloody things here!!!
  • I didn't tell you about them so you'd both be surprised, seeing as how the whole tooth thing didn't work out! ;D
  • And Like Mister Rat there is only one that has my soulmate/tilldeathdouspart love and that is hubby... but some friendships just excell the normal range of friendships and therefore love for anyone else than hubby is allowed in my book... just like the family love is allowed :D
  • I am, he was, we both were, you crazy sweet woman! And yeahhhh I can stop saving them and just grab again! They are so yummy, don't know why they don't sell them here. Only familiar thing between the treats were the M&Ms I think those are world wide known, but you did pick the right one, with the peanut :D
  • @rat is still debating himself if he is going to argghhhh me if I give him a hug or not? or is he really that afraid of ma?
  • I thought you might like those better, I like them with peanuts too! Mmmmm I hope you like the others too! I picked stuff I loooove!! :D and made sure they were able to be eaten by both of you instead of having to cut them up! :)
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