The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1782
  • He's hiiiiiding!!! WAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAA :D
  • After reading your last posts, I'm going to "temporarily" forgo my ban on mushy and tell you how I really feel. Love you both @estar and @kimmiecv
  • Awwww :) Thank you @rat! The feeling is mutual!! Thank goodness you took me up on BP! Just wouldn't be as much fun without you!!!
  • Mutual. I feel like I'm watching Young Frankenstien.
  • @e-star you have Got to try the sugar babies!! OMG I drool over those babies! :D
  • LOL what's that mean @rat?!
  • Good thinking and by the looks of it, yup you are dead on with picking the kinds. A bit too early for me to be eating, but I will let you know what WE think of them :D
  • @kimmie--"The feeling is mutual" is another of my favorite movie quotes.
  • And butter fingers!!! Sooooo scrumptious yummy!!! :D
  • But what's the young Frankenstein mean @rat? Never seen it
  • @e-star it's just never to early to eat candy!!! ;)
  • We are having a "moment!" :D
  • (((((((((((Group Hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)))))))))))
  • Oooo, I liked it. Don't tell the better half. She's been working on my sensitive side for 38 + years now.
  • Never watch it too @kimmie ... I (with my dyslexia) read mutant hahahahahaha and put in the frankenstein, I had to reread the comment LOL... the tricks my mind plays on me ROFLMAO!
  • I'm pushing my luck. You know who is going to show up any time now.
  • LOL I know the feeling @e-star!! *Snicker*

    @rat now you can honestly say to your better half that all her hard work has started to pay off!! :D
  • hahahahah @rat sometimes a virtual push can do the trick, but mums the word from me. he maybe your new mushy side will seep into the real life as well and she will experience the benefit of it all :D
  • @rat since we've hit a few pages its now pretty official it's likely to be lost in the ether! Not to mention she's going to be too busy trying to wring my neck through her phone because I'm still up!! :D I'm like your buffer pad!! Hahahahaahahaahahaa
  • @kimmie--You've never seen Young Frankenstien? Watch the original Frankenstien movie first. Then YF with Marty Feldman and Gene Wilder. I challenge you not to Rotflmao.
  • I've never seen it, I'm terrible with movies, my sis and BinL watch at least 3 movies a week! Me haven't seen one in years!!
  • I'm an ID and HLN buff! Oooh A&E and Bio too!! :D
  • I do like gene wilder though........Did I mention the travel channel? I like paranormal stuff lots too! In loooove the ghost adventurers and the dead files!!!
  • So If I say Frau Blucher, nothing? @kimmie
  • Ummmm Huh??!!! :/
  • ???? sat what @rat?
  • hahahahahaha... I feel a google session coming up :D
  • Let me know what you find out @e-star!! LOL
  • @rat I saw the old old Frankenstein one, of course that was when I was a kid, but I remember it, is that the one your saying to watch first?
  • @estar @kimmie--Watch the movie. Better than sugar babies and much less fattening. You'll lose weight laughing. BTW, I've misspelled Frankenstein twice.
  • Yes, with Boris Karloff.
  • @rat both e-star and I are dyslexic so it wouldn't compute!! LOL :D
  • What year ... guess you are not talking about the 1994 one right?? the other one is from 1931!!!!!!!
  • Only reason I got it right is because my auto correct got it right for me! (This time!) Stupid thing is a menace! It had me using a curse word here last night! Thank goodness I caught it and was able to edit the stupid thing!!! :/
  • Keep talking @estar. We'll bury the earlier comments yet.
  • @e-star I remember the one I saw was in black and white, if that tells you anything :D
  • 1931 first. Then Mel's Young Frankenstein. I don't remember the year.
  • @rat they are soooo buried at this point!! LOL Unless your like mvnla2 and I in which case you'd be toast! Her, not so much! It's really rare she goes back that far! Like how I'm talking in code, not naming any names! Are you getting that?! *Snicker*
  • 1931 then 1974.
  • @rat9 Oh man... classic movie.

    The first time I saw it, that scene with Gene Hackman pouring soup nearly killed me.

  • Me either. Same page.
  • @burpie--I know right. I feel sorry for these two.
  • Lurker!! I sense a lurker came calling!!!! :D

    Hello @burpie :)
  • @rat you mean the comment you made about ma?? nahhh you are screwed my dear rodent Whoohahahaha, she reads back :/
  • Lurker!! I sense a lurker came calling!!!! :D

    Hello @burpie :)
  • Ooooh twilight zone!!!!! I'm seeing Double!!!!!!
  • Sorry for barging in guys. I was just checking here to see if someone from Rovio had popped in to offer an official and heartfelt apology for not updating Space yet.
  • @burpie--Most people like Blazing Saddles better, not me. I'm Young Frankenstein all the way.
  • (sorry couldn't help myself mister Rat, wasn't talking in code on purpose... I know I am a badddd girl)
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