The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1791
  • But your a pretty wreck @JLZ-666!!!!!! :D
  • That moment it hit me @kimmie will stay with me for a looooong time! Sheer bloody genius! Thank you @estar!! I can't imagine how little sleep she's had :( 4......5 hrs I'm guessing if it was the same as yours Kimmie?
  • Yep you'd be right on @JLZ-666!! She's a walking zombie like me!! LOL :D

    @sunshine I Looove em!! @JLZ-666 if you missed it, go back a page!!! :)

    @e-star awwww he's so pretty!!! :)
  • Yup JLZ 4 and a half to be exact, but mweeehh... just practicing for next week when work starts again... but enough about me... it is YOUR birthday JLZ, you should get all the praise for being such a great friend. I would go without sleep if necessary!
  • @hunnybunny--Bob's had a run in with a German shepherd before. Guess who won?
  • JAAPIE you beautiful boy!!!! Oh honey that's gorgeous! What a pose lol!!! Ahhhh he's so handsome! I got a have eaten mouse from Oscar this morning! It was lovely.......he left the stomach sac on the welcome mat at the back door!!! That's a ma boy!!!!
  • @sunshine - love the golf gear - may have to go online like now!!!
  • Oh I need to go back a page!
  • IKR!!! I will never ever forget that first moment either!!! :) Pretty special friends we all have!!
  • @HunnyBunny Sorry had to read back, but hahahahahhah good come back... but awwww you cannot let him after Sweet looking Robert. hmmm where is Robert?? Got scared of the high levels of estrogen?? Huh @rat?
  • Ahhh there is Robert :D
  • Sunshine that golf stuff, too funny, to Think of JLZ Hubby on the course and meeting up with his buddies walking around with those LOL!!
  • rdnzlrips82
    Happy Birdday RD!!!
    Hope you enjoyed your special day.
    Sorry for being late for the party and missing the actual day. Sometime real life gets in the way.
    Wish you the best.
  • Sorry @all. My schedule got all messed up this morning.
  • E* yes! And then trying to explain to his mates !
  • @jlz666 Do you have any pictures of your cats?
  • Oh man I'd Pay to see that!!! @JLZ-666 you may need to get those for hubby as a Bday gift!! LOL :D I can't WAIT for you to open your Pressys!!!! I'm almost as excited as you are!! Awww and Oscar even gave you a pressy!! What a erm sweet boy?! LOL
  • Ooooooo @sunshine thank you! I might just have to take up golf.........nah,strike that! Neeeeeever gonna happen! Can't wait to show him them!
    Estar you poor wee thing :( I can't believe you had to go through all that again!! At least you had one numpty less to deal with this time!!! HaaHaaa!!! Oh no had @kimmie heeeeheeee!!! Only kidding Kimmie! You couldn't have been worse than me!
    @sunshine I've just seen the cake you sent I LOVE it!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks mumsie!!! I think you need some too!! ;)
    Thanks Estar!!
    Good morning wrw01!
  • OMG those are Wicked @sunshine!!! I've Never seen kitty AB toys before!!! Awesome!!!

    Hey @wrw01!! :)
  • Yep I do indeed @rat,hold on & I'll go get them.
  • @sunshine--Where did you get that waterproof laptop? I want one.
  • Gooood morning Popssss... you remembered... ermmm or did you.... today is JLZ day. Ow dear, what to do with the less young folks hahahahah [[[hugggss]]]] my friend, long time no see in here!
  • Jlz666 I'm glad you like it!!!! ;D
  • @rat why is the roof leaking again?
  • I"m off to the pictures with the gkids bye ee!
  • No need to work anymore JLZ, I already put up a link to the card you made for Kimmie... they both are starring in that :D
  • @rat, love your cat!!!!!! I'm on my iPad!! ;D
  • @rat no worries! Just pop in as you can! ;) Chaos reins supreme when we're all together!! LOL
  • Mumsie enjoy!! And great we could all be here at the same time! Always a fun time when all the ladies are at it :D Have a fab day! [[[hugggs]]]]
  • @mumsie--No!!! Three times was enough. @sunshine emailed me from the ocean yesterday. Working while on vacation.
  • Have a grand time @mumsie!!
  • HaaHaaa! Might have known you'd have got in there first estar!!
    @sunshine I just love those toys! We can't get them in the UK,I've searched everywhere so my mom brings them over at Xmas for them
  • Bye @mumsie42!! Have a great time! :)
  • My weapon of choice as well. @sunshine
  • Hee hee... I figured your head was still spinning :D And I am on the computer, so fast as welll ermmmm like me :D
  • Oooooo I said Mom!!! I've been around you guys far to long!
    Bye and huge hugs to you @mumsie!! I've loved everything you did for me today! I can't wait to reread everything at finally take it all in! My heids like mince at the moment!!!
  • How did I miss them? I've never seen any kitty AB toys anywhere and I check the toys every time I go to a store!!! :/ Man we've been rippled! No AB toys! That's just Wroooong!!!
  • Where's the link to my kitties?
  • I have a hard time keeping up with @kimmie. Kimmie and Estar, I lose ground. Today I'm 45 minutes behind already.
  • At these times the iPad is moping on my desk, untouched for hours... I can not do what I do on it... I am way more ecuiped when I am on the computer :D
  • LOL @JLZ-666 we've Americanized ya!!! :D
  • @JLZ 666
    Happy Birthday JLZ666!
    Today is your day that presented you to this world.
    Do something special that makes each birthday different from the rest of the days of the year.
    I know the folks in the NEST that have posted all the expressions of kindness and appreciation always touch the heart.
    Wish you the best on your day.

  • @kimmie I'll ask my MUM where she gets them ;)
  • ROFLMAO @rat! Your not alone! Most peeps can't keep up!! ;D
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