The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1792
  • Told ya @rat... I warned you in the PM... Mix Kimmie and me... well... BAM!! page turns on the minute hahahah... put in the other ladies too and BAM page turns in the seconds LOL
  • @jlz Aww, There pretty. One white chin, the other black.
  • See what did I tell ya?! hahahah ROFLMAO!!
  • @E-star
    Thank You
  • It didn't help that I started 30 minutes behind because of the Evil Gravatar.
  • Pops you are amazing... 5:50 on your side right? Did we wake you hahahaha, ahhh nope I forgot, when one gets somewhat less young, they tend to sleep less.. right??
  • Heeheee keep practicing there @JLZ-666 it'll come back to you! I say Mom, you say Mum!! Heeheee Yes that would be lovely! Can't believe I've never once seen an AB toy! That's just soooo not right!!!

    Hey again @wrw01 :D Glad you could pop in for this very special day for our very special @JLZ-666!!! :)
  • @wrw01 you've just made me fill up again!! God this is ridiculous!! Thank you soooo much,you always have the kindest words! This birthday kinda tops them all I have to say and I was in New York this time last year celebrating my 40th so that says a lot about what these girls have done for me today! Thank you so much for popping in!
  • I think we lost a couple on the last page.... over here !!! JLZ... over here!!
  • Ow there you are :D
  • My mom got the toys for Brenda but not at a pet store!
  • Dang it, I'm dropping off line :( I piggyback off the restaurant next door and it must be busy. Sorry,I'm slowing down & can't keep up.
  • Argh gravatar put the Evil in evil don't it @rat!! Mucking up a perfectly good picture or holding it hostage so your nak ed!!!
  • @kimmie--Did you see how easy it was for JLZ to tell everyone her age. State secret. Bah Humbug.
  • @rat uh huh, right, that is your excuse and you are sticking with it right hahahah LOL. Hmmm maybe we should do a pop quiz to check if all have read the comments hahahha hmmm probably not an good idea... I think we need a whole day to read them all !
  • I got booted again with the page change! Lol ;)
  • Piggyback ha ha ha
  • The pages they are a turnin!! :D
    @JLZ-666 go over there and tell them to stuff it! It's Your Bday!! The wifi should be used by Only You!!!!
  • Hahahhahah @rat Kimmies is the state secret... but yup I fear the big 40, mind wonders off so easily doesn't it... JLZ hahahaha
  • @Estar wouldn't let me go naked. She has the short skirt an pom poms at the ready.
  • restaurant?? I thought you went home hahahahah... but you actually had to ermmm work... hope the client has gone home a happy one!
  • Hey Miss Jlz, have you gotten any @mention???? You may want to check them out! ;D
  • @E-Star
    I remembered both but could not get logged in on Friday due to taking all the windows out of the second floor of our house on Wednesday with the threat of rain and with actual rain three times. We had to do some fast work in sanding and painting each window frame and sash along with re-installing them on Friday.
    You are a hoot but last night I was so tired that I did sleep through it everything. Give me a hard time why don't it.
  • Blechhhhh raining again!! and we had such a lovely day yesterday!! Awwwww and it is the last weekend of my vacation.... :(((((
  • That's even scarier than the evil gravatar dontcha think @rat!! LOL :D I can tell ya when I was born, I remember that!! Just not the actual age it makes me!! :D

    @sunshine so they don't sell them in the stores? No wonder I can't find them :/
  • Actually crap,I've just looked at the time and I'm going to have to head home :((((((( I can't believe I have to go :( I need to get ready for the 3pm train and it nearly 12. More importantly I have to open my special pressies!!!!!!!!
    What can I say?????? Thank you all so so much! I know how hard this all was but in a strange way I feel I've missed out in the madness lol!!!! You're all so special to me and I'm incredibly blessed to know you all. Thank you again & big fat kisses to each and every one of you! I'll try to find wifi in the cocktail bar we're going to so I can pop back in later! Don't worry,hubby is not going to object when he sees what you've all done! It is MY day after all HaaaHaaa!!!
    Ok I gotta scoot my furry friends!
    Love ya'll! Mwhaaaaa!!!
  • @jlz It's quite nice this side of the pond, albeit a little early.
  • Wish I could trade with you @e-star! I'd be more than happy to take your rain!! :)

    @JLZ-666 did we lose you to the faulty piggyback?! :(
  • @Kimmiecv
    Hi Kimmie, it is nice to be here again. This BD for JLZ is a beautiful party, like New Year's eve. All you folks have so much talent. I do not even know how to import a pic into this page let alone hit the correct keys.
  • Happy happy birthday jlz666 have a wonderful day and time with hubby!!!!!!
  • Ohhhhh I cannae go :(((((
    @rat yep they're beautiful but I'm biased!!
    @sunshine I promise I'll look later!
    Ok I have to go :(((( byeeeeeee!!
  • Sureeeee Pops, you remembered, uh huh uh huh... too busy right... old folks have all the time in the world right??? Why can't you... No wait... you can't... you are the hardest working man I know in the whole wide world and I know you love it. It is raining here as we speak, sorry to hear the rain made you speed up the chores. Did it all work out and is it done? Send me some picts, I love to see it!
  • @kimmie she got them at a store, not a pet store!
  • You're not alone @wrw01. But what I lose in cmptr savy, I gain in flinging skill.
  • @JLZ-666 have a fantastic time!! Can't wait to hear about your Pressys!! :D I'm sooooo excited!!! Yeay open open OPEN!! Take pics and e-star and I will be on cloud nine with you!! Happy Birthday My Sweet Scotish Lassie!! Thank You for spending your morning with us! And its US that are blessed to have YOU in our lives!!! I Looooove You!!! Mwaaaah :•
  • JLZ drive safe and have a AMAZING day!! Give Hubby a hug from me for "understanding" LOL a huge big sloppy kiss my friend, talk later!!
  • JLZ 666
    My pleasure and privilege to be here. You are a great AB player, an active and sincere member of the NEST who tries to help all the others in being better players and better people.
  • @wrw01 ... Pops you do your magic with your always so amazing from the heart words, something is a gift as well! They are as treasured as the pictures and gifts we all put on here, just remember that... or in your case... might want to write it down?!
  • @wrw01 I miss you!! As to the talent weeellll it's our e-star that pulls it off! We come with the ideas and she works her magic! You know I'm a danger with computers! LOL I'm still shocked I was able to copy/paste what e-star put together!! ;D
  • I figured out how to keep up. One word responses.
  • @E-Star
    Yes the windows were the last items to be completed in each of the rooms upstairs. Each of the four rooms, hall and bath have different crown moldings, paint colors and layouts. Will send some pic "if I can remember"...ha, ha dyg
  • @sunshine what kind of store? I check they kitty toys in every store that carries them, you never know what's new! But I've never seen those before!
  • LOL @rat!! :D Maybe that's why the teens tend to post in little one or three word sentences?! ROFLMAO
  • @E-star
    Ohhh...that one was a good one...hurt for a nano second, more true than you know, but made me laugh.
  • See @rat your not the only one e-star picks on for your age!! ;D
  • @Kimmiecv
    All you guys bring something special. I have previously seen your talents in the NEST and you are good at this stuff.
    Yes I agree, E-star is outstanding.
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