The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1793
  • Awww me again!! Now I need to run back and see what I missed...
  • Thanks again for the help with my lean 13 1/2 lb. Maine Coon cat Robert. BTW, the shepherd lost the battle against Bob cat.
    Hate to go, but things to do. Enjoyed the party. Great getting to know you @JLZ666. You must tell me a little about that name some day. Bye
  • Ooooh cool!! Thanks @e-star! :) I'm going to have to check it out!! Maybe surprise the kids with some AB toys!!! :D

    @wrw01 dunno about the gifts but thank you for saying it!! :)
  • @E-Star
    This one may be hard to accept but I do all the colors, pick out 99% of the art and pictures. I think you might be surprised. Most of the time I do not even ask. So far only picked one picture that she does not like.
  • Bye @rat!! Have a great day! Thanks for hanging out with us and keeping up so well!! ;D
  • Pops Ow that is right... I remember now (owwww dear, it is starting happen already... noooooooo please... not yet... I am not even 40 noooo)!! So what colors... bright red and marine blue??
  • @E-star
    You are so it.
    Got to go and make coffee and burnt toast.
    By all
  • Bye @wrw01 have a great day!! I'm glad I was here to share a bit of your time with you!! :) Take care of yourself and enjoy your coffee and burnt toast! LOL
  • @e-star I'm for my pillow walk! Not that I expect to fall asleep anytime soon! But here's to trying! LOL Thank you for putting everything together so wonderfully!! Your a gem!! Catch ya laters!! Mwaaaah love ya :•
  • aww Pops, now I will have to imagine which colors you put up... hmmmm kinda fun though.... Baby Pink and Purple?? Enjoy your coffee and toast, burned like you love them! Always a pleasure my Pops, you know I love ya right... just in case you forget... I am the sweet girl from the Dutchie land and I am always respectful to the elderly :D
  • Kimmie, so soon?? hahahah 6 AM isn't even near happening... ow dear you are setting yourself up for a ceiling stare aren't you hahahhaha... But I know you must, you need all the minutes you can find to sleep, before you know it the next door neighbors will be banging the closet doors! Love you my sweet Italian fwiend! Mwaaaah!
  • Helllloooooo!!
    HaaHaaa!! I raced home at 90mph to say goodbye again!!
    Nighty night Kimmie,sweetest dreams when they come!
    Estar you must be shattered so have a snooze this afternoon won't you?
    @rat now my name IS a state secret!!!!!!!
    @wrw01 thank you so much again for your time and kind words :D
    Everyone......thank you again!! You're the best!
    Ok,shower and presents heeheeee!!!!
  • @JLZ-666 have a Great time!! You Loon!!! I can't WAIT to hear what you think of the gifties!! :D Big hugs and Kisses to you and hubby for being such a good sport!! Mwaaaaaaah :•
  • JLZ you crazy woman, thank heavens you made it home in one piece! Enjoy the pressies and the rest of the day! Snooze... me... nope, no good at snoozing. I always feel so much worse after a snooze... Hubby is still sleeping though hahahahah... he woke up at 9 with me, drank a cup of coffee together in bed, I got up and rolled over and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... I so wish I could do that, but nope, once I am up, this brain is in overdrive :D A big Dutchies Kiss and a huge HUG!! Give your hubby a hug from me as well, luckily the seagulls are not flying over Scotland ROFLMAO!!
  • @e-star a girl can dream! LOL But oh boy do I have a story for you!! Banging closets Check! But ohhhh so much more!! :/ those two are Really asking for it!! I hope the sun comes shining for you!! I'm trying to push it your way!!! ;D
  • Thanks Kimmie and I can not wait!! But first of you go or I will @rat and ask him to let Snort out :D
  • And now there was only one :(

    Sorry OB I mean two, I didn't forget about you! Can I have some cake and a large coffee please. Wanted to read my book in the garden, but everything is soaking wet outside and it is gloomy. I will go to my favorite booth and read it there.
  • Sorry. Had some technical issues this morning. Actually had to sneak into Maddy's room and install a new router while she was sleeping.
  • *out of breath* Happy *breathes deeply* Birthday *inhales again* @jlz666!!!!
  • *falls on floor. OB brings oxygen mask to Ripsy*
  • *looks around* No one's here?! Ugh. Stupid router.
  • Holy Molly ! * trips over Ripsy*
  • Holy beaver is more like it.
  • Awww Sorry Ripsy, I went and fetched my book and on the way I saw a huge pile of laundry waiting to be ironed... I know not the most fancy thing to do at a party, but wanted to get it out of the way before Hubby wakes up... which he did right after I set up the ironing board and ready to go LOL!
    Bad luck seems to be tailing you on parties huh... sorry the router gave you fits and you missed JLZ... her day is booked to the last minute and the only time she had left was in the morning... maybe she will pop in this afternoon... depending on how many cocktails she has had LOL!
  • Ugh. I wanted to use our mobile data, but wifey has been using it at work for Pandora. Even though I loaded her phone with music before I gave it to her.
  • So i tried the internet here and it was down. Called company, they said it was router so I went to the store using my birthday money to buy a new router. Then when the company sends me a new one I will return the other one saying it didn't work. Easy peasy.
  • So anyway. How's everyone else?
  • And it looks like I have a lot of reading to do. I just sort of disappeared yesterday. (Wasn't the best day ever). So I will catch up on some pages.
  • Ermmm everybody else is sleeping or trying to recover from all the page chances hahaha... me I am always fine, a bit short on sleep, but in the words of famous Kimmie... ehhhh mean the famous words of Kimmie.. mweeeeh who needs sleep :D
    I am drinking coffee with Hubby and finishing the ironing and off to buy some groceries. Great service of the company! So now you can buy yourself something else... what will it be?
  • Awww and on your birthday... well read up and have fun, lot of pages to read... really have no clue why it went so fast... ow that is right... the ladies were in town !!
  • Getting ready for yard sale.. Yuck...
  • Lots of pages to read later lol:)
    Happy she was surprised haha
  • Also not a thing I would like to do Kathy. Hang in there and hope you will sell all the stuff in a record time so you can go back inside and have a relaxing Saturday!
  • I am off for a few... back later today! All have a fantabulous Saturday!
  • @estar the birthday money will go to paying bills.
  • Well. Thanks to everyone for the birdday wishes today and yesterday. Thanks for everything!!
  • Must tend to the children and such.
  • @JLZ666 have a wonderful birdday! Cakes are a masterpiece, @ripsy, wow
  • We almost reach 90000 comments in here, yeah
  • Sooo... anybody still on?
  • Hi @bubbleslover any luck with that glitch yet?
  • Like your dog avy, but it doesn't show up here
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