The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1794
  • Hmmm. Is my new profile photo showing up for anybody else? Because it isn't for me...
  • Oooh I started a page... Yay!!
  • What's the dog called? Mines Max. In reality he's sadly in the great dog kennel in the sky, but he's loving his virtual second life here!
  • @bubbleslover I can see green pig here, dog on the main site.
  • Awww... :( that's our new dog, Gracie. Our old one lived to be REALLY old.
  • Hmmph. Strange! It should be on both
  • Cute dog, good name
  • Happy BirdDay @JLZ666! Boy, this is some party! Can't even hope to catch up before golf. My excuse for arriving late is that I'm the only sane one in this crowd of nutters.
    So what's with all the beavers?
  • Hi @mvnla2 by sane, do you mean not staying up all night?
    @bubbleslover have you changed your avatar and gravatar?
  • Oh wow! I didn't know there were AB golf club covers!
  • Nope, what's a gravatar? ABSM set it up, so I dunno
  • Should I change my Gravatar too?
  • @bubbleslover go to the forum discussion on avatars, it's top of the list. Click on the gravatar link. Only gravatars show up in the forum pages
  • @mvnla better get them on your list for Santa!
  • @Hunnybunny -- Party started at 2am my time (and Kimmie's). Perfect for her, but not for me, especially as I'm playing golf in a short bit. Had to skim the pages, may never be able to catch up, and it was just yesterday I said I read them all!
    Will have to get @E-star to check to see if today sets a new BP record.
    Club covers and golf balls on list!
  • I think everyone is either exhausted, or back in bed! See you all later today.
  • *peeks in* psstt..OB save me some cake...poofs back too sale
    :( i missed the whole party:(
  • @jlz Happy Birthday to my favourite lass!! Hope your day has been wonderful :)
  • Happy Birthday @JLZ! Sorry I slept through all the fun. I hope you've have a wonderful day!
  • * OFFICIALLY Fires the bouncer* !!! And there well be no more..ell @mvnla2 if i managed to read them all..I'm sure you can:)
    Great party..i can see why @JLZ666 was overwhelmed hee hee the pages certainly were flying..took me longer to read them than they were written lol..
    Love Robert @rat and @Hunnybunny Max is a very handsome doggie:)
    @sunshine sorry you were bounced..
  • Hi I'm back from watching Monsters University - gkids loved it - so did I! @JLZ666 hope the rest of the day, and especially the cocktails, is amazing! Off to see my Mom/Mum! Back later
  • Blimey what a crazy crazy day! I cut things too fine this afternoon and we missed the train....oops! Have just only just arrived at the cocktail bar! We stopped at Jo Malone and my wonderful hubby got me new perfume :) Meal is booked for later so we'll sit outside in the sunshine looking up at Edinburgh castle for an hour or so!
    I don't know where to start! I still haven't had a chance to read through everything yet but I did see that Slash made an appearance!! Wow!! Thank you @ripsy for your new face,wine and cake!
    Hi to @karen! Isn't it wonderful?!
    @birdaddict I keep forgetting to say how you had me in tears with your beaver problem LMAO!!
    @kathy your card and gift were amazing!
    @sunshine I'm glad the bouncer got the sack! How dare he throw you out multiple times! Also forgot to say thank you for "Dancing queen" It was you right?
    Oh heck I've probably missed so many people and I'm really sorry! As Kathy said I'm about overwhelmed and need time to sit down and read back. That's tomorrow's task!!
    Ok I'd better go,my drink has arrived so *cink* everyone!! Have a great Saturday night!!
    *presses Dancing Queen on the juke box* Youuuuuuu can dance.....*
  • Yeya!!! Dancing Queen The Birthday girl...sorry i had top pop out this morning @JLZ666
    Happy you were surprised:)
  • *clink* sounds beautiful to be dining and looking at a real life castle amazing:)
  • *having the time of her liiiiiiife ooooooooooo see that that scene,diggin the dancing queeeeeeeeen* HaaHaaa!! Oh it's just as well you can't hear me!!
    *cink cink* @kathy it is a beautiful sight! I'm very lucky :D
    Battery is about to die which is probably a good thing...hubby is only going to take so much ;)
    @sunshine he LOL at the golf gifts!!!
  • Hee hee enjoy away.. Take a pic..i never saw a real life castle..i know it won't be real life..but it will feel more like real life knowing a friend.was actually sending the pic...
  • Oh heck, now I've got to go get my ipod, I've got Dancing Queen in my head, & I've got it plus some other ABBA on there & have the urge to listen to it all. Never knew you were a fan @jlz!
  • @Hunnybunny you would love my yard sale.i have tons of bunny stuff:)
  • Ahhh I see the birthday girl is having a smashing time in real life :D Good thing that you phone is almost out, this will protect you from the magnatism the BP has! Enjoy sweety!

    @Kathy how is the yard sale going? Almost done yet?

    @Karen68 Not really from the era of ABBA, but their songs do stick in one mind for sure!

    Sunshine, the sun never made it to The Netherlands, I think it is still stuck on the Pond, cause we had nothing but rain :( I do hope tomorrow will be better, as I really do want to end my summer vacation with some ermmm sun?
  • ABBA? That's for sure my most favorite band of them all :D no matter they broke up years before I was even born!
  • Yeah they are pretty much timeless Annifrid! Sorry I must dash, I promised after this morning session I would spend some time with my Hubby tonight. be back later :D
  • @Annifrid OMG I saw a ABBA tribute band about 2 weeks ago!!!! :D
  • @bubbleslover glad to see Gracie here at last
    @JLZ666 Jo Malone! A good hubby indeed. I love that stuff
    @Kathy my dog ATE the bouncer, nothing left to fire, other than his bow tie.....
    Dancing Queen, only seventeen..........
  • Just back from the Extreme Sailing Serires
    And a meal with friends
    Sorry @kathy I've seen more darned castles than I care to remember. The sailing is real good spectator viewing
  • Sure did lol
  • @Hunnybunny -- Looked at the extreme sailing video for a couple of minutes, but not sure what it's all about? Sounds like a nice day watching sailing races and eating with friends.
    @JLZ666 -- Glad to hear you're having a fab birthday. Did you have some super good scotch while looking at Edinburgh castle? Was in Edinburgh briefly many years ago. Fabulous castle, fabulous city, food, and scotch! May get a chance to go back since hubby has never been. Not to mention it was before I started playing golf, so totally ignored the golf courses.
    @Mumsie and all. Just back from playing golf myself, so still haven't caught up with last night's festivities. Glad to see my last post from this morning is still on this page.
  • @BubblesLover -- I assume Gracie is your dog? What kind?
  • @mvnla2 Ever seen the remake of The Thomas Crown Affair, where Pierce Brosnan tips over a $200,000 catamaran? Extreme sailing! This one didn't tip over
    Although I have to confess, the picture is from last years event. Didn't take the camera today
  • Hah aha i know @mvnla2 it's nice to come back after an hour and see the same
    I saw your 'excuse' for being late..hahaha it's probably true :) you are the sane and sensible one:) hey somebody gotta be hee hee:)
  • @Hunnybunny did you see the pic of my bunny stuff?
  • Wow that is a beautiful view..and a real castle? Like is out a tour place or a historic site?
  • Finally got a minute to sit quietly:)
  • @kathy sure did see those awesome bunnies!
    It's Caernarfon Castle, a real life castle. Somewhere I have a pic of me and my sis, aged about nine and ten taken inside. I'll try and dig it out.
    It's one of those amazing views, your driving along, come around a corner, and there it is, right in front of you WOW no matter how many times you turn that corner, your breath is taken away
  • Oh yeas z@Hunnybunny i see you saw the bunnies:) noone bought them so there now packed away:(
    That's amazing the castle..really you've actually been inside!!!
    Does someone live in it like a Queen ..princess? Or just for tourists?
  • Hi, @Kathy!! @Hunnybunny ya still there?
  • Hiya @bubbLeslover :) how's it Flingin' haha gotcha:) :)
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