The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1806
  • @jlz enjoy watching the yummies! Oh dear, Dweezil springs to mind. Again ;-)
  • @rat stop blethering
  • @hunnybunny I don't play AB as much as I used to, but if I do, it's mainly seasons.
    @sunshine I've been well. Life has been pretty good for the past few weeks, but school just started which means a lot of homework.
  • Welcome back @blah. We have missed you.
  • Thanks Ripsy, never noticed he played guitar before LOL
  • @rat blether is a word you need to know! All the girls here can blether! Guys just chat but girls.........Kimmie learned that word a long time ago and is the master. Having said they none of you have heard me on a roll!
    @ripsy,thank you....seriously....really...thank you! Me and hunny are going to need a fix every day now I hope you realise? ;)
    Ciggy on the deck over,back to blethering.
  • @hunnybunny -- Sorry, no pets here because of hubby's allergies. More of a dog person, but ... My sister and brother had cats and I had a dog while we were growing up. The biggest cat, Blackie, was almost as big as my cocker spaniel, and definitely wouldn't take any grief from him. Of course he liked to play with cats. My sister had siamese, who were typically hyper, and wouldn't play with my dog.
    Have 3 cats that are sort of pets, at least they come to visit often; well, they really just visit our backyard, which tends to have hummingbirds and other birds.
    There is a sleek black cat that lives over the back fence, but comes the long way round the block to visit. He is always drinking water from our sprinkler heads and even licks the leaves of one kind of plant. No, it is not cat-nip. Mostly he ignores me. There is a bigger, heftier cat, multi-color (not sure what that's called), who hides in the bushes, and doesn't like to be watched at all. Saw him once leap into the air and do sort of a twisting back-flip trying to catch a hummingbird, who escaped. The other morning he played hide and seek with me -- crouched down outside so he couldn't be seen over the top of the sofa (we have sliding glass doors); then raised his head to peak over the top. He seemed startled to see me watching him! Don't know where he lives. The 3rd cat is white and grey and lives across the street. Mostly frequents our front yard, and leaves whenever he sees me.
  • As long as I am able, I'm always glad to oblige. *tips hat*
  • @mvnla jealous of the humming birds, only seen them on holidays, and you have them in the back garden!
  • @blah as I was writing I thought you had started back to school. Good luck in this new year! :)
  • evening peeps :D just watching a bit of the tennis before bed. had a reasonable day at work today, apart from all the work :P

    might have to ask kimmie's advice on the Challenge today, SG 1-14. I scraped past 107k for the first time today, having only had 97k max before. Have managed 100k a few times since, but not been able to touch 107k again. very frustrating!
  • @hinarei I did a little better than you, but a real odd level! You just can't, ever, never, ever, predict how those blocks will fall
    Also watching a little tennis....
  • the blocks don't move, @hunnybunny, they just don't move :O

    I've never claimed to be that good at the game, but I normally like BB/stone smashy levels. Not this one. Seems ripsy looks into my mind every day and ponders "which level will hina not like playing again today"?

    British interest in the US Open is probably only limited to Murray and Robson, which is saying more than normal. I haven't followed the hard court season much, my attention only really gears up for grass and clay, so can't really predict how these two will fare or how they will progress through the draws. Should look that up ad do some reading.
  • No, Hinarei, Ripsy is reading my mind. "She'll hate this one" lol
  • And, of course, my tennis viewing copes with any surface, if Nadal is playing.
    Sighs, like a sad old woman watching a young man, which unfortunately is reality!!
  • he really should stop doing that. who knows what else he comes up with? Maybe I've got a winning sequence of lottery numbers somewhere in there and ripsy's used them to become obscenely rich and build a BP extension onto his house...?

    right. that probably means I've had enough for one night, will turn in. See ya for a sunupper, all!
  • I'm sure you watch him for the magnificence of his game, @hunnybunny, the way he takes opponents apart.

    I watch women's tennis for similar reasons. You tend to get better rallies in the women's game, by and large. more tennis played, not so many explosive short games.
  • So nothing to do with the way Sharapova looks then?
    Goodnight @Hinarei
  • @hunnybunny a few years ago for my 40th birthday my sis-in-law gave me a large poster of Nadal, several lovely images on it, action shots, smiling poses, even a shirtless view.
    Of course I watch him for his magnificent game, that's all :)
  • And the error box arrives again.....
  • Yeah @Kathy. Utopia has fallen. Whoo Hoo!!
  • Woo Hooo Pa:) congratulations:)
  • Thanks a million Ma.
  • Aww your welcome Pa :) i gotta call it a night I'm exhausted:(
    "it's a night"
    *places flashlight in safe next to E* s no worries Kimmiecv mines not to bad., hers on the other hand..jeez what she do to that thing today? Lol
    Have a good night Pahtna wish you loads of luck;)
    Night Pa ((((( hug))))) ;)
  • *poofs in real quick like, super shines e-star and Kathy's flashlights and sets candles out to see them safely to dreamland * @Kathy sounds like you had a busy day! I hope you get good sleep tonight! :)

    @rat congRATS on taking kingship in utopia!! Well done oh mighty one!! :D
    Yep I'm the queen of blethering, have been since the first noise came outta my mouth, screaming and crying included! ;D

    @lisko I hope your doing well! Please do pop in to let us know how it's going!! :)

    @blahalb09 yeay!! Sorry I missed your first entrance back into the BP world, but I'm glad your back!! :)

    Off to start dinner!
    In the infamous erm letters of @rat bfnimcblidk hahahaaa :D
  • WHID? @kimmie What have I done? I'm seeing that acronym everywhere.
  • @rat you created a bunch of monsters!! IAYFB!!!
    *its all your fault buddy!* ROFLMAO
  • Good morning everyone :) Have a Fantabulous Flinging day!!:)
  • Hello everybody! Good morning and happy flinging! Page change up for dibs!
  • Hi @all! Sorry for being away, but we came to my parents' summer place and I decided to stay here for a while with the little monster and we're still here, haha. There's been all kinds off stuff to do so during the last month I really haven't been online much more than a few times :)

    I've been sober all this time. Well, not exactly, 'cause I've took one or two beers from time to time, though I can't remember when was the last time, over a week ago that's for sure :D We've been walking in the forest every day (picking up mushrooms) and gosh, I've lost so much weight since we came here that all the clothes I've got here, are way too big at the moment xD

    Hubby's coming here on saturday and we'll be heading home probably on sunday so I'm going to be online much more then :)

    Hopefully everyone's fine! I'll see you all soon!
  • Hmmm. That's not exiting, now is it. ;D
  • Whoops hi! Talking about my comment!
  • @Lisko glad to hear your doing well, and losing weight (send me some tips, please!) missing the tales of the little monster
    @bubbleslover hit the edit button next time your comment comes out wrong ;-)
  • Hi @Coolboy welcome top the bloated pig:) be sure to read page 1 of the forum, it will explain what we are all about..hope you enjoy:)
    Gotta scoot I'm at work
  • Oh a Quick hello :) congratulations @lisko that's awesome:) 1 or 2 probably o.k as long as you are aware that's the important thing.
    Sounds like your vacation is Very peaceful see you soon:)
  • For he's a jolly good fellooooooow which nobody can deny:)
    Happy Birthday @alfredhartjojo !!!!
  • Happy Birthday!!
  • @alfredhartjojo -- Happy BirdDay! Have a wonderful day, and may the Birds be with you!
    @CoolBoy1996 -- Welcome to the BP! Since this is your first visit, drinks and food are on the house. See p. 1 for menus, or you can order anything you want from OB (the bartender) as long as it's not poultry. Also no alcohol unless you're over 21.
    It's alfredhartjojo's birthday, so help yourself to the cake sunshine baked.
  • @Lisko So good to hear from you! Glad you're having a great time. Enjoy summer while you can. We're all fine, but it's been pretty quiet around here, because there haven't been any updates for a while.
  • @HunnyBunny -- Tips for losing weight (not that I'm successful):
    1) We've got to convince @Sunshine to stop baking all those delicious cakes. Or at least figure out how to resist them.
    2) Become a tea-totaler: I hear you can lose a lot of weight that way.
    3) Chasing a little kid around the great outdoors also probably helps.
  • @mvnla2 oops, eating cake as I read your reply (real cake, too)
  • Cake isn't good for you?!?!
    But. But. But.
    Oh my! Momma told me cake was good for me. I mean. Carrot Cake has carrots, eggs, flour...
  • A donut stuffed with jam?
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