The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1810
  • Where did AM go? He's been doing a bit of a TAS recently
  • @Bunnypagerchanger
    Never to beat the princess!
  • :( sorry @Hunnybunny that's where we're headed..not sure of the starting point .@Kimmiecv has told me probably but i forget..actually she's probably told me several times but the' 'crs' you
  • Haha you beat me @Hunnybunny but i set you up lol no t purposely..i never even notice when it's going too change lol..
  • I just plucked Australia out of thin air as being somewhere a long way from London and Wales.
    Got Hampton Court Palace up the road, and Windsor Castle on the way out of London, but neither best Caenarfon.
    Now it's duvet time, night all.
  • Haha @lindajh ok thanks for clearing that up..hee hee
    Sweet dreams:)
  • Goodnight @lindajh
    @Kathy I never know on the page either. Bubbleslover seems to count down
  • Hey i just clicked something by mistake Absw update coming sept. 19?
    What happened to space???
  • Argh! He's flinging again......
  • Yes lol @Hunnybunny bubbleslover does get a kick out of it:)
  • Roflmao haha where is he flinging ? He's catching the AB addiction..better direct him too the forum lol
  • @Kathy get real! Everyone knows ABSW update coming on 19th Sept. Just speculation as to whether anything else will come out
  • He's trying to win the puppy. The most boring challenge Ripsy ever set. I don't think he'll get addicted on that one
  • Ohh lol I'm always last to know haha..what's the challenge I'm to lazy to stroll over there?
    Are you going to kill him if he gets a puppy? Just sayin' haha i would:)
  • Hi @all. Happy Friday! I survived my first week teaching high school kids about Engineering. No fatalities or injuries, so I consider it a success! Cheers! Round of bevies on me!
    Oh & I'm a few levels away from top 10-ing all of Tatooine. Yay...
    @kathy I think the Sept 19 update is for ABSW2 which sounds like a new game based on more episodes of SW.
  • Darn I'll brb..the suns coming round i can't see My screen...
  • See if Pa can figure that one out hee hee..
  • @kathy space cloud city, but he's gone to bed now. iPad and flinging all mine!
    @ABcrazy cheers! Well done on no casualties. Out of interest, proportion of male to female students?

    Edit I meant cold cuts............
  • Thanks @hunnybunny out of 3 classes & 32 students, I have 3 girls. Soon to be 4 as schedules get sorted out. I can already see one of my brightest & most engaged is the girl that's also on the school dance team. The other two are swimmers.
  • Hey @ABCrazy congrats !! I can't imagine teaching high school kids what type of engineering ¿
    Lol @Hunnybunny :) hope he continues to find it boring..clouds city is a pain..
  • @abc one of my friends took an engineering degree, the only woman on the course. After a career in aircraft design, and "being big in toilets" her words, ended up as a criminal intelligence analyst, you never know who you're teaching!
  • @kathy heard from Pa today? Not as much as a crumb on the space challenge, not like him
  • @kathy Its Engineering Design & Development, really more like project management for me.... Which is a good thing because I've done that for a long time. The class takes the kids through the whole process of identifying a 'problem', researching solutions & what's been done before, designing, building a prototype, testing it & presenting the results. So not one type of engineering depending on what they decide to create, but going through the project process from start to finish.
    We have a partnership program with NASA (Johnson Space Center is in my school district) so some of the kids have an opportunity to fly on the zero-g airplane, and their hardware could fly on Space Station if they do really well.
  • @hunnybunny Yup, my degree is Electrical Eng. I worked at NASA for a long time. Now I'm learning to teach. :-)
    Oh, & I was usually one of 3 or 4 fems in my engineering classes back in the day. Hasn't changed much I guess.
  • Wow @ABCrazy that's impressive like @Hunnybunny said you never know who your teaching ;)
    And no hunny not a word from Pa:( well cloud city not space though is absw;)
  • @abcrazy get me on the course! Zero-g airplane. Never had anything like that when I was in school, just blackboards and chalk lol
  • I'm off Kimmie and i have decided to start at the's trick or treat..
    OB a bottle of Cristal please:)
    @Kimmiecv *Clink* Good.Luck Pahtna:)
  • Oohhh plus we have all E*videos now wooo hooo:)
  • Sorry Kathy it's cold cuts. Too much alliteration for this old brain
  • @kathy I'm 21 on the leader board in trick or treat. Your first challenge! It gets easier after that, I'm woeful in some of them :-(
  • @kathy @hunnybunny I'm excited & hope to share some of the fun things I've been able to do. Everyone thinks engineers are boring geeks...... Not always.
    @kathy @kimmiecv congrats on finishing ABSW! I may get outta there some day. This top 10 stuff is too time consuming!
  • Can't stay have loads to do but congrats @abcrazy on a great new start!! :)

    Ahhh @Kathy the first game in seasons 1 is the Moon one, are you going backwards to forwards then? Just so I'm clear on which way we're going?!
  • @abcrazy had this conversation before! 3 star, above average, top 100, 50, 10....
    It goes on and on
    I've been distracted lately by trying for the elusive underdog badge, keep failing miserably, and wishing I'd never started in the first place ;-)
  • @kimmie @kathy I'm in Mooncake now. It's awful.....
  • Yes it is @hunnybunny! I cringed when I saw that was the first on the list!! :/

    @Kathy if you please, are we going backwards? It's fine with me, I Was #18 but I see I dropped quite a bit! :/
  • Ok I haven't the time to wait in an answer so trick or treat it is!

    See you all later! :)
  • still no convict in custody
  • @Hunnybunny -- Sounds like your iPad is safe for a while. Was going to suggest that it was a good excuse to get a new one.
    @lindajh -- Kathy and I are in the good ol' U. S. of A. And yes, 190 miles is pretty close. We sometimes drive 60+ miles each way to play golf.
  • Lost you there @rdnzlrips82 Mooncake and TorT are definitely in season 1
  • @mvnla iPad safe. Considering iPhone. My blackberry died, currently using an old phone with no Internet access! Shock! Horror!
  • Hmm. Guess I'll just go to the office.
  • @hunnybunny I was reading the notifications not live feed. She had a typo. But I edited too.
  • @ripsy edited your comment? Eh?
    Makes mine look confused now lol
  • Another Umm, @Kimmiecv -- Actually, Moon Festival is in Seasons 1, and when you open Seasons 1, it is the first episode you see. However, Trick or Treat was the first episode that was released, and is first on the leaderboard. So most people consider ToT to be the first episode.
  • No. She had typed Hamoween. When I came to help she had edited. So i edited mine.
  • Ok sorry @Kimmiecv bf on a rant
    Are we starting from the very beginning of seasons 1¿ It's trick or treat..but if you want to start from mooncake is o.k with me..
  • @HunnyBunny -- I'm all for your getting an iPhone, but don't give up playing AB on the iPad -- Much easier on the eyes.
  • Hey everyone:D Went to see The Oval cricket ground and went to 3 art galleries:/ I found out on the train journey there that my dad had deleted all my AB Space and SW progress!
  • Eeek sorry for the confusion everyone! Fixed it as soon as I realized I had the wrong one!
    Thanks @mvnla2 hadn't realized that was the first one, now it makes more sense! :)
    @Kathy nope lets start with trick or treat! Halloween is coming after all!! :)

    Thanks everyone!
  • @mvnla I was in a computer store yesterday, the other half had to exchange something. I saw, touched, drooled over, a huge touch screen. Ideal for AB playing, I said. He just smiled. It's on the Santa list!
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