The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1838
  • @mvnla I am only starting with local. I don't want to over saturate. Use a pre-existing customer base before expanding. Baby steps. Businesses must start small before growing. If you start too big, you might come up short.
  • @sunshine -- Party was great, both virtual and real, although real was much smaller. Nothing too strenuous planned for today, so should be able to recover. Thanks to all for throwing such a great party.
  • @mvnla2 you are very welcome! :) glad you had a good time!
  • That party was our pleasure. We are glad you enjoyed it. Glad you enjoyed the Montelena, too.
  • Yeah Ripsy -- I haven't forgotten that you were the one that told me about Montelena. I'll send you a virtual bottle, but I don't think it will be quite as good! Still have some left for this evening.
  • I tried the 2002 Chard a while back. Unbelievably delicious. One benefit of having wealthy friends.
  • This was 2010 -- So good I can't imagine what a 2002 would be like. Hmm .. I could use some wealthy friends. Will have to see if I can find some.
  • You live in CA. They tell me that's where all the money is. You shouldn't have any problems finding a wealthy friend.
  • @rd -- Yes, there are tons of unbelievably wealthy people in CA, especially in LA, but I don't run in their circles. I frequently wonder where they all get their money from; I don't think the movie industry explains it all. There are way too many wannabe actors / actresses working as waiters.
    Just think -- if I had an extra $100K or so for membership and $10K per year dues (not sure what it really costs), I could join Riviera or Bel Air, and play golf courses that are immaculately manicured and way too difficult for me! Oh yeah, I forgot, you also need connections. : (
  • I'm like freaking out right now... @Bubbleslover will be so excited when I tell her there's a space update!!!!! Not as excited as me though....
  • Got curious about the cost of membership at one of LA's elite golf clubs, and as usual, I was way low. Make that more like $200K to $300K for membership; the $10K per year in fees might be enough. It appears that Sherwood (which is where Tiger Woods hosts a tournament every year) might be the most expensive, and the only surefire way to get in is to buy a house surrounding the club (my WAG is $10M min). Riviera is not as expensive, but it might be even harder to get in.
  • @ABSM--What? Did somebody say Space update?
  • Who, what, when, where, how? Who, what, when, where, how? Who, what, when, where, how? Who, what, when, where, how? Where? Where? Where?
  • Thanks @hb. Whoo hoo!! Nothing scheduled for Friday except Space.
  • @rat no probs. enjoy
  • 8 days and 56 levels to go!

    I skipped over a couple levels and four tough ones are thiiiiiis close to average. If not for those few levels, I think I can easily make make my goal of completing all of Star Wars with above average scores in 21 days, just before the release of Star Wars II. Those stubborn levels have me worried...

  • Wha....? My SW leader board says I have 177 scores entered out of 229, but I count 259 levels in total. Which scores are not included? Or is there an error on the page?

    Dang, that means I really have.... oh brother!....86 levels to go!
  • @BPC -- You ought to check out the Rovio release schedule (new post on chatter page), if you really want to feel bad. Good luck!
  • @mvnla2, I am afraid to look!

    On the plus side, I figured out where the missing 30 levels. It seems they are for "Moon of Endor"... or is that the bad news?
  • AH! Well, sorry folks, I will not include Moon of Endor in my personal challenge. I DO have a life and responsibilities ya know.... REALLY I do! I DO!
  • BPC -- I hate to tell you this, but the Moon of Endor arrives 9/12. Plus several other updates before ABSW II.
  • Ahhh Home from school! WWWWhhhhooo's hhheeeerreee?!?!?!
  • My! Quite surprising. It has been a whole hour and a half.. and STILL nobody's here! wow... OB I'll have some lemonade... maybe an offer to get some company besides me for you, OB (sometimes I'm be quite boring)! Quite slow... first person here, food and drinks are on me!!! ;)
  • Hey everyone:) On I'll take a Sunupper while i catch Up on some reading please:)
    Looks like a busy day
    @sunshine i absolutely love the snail haha that's awesome:)
    Poor Kimmiecv better get busy on the recon as now there following her into the BP!! Hahaha
    @Ripsy nice to see you, even though i missed ya..can't believe Maddy's walking already ohoh!!:)
  • Ohh and very funny.,@mvnla2 shh i was trying to pass the label to @bubbleslover and Absm hee hee..
    Speaking of whom Must be in his Glory Space Update:) :)
    @Pa you all nimbled Up , ready to defend the throne:) :) Awesome:) and welcome back missed you lots ((((( hugs)))))
  • Aaah.. @Kathy, congrats! I may have to leave soon, so OB, if I do, give @Kathy everything free! ;D Sooo loong, folks! Bedtime... Reluctantly goes to bed...

  • Thanks @bubbleslover but uhnm congrats for what?¿
  • Ohhb haha i just read Up:) your to cute:) :)
  • Good going @BPC :) you can do can, you can!!! GoGogGo 3 cheers for @bonneypattycat:)
  • @Estar--As you can plainly see, it's @Kathy that's doing the cheerleading, not me. Pom poms and cheerleader outfit for her. Sorry Ma, trying to shake the image of an old fat man in a skirt with his belly exposed....ehh he ehhhheh :(
  • Before We end this in the U.S.A and all over the world
    Let Us take a moment to reflect back 12 years ago .Let's Remember that horrific Day and Pray each in our own way, that someday Peace will be in the hearts of all and we nor our children, nieces , nephews grandchildren ,won't have to reflect on a day like that Ever again..
  • Well said @Kathy! I am forever grateful that my birthday is 9/10, not 9/11. The memory of that morning's horror is still vivid in my mind.
  • It is vivid in my mind as well @mvnla2 my daughters birthday is the 13th so close.
    I'll never forget that day. I live near Logan airport at the Time .the next day was so eeerie..
    No planes ...just fighter jets patrolling in the night..
  • And let us not Forget our heroes of 1 year ago as well..
    gotta get some sleep night @mvnla2 night all .
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth. Goodnight Pahtnah..your doing great:) sorry I'm beat g'nite.

  • Pahtna your doing just as great!! :)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * See ya in ToT tomorrow!!

    @bubbleslover erm you may want to reread page 1, no amateur poofing you might end up part of the wall and that would be bad for both you And the wall!! ;D
  • I'm so excited about the ABSW update today! Can't wait! :D
  • New ABSW looks wicked!! To bad Kathy and I are waiting for the avgs to settle!! Definantly something to look forward to once the dust settles!! Yeahhhhh :)
  • @kimmiecv Yeah, it looks awesome! I'm gonna just get 3* now and come back for great scores later ;D
  • @annifrid sometimes I wish I could do it that way! But I CAN'T!! If I play I have to go until I can't take it anymore!! When I first started playing, Before the nest and the (I think much Worse addiction!) leaderboards I did my 3*s and I was sooo happy!! Now I'm having to go back to all the old games to over avg them and I can't bring myself to just 3* the new games!! Argh the nest has ruined me!!! :D
  • Good Morning All:) and i wish you all Fantabulous Flingin' Day:)
    Have fun with the update @Annifrid @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster @Pa :)
    Yep me and Kimmie wait till the averages settle then we come in and clean house Hahah lol
    We try anyway;)
    Nighty night @Kimmiecv get your butt in bed;)
  • Ha !!! I knew it!! Roflmao Sweet Dreams @Kimmiecv :)
  • Thanks @Kathy!! Hope your work day flies by quickly!! :D
  • Thanks:) Git !! Poof!!
  • Hahahaha @sunshine :):):)
    Ohh i gotta goooo.. BfNIMCBLIDK :)
  • STARWARS UPDATE!!! I'm baaaack
  • 7 days, 49 levels to go!

    I had a busy day yesterday, not much time for flinging, so I only got seven levels done since my post yesterday :(
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