The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1839
  • I am not updating until I complete existing levels. Arrrrggg!
  • @BPC i take it you're completing ABSW? or 3star all levels?
  • Good morning @SamStyle102!

    I started Star Wars at the end of August. I am attempting to complete all levels (except Moon of Endor) with above average scores, in 21 days, and prior to the release of Star Wars II on the 19th. It will be close!
  • @BPC i only really play ABSW so i'm excited for the new update :) i downloaded it but i'm at work :( It's 4pm here :P good afternoon
  • Hi thought I would drop in to see if anything was new in space, was a little disipointed to see the sw update and nothing for space, as usual if you want to find out whats going on best go to the bar, now I think I will take the day off of flinging to get my fingers ready for a hectic
  • Space, SW, ABo. All new updates
  • Although nothing for us Seasons players :-(
  • Space update is tomorrow
  • @Hunnybunny We'll have to make do with an advent calendar each year methinks. I've resorted to ABO, see if I can 3* every level before the next ABS. Weather has turned so no golf to amuse me now.
  • hey all, just popping in for a quick drink before I am going to pop back into real life. Kimmie.... Ow ow ow... i smell snails story hihi!! Ripsy way to go! Good luck with the new adventure of your business!
    Ow and ermmm nope, PomPom, still in my head, gotta do better than that Mister Rat :P missed ya, did you have fun at Myrtle beach? Ya did came back right? Good luck sleeping tonight, I am guessing you are going to have trouble falling a sleep knowing tomorrow is tha day!!
  • I already have 3* in all levels of Moon of Endor. I'm done with the update ... For now.

    BTW, I entered the mostly lame and barely 3-star scores in the leaderboards, and I'm now #5 in the SW total score board. Won't last until tomorrow, but I love the view :D
  • Gaah!!!! *pant, pant* Thunder...! *Glances around, quite soaked from her run* Anybody here?! Now I'm getting angry birds Star Wars! Lets hope I think it is good... I'm off flinging again! *poof!*
  • @annifrid -I'm soooooo impressed you've 3* all new levels! I've completed them all but only 3* in ten of them BUT am number one (for now) in 5-15! Am also below avg on the other 9 ! Will try to 3* the other 20 on 2 hour journey to play golf ( and visit son & family) - no walkthroughs looked at yet! Must go to sleep now early start tomorrow. OB a cup of a mobile tea to go please.
  • ps @sunshine - loooove the snail
    @kimmiecv - can't wait for the next recon story
    @mvlna2 - $200-300k for membership!!!!!
    @BPC wish I had the skills to get above avg in all level - though it may be patience I'm lackin!
    @ripsy - all the best with your new business - my littlest grandson (1 today) is just standing on his own but you can see he can't wait to be off!
    Gnight all!
  • @bubbleslover As @Kimmiecv said and the sign On page 1 SAYS NO AMATEUR POOFING!!
    So please stop it ¿ Sorry don't mean to yell, but rules Are Not made to be broken.
    Your lucky its me if @E-star , or Ripsy especially @Ripsy you'd be in for it.
  • @kathy I'm still a tad unclear on that. What's amateur poofing exactly? @bubbleslover doesn't know either.
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster 'poofing ' is the ability to transfer yourself from one place to another by conjuring the image in your mind hard to explain, but unless you've been trained extensively it can be dangerous How do you think @Pa ended Up living in the walls of the BP ¿
    @Ripsy can explain it better, its really exclusive to @team members and a select few who have had the endurance to undergo the training;)
  • Is the space update somehow intertwined with star wars see the link posted by @Hunnybunny above or on the last page ?
  • It's part of the 'countdown' to Angry Birds Star Wars 2. They're having some special event every day. Three updates and seven character reveals. Today's part of the countdown was Moon of Endor and tomorrow's will be the Space update.
  • Lol @bubbleslover i can imagine:)
    I was confused because on the countdown thingie the space one says something about Jedi training?
  • @kathy It's just a promo term meaning that the new levels are meant to get you practiced up for ABSW2 :)
  • Ohh o.k thanks @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster:)

    Ok I'm off to fling
    BFNIMCBLIDK:) to ToT 13 *poof*
  • Bye, @Kathy! Now I am having ro deal with him yelling at the iPod because he can't get some levels and I think he is being driven nuts with getting three stars before ABSW2!
  • Haha! got it! Three stars in all levels! Woowoot!
  • ...And now he is frantically trying to get a high score on the leaderboards, which I must admit, he is very close to getting!
  • Why bother @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster? You should wait till the hysteria dies down..that way you stay above average. Guarantee in the next few weeks the averages and high scores are going upp..upp upppppp!!:) just sayin'
  • Congrats on 3* ,@AngryBirdsSpaceMaster:)
    OB could i please have a strong PigKiller:) ty
    Finished tot 13 onto 14:)
  • @Mumsie, I worked real hard at ABO and Rio for above average scores, due more I think to persistence than skill ;) I haven't attempted all the SW levels, but already there is a handful that have me worried if I will EVER get above average, let alone by the 19th. Here's hoping!
  • Dan daa duhduh daaa!!! GO @bonneypattycat Go Go Go !, you can do it!!! Yaya you can!!! :) :) :)
  • Good job, @BPC!!! Forgot the exclamation points!
  • @annifrid -- Congrats on the 3*! I think I still have 1 star to get on the regular levels, and the droid. Of course, can't play the bonus yet.
    @Mumsie -- Just curious how much a membership in the UK at a "normal" course costs. Unfortunately, the private courses in the cooler part of LA are world class (Riviera, Bel Air, and Sherwood, which isn't cool), think St. Andrews for example. There are some less expensive private courses, but they are a long ways and / or very hot.
    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- Did you get 3* on all of Space, or on all of the Moon of Endor?
  • @mvlna2 Moon of Endor! The space update isn't out, silly!
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- Don't call me silly! I thought you might not have 3*'ed all of ABSp and wanted to do that before the update. Congrats on the 3*'s anyway.
  • @all--What time of the day did the update "Moon of Endor" get released? EST?
  • I didn't get it till about 8 pm ish @Pa :/ I'm on Android Samsung galaxy but google play store?
    Does that help ¿
    And while your here can you explain to v@bubbleslover and ABSM what happens when you practice amateur poofing¿ Haha
  • 8pm? That's a long time from now @Ma.
  • UNhmm i got an absw update tonight at 8pm ish¿ Est..I'm confused watcha talkin bout Pa?
  • Poof? What's poofing? You can prove I Poofed. I follow the rules on page one. No poofing here.
  • Its midnight here?
  • Hmmm i seem to recall you landing in the wall and there you be ¿
  • I talking about the Space update not coming out until 8pm tonight.
  • Ohhh space i think tomorrow ..¿ Check@Hunnybunny link she left a few pages back but definitely tomorrow:)
  • @Ma--As Mr. Bill Clinton would say, It depends on what your definition of be, be.
  • @Ma--It's due out on the 13th. It's the 13th now!!
  • Ahahahahahaha ooowee Roflmao what difference does it make..
    Anyhoo i drove the first time today in 5 years, the morning was fine i was to tired to be nervous..the ride home i had butterflies in my belly:(
  • You got your license. Yea, your mobile. Your an American @Ma.
  • Ohhh yeah its the 13th 13 minutes past wow!! My daughters birthday:) but not till 5 a.m ,
  • Yep!!! I paid my taxes and am now legal:) I'd stay of the road for a bit anyone in the vicinity haha
    Just kidding I'm an excellent driver;)
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