The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1840
  • And Proud to be an American:)
  • And an americanpagechangerprincess :)
  • @kathy--I kinda know what you mean about being nervous. I remember when they raised the speed limits back up after the gas shortages. I was a little nervous. It surprised me. I had grown up driving the higher speed limits, but after a few years at the slower speeds, it took some getting use to.
  • Ohh yeah i remember those days..gas shortages
    I also remember 6 years ago when gas was 1.86$ a gallon lol now almost 4$ cheaper to take the Bus haha:)
  • BTW @Ma. I noticed you're falling behind your pahtna in ToT.
  • @kathy--It was on sale, but I remember filling up on 25 cents a gallon gas.
  • Ohh I'm way behind,, but in my defense she started in better positions than me;)
    Also we aren't competing so we are still pahtna aww who am i kidding she's blowing me out of the water, but she loves me that's all that matters .haha ohhh @Kimmiecv bring on the roly guy:)
  • The truth hurts but it's funny, sorry I'm laughing.
  • I remember when i was very young scrounging for change the cheapest i remember is 48 cents that was when i was 16 soooo ...hmm how old am i? That was a long time ago
    I gotta go to sleep sorry Pa I'd love to stay and chat but work tomorrow:)
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth..night Pahtnah*
  • Me too @Ma. bfnmicblidk
    Sleep, not work. That's a four letter word.
  • Night @Pa lol you can laugh i can admit I'm a lousy Flinger;) , but hey I'm having fun that's all that matters:)
  • K Pa ((((((hugs)))))))
    Hope you get some sleep and if so sweet dreams:) mwahh..
  • Erm WTH??? Rat, Kathy has just found her stride so it won't be long before we are neck in neck on the boards, it's always like that! Meaning one of us always has a head start, then the other catches up, then we end at about 1-3 spaces behind the other. :)
    *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    Welcome back Rat! You were missed!! :) Oh and enjoy your space update!! Should be hitting in the next couple hours!! :D
  • Hey fellow Space players @Rat and @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster
    The Space update is available now for iOS & Android !!
    35 brand new levels, including a Space Eagle level and a big boss fight...!!
  • The new levels are amazing! I've played all the levels and three starred the first ten plus their corresponding space egg. I love the boss fight!
  • Good Morning Everyone:) Happy Friday ..i have a half-day at work, doc appt.
    Then Fling Fling Fling!!! Have a Fantabulous Day all:)
    Enjoy your updates:) GoodLuck;)
    @Pa i know we won't see you in a while .Good Luck in space:):)
    And to all:)
  • Good morning/afternoon @all!
    Good grief I leave for 5 days and come back to message meltdown! It's *cough* been quiet then? LOL! Arghhhhhh 2 updates!! Do I unpack or fling? Hmmmmm I've got another week and 1/2 to do that and after all that's what spare rooms are for right? ;)
    Had a wonderful time in Budapest,it's a fantastic city,beautiful by day but by night it's a sight to see......just breathtaking! @mvnla2 I'm sooooo jealous! Give me time to get some photos and memories in order and I'll PM you. I'll definitely get them to you well before you go so you can do some googling! I've plenty of tips for you but no1 is be prepared to walk! Your golfing legs will come in handy let me tell you! The hop on/off bus is a must for day 1 but after that you just have to walk and get's the best way,believe me. Could you find out if you're on the Buda or Pest side of the Danube and I'll be able to help you out more. Happy belated birthday to you also!! Sorry,it takes a lot for me to miss a party but I had a pretty good excuse ;D
    Hope everyone is well and happily flinging! I think I'll hit Starwars first...........*closes door to spare room*
  • @JLZ666 -- We are staying in Pest (eastern side) near the Chain Bridge. Looking forward to your tips. Happy Flinging.
  • Welcome home @JLZ666!

    My best friend is from Budapest, immigrated to the US about 32 years ago at the age of 30. Man, does she have some stories about living under Communist rule! Her dad had to escape the country in the fifties to avoid being strung up or shot! After years of trying, she finally got a travel visa to visit him here and didn't return until years later. Anyway, she dearly loves her hometown and spends a lot of time there now. Eventually I will join her, maybe.... hard to get me on an airplane these days.
  • SO! 6 days, 27 levels to go!

    At my current pace, I could finish tomorrow, but at least six of those levels are ones I had to skip over as they were giving me fits...but, it IS looking promising I will meet my insane goal!

    Thanks for all the support and encouragement!
  • Ok @mvnla that's perfect! We were in the Buddah Bar hotel on that side as well. It's the modern side with great restaurants and wine bars. The "Buda" side is the old town and architecturally more beautiful but I'm taking a guess at the hotel you may be in and have to say that IMHO you are in the best spot in Budapest for night time views across the river!
    @bpc I can only imagine the stories she has! We found the majority of people friendly but there is obviously deep mistrust and a whole heap of well deserved baggage still hanging in the air. Some were unwilling to talk and the ones that were took a bit of breaking down. We could overlook this though but some hotel guests we spoke to had a problem with it. It didn't for one second spoil our trip as I'll talk to anybody as long as they're kind in return. If they're not well whatever,life's to short to waste breath on the rude;) It happens in all countries in the world and Hungary is doing amazing things considering what it's been through. We would go back tomorrow! In fact we got speaking to a restaurant owner who gave us loads of info about the Hungarian formula 1 Grand Prix so I'm pretty sure we'll be doing that next year :) If you don't mind me asking,why won't you fly?
  • I loath flying. It isn't fear. I won't say "claustrophobia", but close to it. I am not a small person, so riding shoulder-to-shoulder with a stranger on a long flight has little appeal. Being trapped in a small space with screaming, or just plain fussy kids is no joy either. AH, then there's the jerks several rows away who talk loudly, non-stop, even on a red eye. And the person who hasn't bathed or doused themselves in perfume. Oh, and the idea of betting trapped on a plane sitting on the tarmac for endless hours! No thanks! Maybe if I could afford first class...
  • @Rat @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- Just got to celebrate my 15 seconds in the footlights (not quite the spotlight). I'm currently #3 in Space, certainly due to the fact that Rat hasn't entered any scores today, and ABSM probably hasn't either. Got several top scores also; although I expect to see them gone by the end of the day.
  • I just entered my scores for Cosmic Crystals- 4 highscores! Woowoo! Those won't last long though... (I took a screenshot to show my friends. They'll be impressed :P)
  • @rat AHA! Until you enter you scores for Cosmic Crystals, I will bask in the glory of being 6th place in Space- one rank above the Space King. Bwahaha. Once you enter your scores though, I expect the see you back in 1st ;)
  • Whine! Cloud City 4-39 is just pure evil! I just can't get it, not even average wt? I've gotten several one birders than result in pathetically low scores. Clearly I'm missing some magical detail somewhere.
  • Help @kathy @kimmiecv ! I must be aiming wrong on Cloud City 4-39. I can get Obi to hit the bag of balls, blast them and drop on to the first tower, but it all just falls flat. The few times it worked for a one birdie, resulted in only 123k or so. The 5 chain links hint doesn't make sense to me. Is the aim above the balls, or more towards the middle? Help? (Whimper)
  • @ABSM just love it.......
  • I know, @Hunnybunny! I am even happier I have a second place high score!!!!!! :D
  • Sorry forgot my manners, should have said @all hello
    I hate flying, but has to be done to see the world. Got upgraded twice, that's the way to fly!
    And I am not prepared to reveal my absolutely dreadful attempt at the new Space episode.
    Back to Seasons for me :-)
  • Hmm, @hunny! It can't be THAT bad!
  • @bubbleslover IT WAS!
    Yelling was deliberate!
  • That Space thang is way beyond me, most amusing.
    Happy weekend @All!
  • I don't gamble (well, I don't anymore, another addiction) but whose for a dollar / pound / euro on when Mister Rat, the King of Space, will post his scores? We know he'll be top, but how long will it take?
    I'm going 10.00 9/14 EST
  • Hey all:) Can anyone on android get a 2-Birder on level 7-4??? I tried and there is one stubborn pig that stays alive every time! From the description and comments, looks as though it is pretty easy?!?!?
  • Hello @all! Just popping in as I'm knee deep in housework Blecky!! :/

    @abcrazy I went to the level that's haunting you to see if there's some magical fix, uhhh nope!! It's the 3 Ps in its truest form!! I'm sorry but I got it to work ONCE and wasn't able to get it again! Thank goodness it was enough to pop me over avg!! Do Exactly as wicket says until it works, that's your best bet! I'm sorry I can't give you more to make it easier, it's an awful level, but then most of CC WAS!! :/ You'll conquer it I have no doubt!!! :)

    @JLZ-666 Welcome Baaaaack!! I missed you!!! Mwaaaah :•

    Back to the drudgery of housework :(

  • @AngerManagement -- Did you look at the video? The description can be misunderstood, I think, but the video is pretty clear. Don't think it's that difficult, but may have to try a few times.
  • Yeah, @mvnla2, I understand clearly, just wondering if there is a specific place to aim, or my platform has a bug or something?
  • Hey everyone:) wow lots of stuff i can't keep Up with @JLZ666 you blow me away haha with your comments:) never know Budapest was 2 separate parts of a country (geography not my strong suit) how nice it sounds and what a coincidence @mvnla2 you'll be going there soon cool.
    I wish i had the means to see other countries, but even if i did I'd be afraid with this crazy world.
    Thanks@Kimmiecv for sticking Up for me with @Pa;) I'll catch Up someday lol
    @ABCrazy I'll go give it a shot, but if my Pahtnah couldn't do it probably neither can i(
    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster lol very funny..see how long it lasts..good luck;)
    @angermanagement I'd try but i haven't even started either update which 7-4 space? Or absw?
    I haven't even looked at a matter of fact i dont have a space update ¿
    OB a PigKiller pleasE I'm really stuck on tot 1-14:(
  • Oohh Forgot WTG !!! @bonneypattycat you can do it your our (wo)Man if you can't do it no one can!! Go Go Go @BPC °\/° YAY!!!!
  • AB Space Kathy;)
  • WTH!!! i opened absw for the first time since installing update, there's a laughing ghost type face floating on the screen AND I couldn't operate my phone!!! , couldn't go home, couldn't quit app, couldn't shut off!!!
    I had to take my battery out!!! WTH!!!
  • @kathy, the ghost face (which is actually the hologram of Darth Sidious from episode III) appears for me to, when I try to open an episode. I assumed it was because the worlds are locked for me?
  • Sorry @angermanagement i haven't installed the update yet:(
    So i restored but still have moon of endor on absw shouldn't that have gone away when i restored to previous back Up?
    OB I'll take an Extra strong PigKiller please
    * lays head on booth table...sigh*
  • Ohh whew !! Thanks @Angermanagement *wipes brow* thought something wrung like a virus..whew:)
  • @kathy when you restore progress, you restore it to the current version. The Moon of Endor is new.
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