The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1845
  • Except no useless commenting for it, so I won't make it useless! Any tips on golden eggstroid number ten, I got a good score, but how do you get it perfect?!? (Like @burpies score)
  • NoooOOOoooo @Sunshine you HAD to?!!?! AAAHHHHHH It is useless. I give up! Well, at any rate, @sunshine good timing! ;P HApPy BIrThdAY, @wanda!
  • Nice looking lunch for ya there, @wanda! Have a happy birthday!!!
  • WWWwwwhhhiiinnneee any tips on getting the page change? lol :) Well, anybody else on?
  • For she's a jolly good feloooooow ..which nobody can deny:)
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Wanda :) may all your wishes come true!:)
  • Oohh
    @sunshine that lunch looks scrumptious:)
  • @BubblesLover stop trying! If you hadn't made your comment at the bottom of the last page, about impending page change, the actual change would have been yours!
    @Wanda don't think we've met, but Happy Birthday!
  • Yes, it does... I do love that word, scrumptious! It is just so fun to say ;P What is on that hot dog? Looks delicious! Well, I gotta scoot! School... The dreaded! lol ;D Bye, @all!
  • Okay, @Hunnybunny, Thanks for the tip :D I thought I had it! Nobody was there until it happened! (How frustrating!) lol ;) Well, bye for real, now!
  • Hi all!
    Happy BirdDay @Wanda!
    @Kathy -- I will probably try egg-defender mode (the original levels in Red's Mighty Feathers) to see if the improvements make it possible. I never got 3* on all the levels. But wherever I decide to fling, it will be low priority.
  • @wanda Happy birdday, enjoy all that food and drink!
  • @kathy Gone to Rio? I wonder why? Could you try the album again and let me know if the problem is still there. If it is, I'll try admins. Thanx in advance!
  • Happy Birthday @wanda!! May all your coffee wishes come true :)
  • @bubbleslover like Hunnybunny mentioned don't try! Not only because you would have gotten it that way. Trying to get it on purpose is frowned upon by @team and me!
  • @TomPuss -- Nice cat, and interesting position -- What is it sitting on?
    BTW -- Did I know you were female? If I did, your name has confused me again.
  • @mvnla Cat's sitting on high garden wall. And yes you knew I'm a she! Sorry to confuse you! Luv & night-night.
  • @mvnla2 The update (especially the green flag thingy) made the egg defender mode way easier. I finally managed to pass level 15, which was impossible before.
  • Happy birthday @wanda!
  • *poofs in* Look at Me....Look at Me :) :)
  • Thanks @E* for putting Up Tompuss album:)
    Wow @Tompuss
  • Woo Hooo lucky new avatar just got Top Score in tot 2-4 !!!!
    Yee haaa!!! Thanks @E* (((((((( hugs))))))
  • No way!! hahahaha Guess the piggies got scared of the Eagle ;)
    And as always Kathy, me pleasure!!! You also got nominated for the contest just now by Annifrid!
  • Congratulations on your TopScore!! Wicked flinging @Kathy!
  • Thanks E* I'm tied for top lol I was gonna question that top score haha glad i didn't:)
  • hahahhaaha, well excelent Job!! I am off flinging, in Mooncake trying to polish of the last couple I lost the videos off. Have a Fab evening!
  • @rat I know you were joking around :)

    I saw your screenshot, and I'll get mine up for Happy Shake whenever I can!
  • Ohh geez in all my excitement with the new avy and top score first bird out i haven't caught Up on last pages:( my bad!! I'll be back.
    *seeing as Mumsie is in the garden room....* settles down in Mumsie rocker with a comfy throw begins to read...oohh ah yes thanks blue i forgot my PigKiller:)*
  • Well i know these are last nights comments sorry
    @E* i am happy to know I'm not the only one who's never seen gone with the wind lol;)
    And, so sorry about your commute;( i know the feeling as a commuter is tough when weather, schedules and construction mess things Up:/ you could look on Amazon for a stylish rain jacket no?
    Pa I'm glad i was rushing this morning and didn't see your other comments or i would have spit my coffee as well tooo funny..
    @bubbleslover how come the later start, and as Hunnybunny and E* said please stop trying so hard for page changes...:/
    Anything else i missed in my excitement sorry:(
  • @Annifrid -- Yeah, the Bird Defender mode is definitely MUCH easier, although some levels, like 15, no way can be classified as easy. Still have 7, but that may have to wait a while.
  • I love the mug, @sunshine! I did not know that you knew I collect them :-)
    The breakfast and lunch were great too. I've been busy doing real life stuff so much lately. I need to stop by here more.

    @e-star the banner is gorgeous. Thank you for thinking of me :-).
  • @Wanda -- Glad you stopped by. Hope you had a marvelous BDay. Yes, you do need to stop by more often; we've missed you.
  • *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth ' must sleep' nighty night Pahtnah hope you didn't work to hard today¿ Late day tomorrow too? Have a good night flinging:) see ya tomorrow:)*
    Good night all Happy Flingin' :)
  • Ohh almost forgot tomorrow (today for some) is THE BIG DAY!!! Woo Hooo Happy Flinging may the Force be With You!!!
  • OMG, I've been away for so long, it looks like I missed all of the excitement that's been going around here.

    @wanda, Happy Super Birthday! Hope all your birthday wishes come true!

    I'll have to make it a point to stop by more often and catch up with everyone!

    Tomorrow is Hump Day, and you could "almost" see the end of the long tunnel towards the weekend. Have a great day y'all!!

  • *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland* Tsk tsk you were up laaaate!!! Heeheee Nice avy you got there @Kathy! And Congrats on your top score!! :D
  • oooooh I'm so ANGRY right now!!
    No iOS 7 for iPod Touch 4G?!?!??!?!??
    They can't do that!!
    Dear goodness I hope my iPod can still run ABSW2....
  • Whoops, I disappeared into Work Hell for a few days -- sorry! So much for my determination to check in regularly.

    I don't think we've met @wanda, but that doesn't matter -- Happy Birthday! I hope you have a lovely celebration!

    @Kimmiecv, I forgot to mention last time I stopped by how much I *love* your new avatar. I've been very remiss lately in my monthly nominations over on the Favorite Avatar discussion. I'm sure that someone has already nominated yours, but I'll double check, just in case.

    My dear colleague and I finally finished up (mostly) the major proposal we're submitting today to a major university...just a tiny bit of cleanup to do this morning, and the the darn thing will be out the door. I must say, at about 9pm last night, when we had been on the phone together for hours, and finally worked through the last issues, it felt so good to have produced something we were really proud of, even though it took such an exhausting amount of effort. Yesterday was a 16 hour day; Monday was 14 hours; Sunday (!) 8 hours, and I don't even remember last week. But if this proposal doesn't get us into the final round, I for one will be stunned.

    I slept so well last night, finally!, and now I'm going to treat myself to a session of happy flinging before I have to start work. And then I'll have a few days off to recuperate, enjoy the launch of the new Star Wars, and try to keep up with all the action around here. Yay!

  • Happy Birdday @wanda and @laurafj! Have a really nice day :)
  • Good Morning all:) i see you @Kimmiecv...hee heee go to beddy by
  • Hey @harrystar6 long time no see..but i gotta
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