The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1843
  • @BPC as someone said (Kathy probably)
    Go, girl, go
    You can do it!
  • Woo hoo! Got 4-13 without going through Moon of Endor first!

    Just a few more to go!
  • My turn to WWWwwwhhhiiinnneee !! I know its not Tuesday but I'm stuck on Tot 15 :( can't improve at all!!! * pours a glass of super secret spiked fruit punch*
  • @kathy have you seen @mvnla2 score on TorT 1-15. It'll make you cry. It did me.
    Good luck, I'm off to bed, dreaming of TorT and the new Space. Which one? Which one to play?
  • hi, @all! kindle original are slow to type on the internet, but they work! Just found this tool, so yay! it is a slow process, but what does it matter? It still works! :D
  • @bpc I wish I could offer more to help you on the levels you're stuck on. CC is my least fave episode of SW I think. Those darn fans! Anyway, on CC-25 keep working the timing on the rotating fan. If I remember right, it seemed to work best to release just before it shifts from left to right.
  • @kathy @kimmiecv I couldn't resist giving Moon of Endor a try. I LIKE! So far anyway... Only worked through the first 5 or so levels. It's just so fun to play new & different. Sooooo much more fun than CC! :-D
  • @Kathy! It "only" took another 3 hours, but the 2-bird rapid finally did the trick on S-6! Thank you!
  • Correction, I guess it was only 1 hour. Amazing how an hour can seem like an eternity ;)
  • @ABcrazy, no worries! I am thiiiiis close to getting above average on CC 25. I know I can get it, but I think I will save it for tomorrow when I am fresh. Hard to do those ones that require precise timing when my eyes are half closed...
  • @Kathy, I cannot help with ToT, but because you have helped me so much lately, Allow me to be YOUR cheerleader!

    Goooooooooo KATHY!!! You CAN do it!!!
  • @hunnybunny @kathy -- Amazing to see my score on ToT 1-15 is still up there. At least I posted some tips.
  • Didn't I tell you all to stop posting good scores on the old SW levels? Sure enough, somebody posted a good score and sent one of my low, but above average scores, to below average by 23 points! Maybe I will get lucky and somebody will post a low score by morning....

    On August 29th, I set a goal to complete all 229 levels of SW with above average scores (prior to Moon of Endor) before the release of SW2 on September 19. Tonight, by the skin of my teeth (some levels are by as little as 10 points!), I did it! At the beginning, I actually had something like 3 levels from challenges, but all the rest were either very low scores, but many levels I had never even unlocked.

    Yay me!

    In truth, I could not have done it without the walkthrough videos and so many helpful strategies in the comments, so a big THANK YOU to the ABN team and to my fellow flingers who were kind enough to share and cheer me on in the final days :)

    Note: Some levels are just barely above average, so it is possible a few might drop below average before the 19th, or by morning, but I consider the challenge completed....

    WAIT! maybe I CAN fit in Moon of Endor!
  • @BPC -- Congrats Superwoman! Of course you can complete Moon of Endor, although it might be a bit early to try to get above average on all. I finally got my final 3rd star. Check out @Crazy-Rider's videos on YouTube if you get stuck (on YouTube he is Crazy??Rider -- the ?? are for numbers I don't remember). Took me maybe 4 to 6 hrs to get 3* on all but one level.
  • @laurafj -- Happy BirdDay!
    @all -- Can't believe there are only 4 posts between my last one yesterday and first today!
  • Happy Birthday @ Laurafj
    @BPC Congratulations !!!! Awesome great job!!!
    Break out the bubbly * clink* woo hooo with.4 days to go:):)
    So the new starwars will it be a separate app? Is there a reason for it, Like a movie or something.
    @mvnla2 Great score on ToT 15 i can't even come close. Thanks for leaving crumbs and thanks a great much for explaining lesleyg strat, without that screenshot it's hard to see. :)
  • @Kathy, where ya been!? lol, yes, a brand new app for SW2! You can read all about it on the ABN homepage.
  • Hey @kathy!! Enjoying a lazy Sunday?
    @BPC congratulations, vewwwy impressive!
    @JunkenMetel sorry I was busy working on some projects and didn't take the time to pop back in here, but I hear ya! Luckily I am not self employed, but I work at a small company (only 4 off us, 2 bosses and 2 employees). Did have to cut back my hours last year, so working 3 instead of 4, but my husband has a steady job as well and we will manage. We don't have any kids, which makes it easier I think. if push comes to shove I guess hubby and me can live off bread and water, I would have nightmares if I had kids in these rocky times. And you got a good thing going with your colleague and friend! It amazes me each time I think of all the timezones in the US ghihi Hope the paying projects are coming in soon! And yeah I stayed clear of ladders and buckets lately (house is a mess LOL)
  • And hello @mvnla2 BP has been slow indeed, I think everybody is playing all the new levels and getting ready for the new ABO levels tomorrow!!
  • @mvnla2 congrats on your final star, and thanks for tip about crazy rider's videos, he was a tremendous help throughout the old SW levels.
  • Yep @e-star lazy Sunday for me:) :)
    Thanks @ BPC haha I'm always slow on the updates,i must not have the page bookmarked will check:)
  • E* is there a way to subscribe to the news page?
  • @kathy I know there is something like rss, but I am not familiar with it, maybe Ripsy knows? Or check the yellow bar "new" everyday :/
  • @iBird Hello to you too, cute birdie!
  • Ohh o.k thanks E* going out for breakfast bbl;)
  • Hope breakfast was a good one @kathy sorry I popped out again, but hey thats me, hopping from on thing to another :)

    @Tompuss long time no see, I see you still have to master the Gravatar thing to show your avatar in the forum. How is life treating you?
  • Oh man Rat has RUINEDy career. He beat me on Cosmic Crystals 7-26 by 10 POINTS. Now I'm second place. I want a screenshot.
  • S'ok E* hee heei know you:)
    Hi @Tompuss sorry i keep missing you
    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster let me get this straight You want a screenshot (proof) from Mr. Space himself ?????¿¿ Remind me to *poof* fast when that conversation ensues lol!!
  • @EStar Hello! On vacation in Switzerland right now with dismal weather. I tried Gravatar again one rainy day, then had trouble signing up with WordPress, who said my email address had already been used, so I gave up in despair! It seems so complicated! The avatar showed up when I made a comment on Crystals, but doesn't work in the forums. I've started a gallery, it includes one pic of our Birds on holiday, hoping to add more on return, and the avatar pic of Patch, alas no longer with us. . So you can at least see what it would look like if it worked! Anyway, I really appreciate your thinking of me. Bye for now and we'll talk again soon.
  • Lol Kathy, yup I would want to see a screenshot for 10 point difference as well hahahah
  • @tompuss wow switzerland huh? I think the weather in the whole of europe is less than optimal sort of speak. I do hope you will get to go on amazing mountain walks and enjoy the food there. As for the gravatar thing, sounds like you already signed up with your email address in Gravatar, so maybe try to log in with your email address and your usual oassword, maybe you will get in ;) going to fly to your album to check out the pictures!
  • @tompuss love the AB plushys with the scenery of Switzerland! And Patch looks smashing! Sorry to hear he/she is not amongst you anymore. Such a sad thing loose a companion like that :(
  • And no, I wasn't grounded on my birthday. I was just out doing stuff.
  • Ohh well that's good:)
  • K so where's the Story Lol...:)
  • So Friday night, I was just at this fun place called C.R.O.S.S. Fire Commandos and there were all sorts of things you could do. *Orders a round of pig ears* And me and four friends were messing around in the foam pit when suddenly Jordan accidentally landed on my head and I chipped a tooth.

  • That's the Story? Lol why were you grounded?
    Sorry got an important call..
  • I'll try and come more often if possible. never ask for much on my birthday, but I got an origami book and some paper. I also can't wait to read Rick Riordan's newest book. Have you heard of him?
  • Sorry @theanonymousesomeone I'm dealing with some family issues right now pretty series
    I hope you do come in more often and your crispy pig ears are always on me:)
    No I've not heard of Rick Riordan but reading is excellent keep out Up, rather see you reading than playing angrybirds:)
  • @theanonymoussomeone -- Glad you could stop by on your BDay! Hope you had a great day. Have you done origami before? I used to love doing it, but haven't done any for years.
    Never heard of Rick Riordan. Did you get the latest book for your BDay?
    Are you going to tell us why you were grounded? A whole month sounds pretty serious. (OK, so curiosity killed the cat, but I'm not a cat.)
  • @Kathy -- Hope everything turns out OK.
  • Thanks mvnla2 i have a little reprieve right now just for a phone call from my sis with more info.
  • Aww @kathy sorry to hear your weekend is ending with family issues! I am ready to turn in my flashlight and head over to my Pillow, hope it all resolves quickly! [[[hugggs]]]]
  • am sure the rat will post a screen shot but he will probably wait till he passes you by a few thousand knowing him he is not done with 7-26 Mr. spacemaster , and thank you E-Star you have been instrumental to my rise in space
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