The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1851
  • Duh!! Forgot are name still shows haha bring on the roly Guy:) hee hee
    O.k ciggie done..
  • I gots to get dinner on! :/
  • And the princess is in the house:)
    @Kimmiecv we gotta get outta here she gonna get us haha
  • Well that was perfect timing then!! Off we both go!! Sleep well @Kathy! And have a good day tomorrow, don't forget to let me know what's up with breakfast and your sis. And just so you know tomorrow is a late work day so not sure if ill miss you here, ill try to pop in before you hit your pillow walk though! :) Your moving right along in ToT! Good scores!! :)
  • Error box got me
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth, before she snatch it outta my hand*
    Nighty night mwaaAhhh
  • K see ya tomorrow:)
  • Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa yep I was getting the stretchy arm out of hiding!!! :D Sleep well Pahtna! :)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * off you go missy!!! :)
  • Mumsie runs into the BP rushes over to OB gives him a hug says "missed being here - played golf 7 days out of the last 10 and playing today, tomorrow & Wednesday - it should calm down after that! Must dash, got laundry to do before I golf"
    Mumsie whirls away again - leaving OB thinking "that is one mad lady"
  • Good Morning Everyone:) have a great day all, happy flinging:)
    *yes yes OB , she is one crazy busy lady* hee hee
  • Where is everyone today? Oh well my luck lunchtime and nobody here:(
  • Greetings Flingers, it's Monday! (Ya, I don't like 'em either)

    Hiya @kathy. Sorry I missed you stopping by. Went to bed late and got up about an hour ago. Hope your Monday is a good one!

    Y'all take care and have a safe day, see ya later.
  • Hi @Kathy @SweetP quiet indeed. See Sparty's post in ABA, probably explains it!
    Can't wait for whine Tuesday, I have a list, a long, long, list.............

    Cough! COUGH!!! ...... GASP!!!!

    Give me... a ... moment...

    Just found out...

    OH GOD...

    the price...



  • @hunnybunny, nice to see you stop by but sorry I missed you. I'm in just for a quick break then off to do errands. Looking forward to hearing your list of whines tomorrow and will help in any way I can. Keep your beak up and smile, it'll be better soon I promise.
  • @SweetP thanks
    @BPC never played SW (other than the first level, didn't grab me at all)
    Just how much? To do what? Don't you get the same effect without them? I thought I read that.
    Now calm down, take a long slow breath...
    Better now?
  • Work part of the Monday is done, had dinner... not ready to enjoy the evening... so yeahhh Happy Monday hee hee! @kathy... SHE sees it ALL ;) Hope Kimmie was able to read and fall asleep fast last night. Anxious to see if the withdrawal caused her to stay awake hahaha
  • Ah so telepods are ermmm not so cheap?! SWII doesn't seem like my thing, so I have no clue what they are about... BPC you are turning blue... don't forget to breathe!
  • To get all Telepods, if you can find them all, runs about $180 (US) plus any applicable taxes... and possibly shipping charges.

    That 99 cent game just got very expensive... if you want to compete. Yes, you can earn credits towards in-app character purchases instead, but if you are a hardcore player, that can end up costing plenty too. No thanks!
  • If I am going to burn $180, I'll put it towards a new laptop ;)
  • Hey everyone:)
    Yep @sweetpea sparty83 comment explains a lot lol!!
    @BPC WHAT!! 180$ that's crazy..i won't be competing unless they separate the leaderboard:(
    Hee hee @E* "SHE" hahaha i hope your now ready to enjoy your evening, instead of'not' ready lol;)
    Happy flinging:)
  • @BPC if I'm going to burn that amount, it's towards the iPhone.
    Have iPad, iPod, feeling "i" addicted here!
    My blackberry phone died, slowly, painfully, app by app. Now using such an old phone instead, it doesn't even have - shock, horror - internet connection.
    But I'll donate iPod to my other half.
    Does that make me feel less "i" addicted, more altruistic, happier.... I don't really think so.........
  • Hey @Hunnybunny :) sorry about that,i just realized it was you who pointed to sparty83 comment;) sooo right;)
  • @bpc Amazon already sold out of one of the sets and one of the others has doubled in price due to scalpers. Crazy. I'll pass. I suppose it could be fun, but I just don't see going out & buying a bunch of telepoddies. Too bad they wouldn't keep the scores separate. Maybe the nesters will say how they get their scores.
  • No probs @Kathy
    @ABcrazy @BPC Rovio, Amazon, ToysRus, et al, just doing the normal run up to Christmas, get the kids hooked, Oh! Dear! Look there's hardly any, no, none at all, EXCEPT these really expensive special editions, coming soon to a store near you!!!!!
    The way of the world, since I was a kid, many moons ago....
    watch it.
    It is a sequel to my original Bad Piggies.
  • Wooo hooo @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster great animation:)
    Thanks for sharing:)
  • Hahaha i love the ending!! Its perfect:)
  • @Kathy you're welcome :)
    BubblesLover and I are voicing two animations in a new series called What Planets Wonder right now :)
  • Will it be on a website @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster like the mooroy comics? Sorry if i spelled it wru wrong.
  • @ABSM Awesome animation, and even with my fav bird ;D Where can I find the original Bad Piggies video?
  • ALSO....
    The "What Planets Wonder" series is up! (Well, the first two at least.) Now you can hear what my sister and I's voices sound like!

    @Annifrid here's the link to the original Bad Piggies.
  • Thanks @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster :) i will have to wait to listen later, BF taking a nap.
  • @Annifrid you should also check out the spy files and mooroy comics:)
    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster i got it right this time right? You should post those links for Annifrid also;)
  • @kathy Yup, you got 'em. :)
  • Hey OB didn't want to startle you * well it's officially Tuesday in my zone..
    *sets out baskets of earplugs, on all booth tables,a basket on the table near the door, and spaced along the bar*, ..sorry to interrupt your dusting, but you might want to put these in'hands OB a pair of earplugs*....
    WWWwwwhhhiiinnneee WWWwwwhhhiiinnneee..I'll never finish tot never never never!
    So you're saying @bubbleslover is a girl?
    I didn't even know you had a sibling until you mentioned it, and I don't even think I've ever even seen her here (at the same time as me).
  • Yep @theanonymousesomeone bubbleslover is Absm sis:)
    Night y night..;)
  • Waaaiiiit @theanonymousesomeone you really think a boy would be named 'bubbleslover'i don't think so...anyway good night:/
  • Hmmm..... Well good night
  • G'nite tas:)
  • Omg i just edited ..i didn't mean dummy think so..i meant i don't think so..stupid keyboard
    @theanonymousesomeone i Hope you don't think i meant dummy..i really didn't:/ my keyboard types whatever it wants sometime..i should read before hitting send..I'm sorry:(
  • Btw i still can't find your your name different on main site..your profile not showing..when k click on your name here?
  • I just PMed it to you.
  • Thanks @theanonymousesomeone it's awesome!! Love it:) ok good nighty this time for real...
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