The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1854
  • Bye! Same here... school... *sigh* Well, bye everyone! ;D
  • YYYEEEAAAH Page change!!!!
  • I can't wait for my 31st Birdday. i want an AB cake. my family and friends think i'm taking this "obsession" too far. hmph! I don't care.
  • @mvnla I'm delighted that you used one of my recommendations and more than a little relieved you enjoyed it! It's always a gamble when you don't know the persons tastes. Kimmie's right though,I like my grub so I'd like to think I'd given you some good ones :)
    @laurenM hi! Had to laugh at the "can't wait till my 31st birthday" comment!! I think after I turned 30 I stopped looking forward so enjoy it while you can before you start looking back lol!! I had a wicked AB cake for my 40th designed by my hubby so you're never to old for one! When a non player does that for his wife you know that they have accepted the obsession.......understanding however is another thing altogether ;)
  • Yay! One month ago, I became a brand new Great Auntie! I do not have children of my own, so I have to rely on family members to keep a baby in my extended family. Unfortunately, we haven't had one for eleven years :( Anyway, the situation has been resolved and I can happily resume playing Auntie to a little one... or so I thought!

    Yesterday I had my first full day shift on my own. I do not remember it being so hard! In nine hours I did five diaper changes, including a BIG nasty one and two complete clothing changes, countless feelings, and the little darling just would not settle down! In nine hours she probably slept a grand total of twenty minutes. At the beginning of the shift I was looking forward to flinging a few birds during her nap.... hahahahHahaha!!!! I barely had a chance to feed myself! Have I mentioned my aching back yet?

    My hat is off to all of you who care for small children 24/7 and still manage to fit in AB!
  • @BPC I, too, have no children. My niece arrives tomorrow. She's ten. No diapers. Just spending my money on little gifts, that she really, really, wants. No problems, she's got me wrapped around her little finger! Love her to death :-)))))))

    @kimmiecv I love your words of wisdom about playing, getting the best you can, getting out, and letting the others overtake you, if they can. And they always do. Wish I'd met you ten months ago when I started flinging. I just flung indiscriminately, until I found the bonus levels, basically followed your very good advice. And didn't learn....
    Now I go back and forwards to episodes, levels, not getting anywhere much. Led back into TorT, and what was left for me? All the hardest ones I gave up on. No excuses, just need to focus like the deadly duo! No war, no feuds, someone will always beat you. Happy flinging, girls!
  • /
    Hey everyone:) @JLZ666 right there are no winners lol we are just happy fingers:) are you planning on joining us too?
    Keep flinging keep flinging haha
    @mvnla2 sounds like your having a wonderful time :) happy you can pop on now and then withupdates.
    Thanks @Tompuss for the meaning of nemisis + hubris you'd think I'd know seeing i was a star Latin student in high school but that was many moons ago lol;)
    Telepods !!! @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster that's cool:) let us know how it goes:)@bubbleslover congrats on the page change lol
  • @BPC hahaha !! I can imagine a one month old..i would think there be plenty of nap time as well.and I've had 2 !! How easily I've forgotten but it has been 30 years lol..Congrats on being a Great Auntie and for making it through your first day;)
  • Mumsie pops her head around the door sees OB and gives him a big (((hug))) sits down in her rocker and accepts the lovely tall G&T that OB hands her - ok 10 games of golf in 13 days is exhausting!! Plus when I woke up and looked at the state the house was I had to get stuck in! Not too bad now so treating myself to catch up in ABN! Luckily only 4 birthdays (belated I know!) Mumsie sings Happy Belated Birthday to you, softly (and slightly off-key) to @aman, @rissa,@ibird and @angryspacemaster!
    Then sits back to enjoy being settled in her rocker!
  • @BPC - how good are you! To offer to look after an extremely small person for a whole day! Congratulations - your great niece doesn't yet realise how lucky she is to have you!
  • Today I first saw a 'Your top score has been beaten' notification for real. When I finally decided to enter scores for ABSW 2 yesterday, I had three #1 spots in the Reward Chapter, and now I have one. Believe it or not, it actually made me happy, I've always wanted to know what did it look like :D
  • @Annifrid well done! You'll get many more top scores, and many "it's been beaten" notifications. Let's hope it's more of the first, less of the latter :-)
  • @Mumsie, it is her parents who are lucky ;) Oh, and she is small! She arrived a few weeks early, weighing in at 5 lbs, 7 oz. She is just shy of 8 lbs now.

    @Kathy, I am not certain I survived the first day ;) When I got home, I thought, at last, I can fling a few birds, but all I could do was hold my stylus and stare at the screen. I cannot remember being that exhausted!

    @Hunnybunny, I have an 11-year-old that I have been quite close with, but lately she has such a busy social life and after school activities, I do not get a chance to see her much anymore. When I go to visit her and her parents, she either has a friend over, or her nose is buried in her iPad. I miss that little girl :(
  • @BPC I play Rio on the iPad with mine. But I expect that she too will soon find others to play with
  • And again I've chased everyone away..hmm note to self change body wash!!
    OB a large PigKiller please I'm off to fling;)
  • Oh Kathy - I decided to go to bed with a cup of tea but had forgotten that I stripped the bed this morning and hadn't made it! So now one bed made, kettle reboiled, second cup of tea made and back to ABN!
    @BPC - gosh she's done well to gain that weight in one month! One of mine was only 4lb 11oz born and was only 6lb 4oz at one month. They grow soooo fast - enjoy her!
    Annafrid I got one of those notifications only 6 hrs after I made a top spot!
  • @kathy I'm still here, but trying to work out how the heck you put fangs on a bunny for the Halloween avatar!
  • Lol @Mumsie your finally going to rest;) sweet dreams enjoy your tea:)
    @Hunnybunny good luck with that haha !!
  • And another weekend for me with no flinging. Oh no! Sometimes though, real life is good, birds take a second place....
    Goodnight all
  • Night @Hunnybunny sweet dreams:)
    Oh @sweetpea sorry that'd be great if you want to pop in and join us or just leave some breadcrumbs:)
  • *orders some pig ears* Hello! Congrats on the achievement @bpc! @annifrid One time I got top on H-H 1-1 and got notified before leaving the site! It was a fake though. To this day it remains. But just imagine if you had a topscore for a while and it got beaten. How many vehicles could the pigs crash before you reclaimed it? Obviously hundreds since they constantly crash, but get the point? Except I still haven't reclaimed my score for J-14, not even on challenge day.
  • Please forgive my odd sense of humor in advance....

    @bpc I had to chuckle when you mentioned being so tired 'all I could do was hold my stylus and stare at the screen' and in the next para lament how your 11yo niece always has her 'nose buried in her iPad'. Who does she take after? ;-D

    @tas @annifrid I had a top score on the 1st level Of MoE that lasted .... Um .... A day? I think? I laughed when I got the message of defeat. Big surprise. But what's making me laugh more right now is how we all refer to various levels in code I.e. H-H 1-1 and J-14, and still know exactly what we're talking about. Sorta reminds me of that SNL skit a while back when all the Trekkies at a conference would refer to episode xyz and all know the story. Then William Shatner tells them all to Get a Life! Ha! aHa....hem.......
  • (Pecks at a scrap of @mumsie yarn) yeah, so I guess its past my bedtime. I must be getting a bit flaky. Enjoy your golf @mumsie you are so fortunate to be able to spend so much time doing what you enjoy. I hope your game continues to improve!
  • Oh my dinger on the Fritz again..sorry i missed you @theanonymousesomeone and @ABCrazy
    Past my bedtime again:( battery low..i wanna smoke but how boring sitting on a cold dark porch smoking without flinging ...booooring lol..
    Gonna risk the battery so i will turn in flashlight now just in case
    *places oh wait I'll wait haha..if i turn it in now the porch will be really dark hahaha o.k yep silly tired..
  • Power saving mode has kicked in..gonna fling it till it dies lol
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth* night Pahtnah good luck flinging
    I must say 3-2 is utterly ridiculously frustrating but i almost got it:) see ya later Hope you can get some rest night night.....
    OB one last Sunupper to light my last fling:) thannk you...
  • LOL @Kathy pretty much ALL of ToT is ridiculously frustrating IMO!!! It's TGIF!! :)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    @HB it took me a while at first to stay the course as well, in fact it was the leaderboards that finally got me focused at hitting all levels instead of winging through them, not sure I'm thankful for that either!! ;) Enjoy your weekend in the real world! :)
  • @EStar Hope you're feeling better. Take it easy now - maybe less Wiiiiiiiz and more Zzzzzzs will do the trick!
  • Good Morning Everyone!! Happy Friday:)
    @Kimmiecv lol funny you said that about leaderboards haha i was Just thinking the same yesterday, if it weren't for ABN i would have been done with angrybirds a year ago, happy with 3 stars and done, now I'll be lucky to finish before i retire hahaha!!!
    Have a Fantabulous Flingin' Day all..bring home some Bacon!!!
  • Mornin' @Tompuss sorry i gotta run..workday:(
    And yes E* i do Hope your starting to feel better:(
  • @kathy
    Just love your pillow talk! Well, pillows are so important, aren't they? I took my favourite one on hols, cos hotel ones never make the grade somehow. Just popped it a bag along with the plushies, I think they appreciated it. Glad you liked the pix, have a happy flinging day and weekend!
  • Lol @Tompuss i looooove our pillow walk routine:) and good idea to take your pillow on vaca :)
  • BfNIMCBLIDK:) :)
  • Heellloooo everyone! Who's heerree?!!?! BTW @Kathy thank you for my proud-once-in-a-month-special-occurence-appearing-in-a-page-change! lol Yes, @TomPuss true that! Maybe I need someone to talk to me about that with my Kindle (MAYBE I stay an hour past bedtime reading...or two... or three...)! ;D flinging is the big issue though! no wonder she takes it away during week days... And no wonder that makes me say... TGIF!!!

    EDIT: Now I must leave, so never mind! Have a fantabulous flingin' day, everyone! BfNIMCBLIDK!
  • Hi @bl and any lurkers/stalkers here right now.
  • hi @theanonymoussomeone

    I'm just checking to see if @Rat9 is over here... I haven't seen him enter new scores for Cosmc Crystals lately.
  • @burpie I spoke with him (via pm) a couple of days ago. He said he wasn't very well and it was affecting his flinging and he didn't feel much like socialising. Hope he gets well soon, we miss his rascally ways here!
  • Thanks @hunnybunny

    Then I'll go back to Cosmic Crystals and try to catch up with @HappyShake alone... all alone. Nobody else is even trying. Not even @goavs4 or @mudslinger. It's all StarWars these days and those crazy action figures. Well I have some news for all of you StarWars playing whippersnappers, I saw that movie in 78 and there were no Angry Birds in it. None. And another thing: Han shot first. Ha!

    I must send Rat a message.

    Have a great weekend, all!
  • @SweetP Hi! Glad you liked the flowers, but must explain that the hibiscus was an indoor one. Nice that each bloom lasted 2 days, and I managed to keep it for 2 years. Our climate here in the Paris region is temperate, and one sees lots of common-or-garden hibiscus outside (trees and shrubs) but they're not the exotic varieties that you enjoy in CA. (Just been admiring Google images - some real beauties there.) Have a happy day!
  • Hello @TomPuss! I'm impressed with your green thumb talents, being able to get your hibiscus to bloom, even though it was indoors. I moved about three years ago, from a mild climate close to the coast, to about 75 miles inland, which is much hotter and drier. Trying to grow anything has been a real challenge, because the native soil here is mostly sand and clay and this summer has been unbearably hot. So for now, I have to grow in pots, most recently some annuals that are hardy and herbs in the shade. I'm hoping the bulbs that I'll be planting in the next month comes up in the spring!
    Have a wonderful weekend, and happy flinging!
  • @SweetP Oh my! How do you stand the heat? Can see gardening very difficult - have a mental image of the Ham 'em High decor! I love to have fresh herbs too, and a few veg like potatoes and green beans. How do you feel about cacti?
  • Hello ladies, just popping in to let ya ll know the cold has been kicked to the curb :D
    me very happy! Sorry for the absence. Thanks for the well wishes @TomPuss in fact thank all of you wonderful friends around the world for sending me some good vibes!
  • @SweetP no greens around? Just sand and struggling plants? wow, I think I would need some serious therapy if I could enjoy my garden with all the plants! Have to ask though... the hibiscus you are talking about, is that the one you have in your photo @Tompuss? Which by the way are magnificent! Love the birds out in the real world shots... anyway was wondering, cause we call that plant a Geranium and the hibiscus is a large almost tree like plant in my garden which had such an amazing year this summer, it kept blooming and blooming. It was my grandmothers, but after she started losing her eyesight almost 10 years ago, gardening which she always loved to do wasn't in the cards anymore. So when I commended her on the hibiscus she asked me if I wanted to dig it out and put it in my garden so I could look after it. Each year that passes by I see it bloom even prettier than the year before. Wish my granny could see the colors, but she only sees blobs of light and dark now.
  • @estar -- the red flower with the bird is a geranium, the pic labeled hibiscus with a gold flower is a hibiscus and can get as large as a tree.
    All-- now in Vienna, time for bed.
  • Thanks @mvnla2 Hope you holiday is turning out to be a good one.. Vienna huh... sounds amazing! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction... I guess I was looking for a pink one, cause mine is pink and a purple blue... Boy that hibiscus is magnificent indeed! So bright, so sunny!
  • Nice avatar @Annifrid:) E* I'm happy to hear your feeling better:)
    @mvnla2 Vienna now:) nice glad your enjoying your vaca:)
  • I agree, nice new avatar, @Annifrid! I might change mine myself... any lurkers/stalkers here?
  • Good night all. Managed a few shots between the housework and the guests arriving. And made a huge extra 80 points. Ah, well, there's always a window of opportunity tomorrow for another spectacular climb up the leader board ;-(
  • Nighty night @Hunnybunny sweet dreams:)
    There's always tomorrow:)
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