The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1855
  • While I'm here..hi OB:) I'll have double PigKiller:) just set it here..i gutta check on the Birdies its starting to get chilly. Want to check the automated temperature system:)
    *poofs to the aviary*
  • Hmm a page change to go with the poof:) all is well:)
    I'm telling ya ToT is tough..*gulps PigKiller in a single sip*
    I'm off to fling:)
  • Night battery not holding a charge:(
    *places flashlight on Kimmiecv favorite booth *
    Nighty night Pahtnah have a wonderful night,i won't be around tomorrow so enjoy your Saturday:)
    Happy Flinging Everyone:)
  • @Kathy have a terrific time Saturday!!! :)
    *replaces batteries and shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
  • @mvnla Hello and thanks so much for explaining the flowers to estar - that was the first message I'd intended to send this morning!

    Ah, Vienna, city of cake. Think of us at Demel's and the cafe Sacher, oh that Sachertorte!

    Now's the time to sample new wine (Heurige) in Grinzing, Nussdorf or other charming villages. You can get there by tram.

    After all that, maybe time for a little art & culture (we loved the Spanish Riding School performance).
    Have a super weekend!
  • @EStar So glad you're feeling better at last. Ah, it made me sad to hear about your dear granny's eyesight. But she must be comforted that her hibiscus tree is in such good hands. We have one in the garden too, probably similar to yours, with pinky-purple flowers. This year it flowered like crazy, wonderful.
    Garden horribly untidy and weedy after hols. . And we're in for a wet weekend here. . .
    Have a super weekend yourself with better weather, I hope.
  • Well @mumsie42 as promised (if a bit late) here it is:

    I hadn't reconned in a little over 2 MONTHS!!! What a stupid Stupid STUPID Mistake!!! So imagine if you will the fact that when I'd stopped my biweekly (it had gone down to biweekly as I'd Finally gotten the slimy snails under some control!) Whhhhy did I stop!!! There were few, like a handful at best, slimy snails trying to mucking up my fountain and eat my plants, hadn't had slimy snail poo in my fountain in weeks! No eaten up flowers, nope just a lovely slimy snail free garden like every frikken body else seems to have! So imagine my shock when I started noticing slimy snails sauntering by me at night without a care in the world (what happened to the fear of God I'd struck in their slimy hearts?) and when I Finally woke up to the fact I hadn't reconned in so long that I actually looked AT my garden And WTH???? WHAT garden??? Sure I was seeing pretty flowers all over the place but when I really LOOKED I noticed I had pretty flowers but NO FRIKKEN LEAVES to go With them!!!! Good God the suckers had striped all the leaves from ALL my flowers!!! Now that my eyes were wide open I saw slimy snails IN MY FOUNTAIN!! POOPING!!!! The bloody Nerve!!! They were flaunting themselves, no Fear whatsoever!!! Well that night I started reconning again!! I got my cohorts ready for battle, meaning I fed them less so their noses and searching skills would be on high alert, and together Tig, Boo and I went on the hunt!! Shoulda known it'd be easy pickings!! But we were ready!! I had my rubber gloves on (seriously nasty slimy work!!) my bucket and my flashlight (thanks Mumsie for the flashlight I don't only use it to fling!! ;) So off we went at 2am (best time to catch em is late at night when they think no ones coming for them!) OMG there were *shivers in disgust and distain* Hundreds of them!!!!! Crap on toast with a whole ham I cannot believe what I was seeing even now!! BABIES!!! Soooo many babies!!! Teeny tiny ones, small ones and teen ones to go along with the adults!! Every one of the adults must have had their 400+++ babies while I sat night after night ignoring my quest!! The first night I filled 3 entire buckets full!!!!! :/ Tig and Boo were in their glory, I wanted to sit and cry like a baby!! How could there be So Many in such a Short amount of time??? I believe the few that were left called their friends in the neighbouring yards and those slimy suckers came a running!! No wonder my flowers had stubs instead of leaves! So the next few nights I spent filling buckets full of slimy snails to dump in the mulch bin. One night I was reconning and I saw this THING, this THING was HUGE!!! Like a gigantic mans thumb BIG!! Fat and like a slimy snail but Without it's shell!! It was SCARY BIG!!! It was a slimy slug on Steroids!!!! :O OMG I do have slugs and I grab them as well but THIS!! This THING was Not natural!! It was Disgusting!!! So Now I have bunches of baby slimy snails and Mutant slimy slugs!!!! Just shoot me now!!! I think it was the queen of the slimy slugs!! I dumped that mutant THING in the mulch bin and I'm hoping the rest follow their queen!! Now if I could just find the queen of the slimy snails and dump it maybe the rest would follow IT!! That's part of my new quest in getting my garden back! Searching for the mutant queen of the slimy snails!! It's Got to be here somewhere I just have to FIND it!!
    So I'm back to my recons and hopefully have learned my lesson, Don't sit on your rump thinking you've got control because they are Waiting to drop eggs and slime away eating all you pretty plants and pooping in your fountain just when you think it's safe!!!!
    Sadly we know this isn't The End!! :/
  • Hee, hee, hee...
    I know I shouldn't laugh at your misfortune, @kimmiecv, but your stories are always so funny.
  • @hunnybunny no worries, might as well laugh, it's better than crying any day!! Have fun with your guests!! :)
  • @Kimmiecv The horror, the horror! Have you ever tried BEER? Buy plenty of the cheap stuff and pour it into shallow dishes or bowls. Make a little hollow in the earth and settle the dish so that the rim is at ground level. Don't let the beer dry up. The repugnant molluscs will climb in and drink themselves to death.
  • Uhhhhhh well see @tompuss it's like this, I don't kill Anything But Mosquitos, just can't do it!!! You've not been here long enough to know that I have a serious aversion to killing things, that is Except blood suckers!! Well fleas are on that list as well as ticks but those are blood suckers too!! So nope no getting them happy to death. :( Hence the never ending battle between me and the slimy snails!!
  • Ok I have to hit my pillow walk! Thanks anyway @tompuss for the suggestion :)
    Everyone have a super great Saturday!! :)
  • @Kimmie I see your point, but the advantage of beer is that the slimies die happy!
  • No! Not the slugs! And @kimmiecv, don't you kill pigs?
  • You should tell about the slugs in the ABN diary. Now how big was this mutant? Thumb big, D battery big, or Jabba big? And I've decided to keep records of the slugs. Slug Wars, Ep. 1: The Garden Menace. Ep. 2: Attack of the slugs. Ep. 3: Revenge of the Tig. Ep. 4: A Boo Hope. Ep. 5: The slugs strike back (current situation). Ep. 6: Return of the Kimmie (current situation). Next time the slugs leave for a while, remember the golden rule, which is never let your guard down.
  • @kimmiecv. Isn't the mascot of UC Santa Cruz the banana slug? Santa Cruz isn't that far from you, so maybe you reputation has spread that far. : D
    @TomPuss. Not a big fan of cake, but may have to try the sacher torte. Would love to see the Spanish riding school. Will have to work on hubby.
  • Roflmao @theanonymoussomeone hahaha!!:)
    Hi @mvnla2 sorry i gotta scoot
  • Poor @kimmiecv, I'd probably have to move away if I had such trouble with snails and slugs ... there's literally NOTHING in the world (well except for my neighbor's dog) I'm more afraid of!! :/
  • @TAS LOL LOL! How I love your Slug Wars! Sooo funny!
  • @Kimmiecv Slug saga: Well, I think you're so brave to go out at night to catch them, wow. Maybe it'd be a good idea not to put them in your mulch but dump them at a suitable location a good way from your garden. . .
    I 'd hate you to think that I'm like the Grim Reaper, smiting everything within reach! No, I do my best not to zap anything needlessly. Skeeters, wasps, and other biting things, yes; also any unhygienic flies in the kitchen. But there are some little mice outside I leave undisturbed, and if I find those big armored black beetles I help them on their way, spiders also if I can catch them. But I do zap aphids, those nasty sap-suckers. They have a secret weapon, namely, they can reproduce asexually, which is why so many can appear seemingly out of nowhere - a jolly unfair advantage IMO which makes them fair game. I just add some dishwashing liquid and alcohol vinegar to water and spray them with that.
  • Ilike flamin hot cheetos
  • (\_/) ______ (\_/)
    \ \___/ • • \__/ /
    | | | |

    I have no idea what I'm doing
  • Don't ever eat flaming hot cheetos, as they are very unhealthy and they're addictive and stuff
  • @tas - brilliant Slug Wars titles! @kimmie I cannot believe it - have you got signs all along the highway saying “Snails, slugs - this way to Kimmie's scrumptious leaves!"
    Mumsie takes a sip of tea - munches a delicious scone and sits back to knit some dusters.
  • @jlz takes a sneaky nibble of the scone @mumsie42 has left on her plate because she noticed it had strawberry jam & clotted cream on it......naughty naughty!! Sorry to disturb your knitting but hubby wanted me to tell you something. You'll understand I'm having to get him to tell me word for word as I haven't a clue what I'm talking about but he was very excited and insisted you know! He had his first round under 70 scratch?!! His handicap got cut to 5? I've put question marks because I'm clueless but he's jumping around the living room!!! I'm pretty sure it's a great thing but need you to confirm this for me lol!!!
    @tas that's hysterical!!
    @whovian0 are you ok?!!! Very strange but I'll take it on board ;)
  • OMG WTG JLZ666's hubby!!! Fantastic! Amazing!! Well done you!! Hurrah! Just think if he played me in match play he'd have to give me a shot a hole!! ( no JLZ Not a shot of alcohol!)
  • Ps get off my scone!!
  • Sun over yardarm! G&T please OB
  • LMAO @mumsie42! He actually ran in saying he had his first....ermmmm number under 70 ;))) I couldn't speak for laughing!!! Well ok then,I'm happy it's a good thing for him! He's more delighted that you're happy so that says everything!! BTW His answer to your comment is why I will not allow him to come anywhere near this pub!!!
    We've had a change of plan now he's had this win so no cinema for me,we're heading to our neighbours for a takeaway......yep the husband plays golf ;) Think its going to be boys in one room,girls in the other!
    Have a fab night @all!
    P.S I'm gonna have to bake scones tomorrow!!!
  • @Whovian0 how about a long cool drink for that raging thirst?
  • I see you like the Slug Wars.
  • @jlz666 I nearly understand the golf, enough to know its good, very good
    @tas love the slug wars
    @mumsie we always say 'sun over the yardarm" bet some here have absolutely no idea what we're talking about. OB seeing as it's well over now, I've cooked for my guests, and can relax, two fingers of my favourite whiskey please
  • Look at me! Look at me!! Whoos here?
  • Looking @BubblesLover but too small, far too small. Put the avatar in your album, so us oldies can blow it up big, to actually see it. Age does not come alone, as my mother always said
  • @TAS YAY! Sell the rights to George Lucas!
  • @mumsie @hunnybunny We're yardarm people too! But bedtime now - time for Ovaltine (I love it) goodnight all.
  • Any tips for scanning in Telepods to your game? I have difficulty getting it to work. I line up the telepod stand and yet it still takes a bunch of fiddling around to get it to scan it. (For some reason if @BubblesLover even touches it it automatically scans in. I'm serious.)
  • @BubblesLoverTelepodMaster yay! Teach big bro' how to do it :-))))
  • Telepods??? Not even grasped the concept of swapping characters! Current plan to 3* and enter scores! @bubbleslover did @ABSM draw your new avatar?
  • Nope she drew it herself! It's awesome!
  • Absolutely - love it!
  • Well okay then, I'll be gone. Have a good rest of the day, chaps and chapettes.
  • Sure, I'll put it in my album! Thank you, @Mumsie! @HunnyBunny oh yeah I'll teach him! It is like I work magic for @ABSM! lol
  • Done! There, @HunnyBunny! Check my Profile page!
  • @BubblesLover only one way to repay.... Check out 'you know where you'd like to see it!'
  • Good night all. Happy flinging......
  • Hello everyone:) nice avatar @bubbleslover I'm sure you'll teach your brother about those telepods in no time;)
    I had a great visit with my nephew today:)
    Have a great night all..not sure I'll be battery is letting me use his for now but we'll see if it drains I'm done till i get new phone tomorrow :(
    OB I'm off to fling it'll take a double PigKiller please:)
    BfNIMCBLIDK!! :)
  • Waahoo thanks OB that double PigKiller did the trick:)
    Well not nothing to speak of lol i got3-3 just squeaked in to the 100 club barely that's a tough level:) o.k I'll take another and I'm moving on:)
    No lurkers?
    @bubbleslover did i say awesome avatar? If not i do loooove it;)
  • Ok well then that's nighty night for me:/
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Night Pahtnah have a great night:) another one bites the dust:) I'm getting there slow but sure:)
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