The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1857
  • @Kathy you still here?
  • I'm here just stepped out to smoke:)
    @Kimmiecv (((( hug))))
  • Congrats on the top scores @annifrid and @hunnybunny!! :) Well done!!
  • Heyyy @Kathy (((((hugs))))) your doing well at ToT right now! I'm at the point I need to get the few I have left up to par (if it's even possible!!) sigh
  • Hee hee had to go back:)
  • Yep * sigh* I'm getting there slowly on 3-4 argghhh so close..but yet so far;)
    Have you been to the garden room m? I assume by your previous comment you have or are we that much alike lol;)
  • Had to go back to previous page lol cuz you changed it, had to read up;)
  • Sooo hopefully we are out of ToT soon;)
  • Ooohhhh yep and yep to both!! LOL skipped right over it but needed to make amends as you know I can't let those things go unchallenged!! ;)
  • Yes I'm happy to move on soon whether I top the last erm 3 or so or not but since your still in the works I'm going to keep at it in hopes something "clicks" with those levels!! :)
  • ;) very nice comparison if i say so myself but i didn't lol;)
    OB a couple of Sunuppers for the POWAH twins please:)
  • You'll get them @Kimmiecv !!i know you lol determination is your middle name lol;)
  • Heh heh I thought so too @Kathy!! After all what's the difference?! If its important to one well then........hahahaa what's that saying, if it's good for the goose it's good for the gander, or some such thing!! LOL
  • Ok then I'm off to fling..gotta also do my hair so I'll be back in a bit:) still lurking;)
  • Yep the good ole' goose and gander hahaha:)
  • Ack!! Not so sure on those @Kathy! Been working them for days!!! :/ Buuut I will give it my all so I can say I put total effort in!! :) Thanks for the Sunupper I'm in need of it before I go in there!!!! :O
  • Okey dokey @Kathy good luck with both the flings and hair! :D I'm off to hit those dread levels myself!! Catch ya later! Oh gotta hit garden room too, going to hit my pillow Early tonight in hopes I can Actually Sleeeeep!!!! :)
  • Go Get Em' Kimmie rah rah rah !!, she can do it, she our wo Man if she can't do it noone can!!, ra rah rah shiskoomba !!! Hahaha ooohhh Roflmao ;)
    I'm off....
  • K catch ya before bedtime:)
  • Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa thanks for the cheers Kathy!!! :D Toooo funny!!! Love it!! Off we go to finish conquering ToT!! ;D See ya later!!!
  • @Kimmiecv ya still here? OMG @HunnyBunny THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D! Sorry It's taken me so long to reply about that @Hunny. I at first didn't know where I would like to see it...? lol
  • Popping cause I see my caretaker of my flashlight has popped in :) @kimmie mwaaaah! Here is my flashlight... Don't tell Kathy what time it is on this side of the pond, cause I know it is way too late and in a few hours the alarm clock will do it thang. Had to read back Which comment you meant, but I agree... Hubby doesn't need to know all the ins and out of my games, cause I sure don't want to understand all the ins and outs of his hobby. So maybe mvnla was using the different kind of humor? Hope so, cause it sounded a bit harsh.

    Anyway I see the K&K duo is still in TorT and kicking some bacon behind! Almost ready for a new episode? Ahh what am I thinking, asking questions... I can't stay, must go to sleep... Head not sleepy...
  • Nice try E* , Roflmao i seeee you:)*places e* flashlight on,@Kimmiecv booth, sure she'll be here any second;)
    Nighty nighty E* sweet dreams;)
  • Hi @bubbleslover:) aren't you up late for a school night?
  • Hi @E*! Any lurkers or stalkers or poppers willing to chat? Kinda bored... Anyone? :C
  • MWAHAHAHAAHAHAAAA buuuuusted!! @e-star she Always catches us!!! ROFLMAO :D
    *replaces abused batteries and super buffs and shines e-stars flashlight, sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * off you go missy before you Really get in trouble!! :D

    Hey @bubbleslover!! Just a quick pop in, want to fling before my Dad wakes up from his nap and things start a Rollin!! LOL
  • Night night me birdies! Me gots to close my eyes now! Enjoy the rest of the sunday for those on the other side of the pond!
  • Night e-star! Mwaaaah :•
  • yes, @Kathy, i am! why is my typing all lower case, you may ask, well, it is because I was booted off the computer so now i am stuck on a Kindle!! Edit: Bye everyone! trying to use this for the web is useless! grrr...;| ;)
  • @rat I'm coughing with you. I picked up a nasty upper respiratory goop myself last week. You know? The weather finally starts to turn nice, I get sick. I haven't talked in my normal voice for a week.

    I hope you feel much better very SOON!
  • Lol you are ALL lucky @bubbleslover @E* that my phone is on the Fritz haha yes @Kimmiecv i always catch you hahaha
    :( boohohoo wth is wrong with my phone now k have dilemma on my hand:(
  • My dictionary and all my saved words are gone:(
  • Hello @theanonymoussomeone :) welcome to be the first to be saved in my lost dictionary:( ,
    Please say I've spelled it correctly?
  • Ok now it's my turn to be scolded..,*places flashlight on @kimmiecv favorite booth * really truly going to sleep now...((((( hugs)))) thanks for all you do and happy flinging:)
  • Good night @Kathy! Your very welcome!! :)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * Weren't you supposed to get a new phone Kathy? Me confused!! LOL

    @rat9 and @abcrazy I hope you both feel better really soon! And rat I really hope you get sleep Reaaaally soon!!! It's worrying when your scores in space mean nothing to you!! That's just not right!!! :/

    BFNIMCBLIDK early to bed and all that!!!
  • @jlz666. Sorry if I offended you. Typing on iPad, which I hate doing, while on vac, so more terse than usual.
    @kimmiecv. Yes all AB widows/ers ought to know what getting a top score means, but it's probably easier to understand than golf scores & handicaps.
  • Hence the reason most of us who don't play golf can't grasp why JLZ-666s hubby's score is such a great feat no matter how hard we try to "get it." @mvnla2 I once dated a pro football player and no matter how hard he tried to explain it I couldn't understand the game, I'd venture to say its the same for jlz, just because you play and therefore understand the nuances of golf doesn't mean jlz as a "self respecting golf widow" who Doesn't play will understand it as well even after it's been explained several times. I do know however she was very excited for him even if she couldn't grasp just what it meant, I believe that was what was most important to him in the end.
  • @non-golfers. @jlz666's hubby made under 70 playing golf, and therefore his handicap went down to 5. Par (what an average pro is expected to score) on most courses is 72' so he scored 2 under par!!! The lower you score the better. A pro in a golf tournament would be pleased with that score.
    As for a handicap of 5 -- again, the lower the better. Jlz didn't say what it was previously, but 5 is impressive for an amateur. Your handicap ranks you relative to all other golfers who have one, and allows not so good golfers to compete against good golfers on a somewhat equal basis. The handicap system gives the better golfer a slight advantage. Pros play against each other on the basis of a 0 handicap, but I believe they do actually have handicaps that are negative numbers.
    This may not all be rigorously correct, but close.
  • Ahhh I am coughing with you @ABCrazy, @Rat! my, is it annoying! Couldn't get to sleep last night because I was so stuffed up I couldn't breathe! Hope you all get better soon and that no one else catches this cold! But, of course... I STILL have to go to school! D: Have a fantabulous flinging day, everyone! ;)
  • Ah @bubbleslover you stole my line;) haha
    Hope you feel better have a good day at school;)
  • Good afternoon, all
    Guests gone, house cleaned, first load of washing in...
    Fling time!
  • Actually @mvlna2 many pro golfers are plus numbers in their handicap - my friends granddaughter is +2 - so for you non golfers out there she has to score two less than the course par to play to par!! Enough now! Please @hunnybunny do not even think about trying to explain your beloved cricket! My son played for our local County Boys team and not being a dutiful mother I hardly ever watched him (hubby being a much better parent often did! ) and I could understand a catch, a run and the wickets being hit - apart from that zilch!
  • @Mumsie had a talk about cricket with @Hinerai that cleared the BP. Even OB ran out!
    And did I fling after the guests went? No, a long, hot, bath with Sundays "colour supplement" I think you need to be of a certain age and live in the UK to understand that.
    And the other half came home, a quick half and a whiskey in the local (ha, ha, UK stuff again) Simple pasta dinner, some TV and bed.
    Goodnight the UK flingers, good whatever, wherever flingers :-)
  • Hello anyone and everyone:) no new phone, but a borrowed charger seemed to do the trick,:)
    There was a 4 alarm fire on my route to the phone store so not today. But it seems o.k:)
    Uhmmm OB may i please have some bacon wrapped shrimp and a Sunupper please and ty:)
    I'm off to fling but I'll be lurking:)
  • Haha well i said hello and now good night:)
    ohhh my a well set up for 7 minutes from now my time save me time in the morning;)
    *sets baskets full with earplugs on each both & at the bar *
    sorry OB get ready for
    Wwwhhhiiinnneee Tuesday:)
    Good night all *places flashlight in the safe for @Kimmiecv handiwork tomorrow:) Hope you enjoyed your book and night of Pahtnah :) miss ya ((((( hugs)))) and i hope you getting some sleep later:)
    Night all
  • Wow sloooow day!! @Kathy I enjoyed my book last night but didn't get much sleep, maybe tonight. Sorry you couldn't get your phone today, I'm more convinced than ever you have hoodoo voodoo attached to your phone! What are the chances a fire breaks out at the Exact time and the Exact area you need to be to get a new Phone!!!! Creeeepy!!!!
    *goes to safe retrieves Kathy's flashlight, shines it up and sets candles out to see her safely to dreamland *
  • MWAHAHAHAAHAHAAAA it's Tuuuesday!!!! OB get those earplugs in.............
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