The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1858
  • Are they in???? Here it comes.........................:::......
  • WWwhhhiiiinnnneeeWWwhhhiiiinnnneee!!!! WWwhhhiiiinnnneeeWWwhhhiiiinnnneee!!! 2 of the most EVIL levels in ToT left and it's been DAYS trying to get them!!!!! :/
  • Thanks OB! I'm off to try AGAIN!! Tired of talkin to myself, and your tired of hearing it, can I get a triple Sunupper to go please, thank you :)
  • Good day @all
    I just had to "fang" up!
  • Hellololilwowow
  • Phew forums work!! Weird!!
    Ok gotta REALLY hit my pillow now!!
    Hey @hunnybunny love the bunny fangs!!! :D
    See ya!! :)
  • Hey @bubbleslover!! :) I gotta go to bed! Have to be up in 4 hours!! :/ Have a great day! I hope your feeling better!! :) See ya!!
  • Mmmm, you mad @Kimmmie? Hitting your pillow isn't very nice! lol Have a nice pillow walk!!
  • Good morNing all:)
    Happy wwwhhhiiinnneee TUesday:)
  • You too! I have I get better... I'll be fine! See you later!
  • Night night @kimmiecv hee hee:)
    Very weird slow night..i was beginning to wonder also
  • Buuuusted again!! Have a good day @Kathy!! :D can't get anything to print and send in the draw room?! Very weird and frustrating!! :/
    Ok see ya later too!! LOL
  • I'm WWWWHHIIIIIINNNIINGGGG about the pigs. They just don't pop when you have one. pig. left. and it is bruised. about. to. pop. but. they. don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIINNNNNNNEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I also wwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnneeeeeeeee about the pigs, I just don't want to kill a pig, yes, the liltle pig in S-15.
  • Ahhh. S-15... sigh.
  • Hi all! In Budapest airport waiting for flight to paris. I know you're wondering why were back in Budapest, yeah, right. Flying from budapest to Vienna to Paris is a LOT more expensive than taking the train from B to V to B, and then flying to Paris, because of airline partners, or lack thereof.
    So far have read W by Grafton, The Kite Runner by Hussaini?, and started Lost in Shangra La. The first was entertaining, the second REALLY good, and third promises to be great also. didn't someone on ABN tell me about the Kite Runner? Thanks, excellent!
    Haven't flung a single bird the whole trip! Good thing there are no updates.
    Wish iPad had decent typing so I could write better trip impressions.
  • @mvnla2 I mentioned it to Junkenmetel so you might have seen it there. His name is Khaled Hosseini, his second book, A Thousand Smiling Suns (?) is better, and I just finished his third And The Mountains Echoed, again excellent.
    Hope your enjoying the trip, and look forward to a full report on your return. I've been to Paris a few times, but not the other two.
  • @mvnla2 just sent you a PM so won't bother going over it all again in here. Just wanted to say I was away Sunday and Monday and the girls knew this which was why they spoke on my behalf. They said exactly what I would have had I'd been here. I was a bit surprised at the wording of your were they it appears!! I fully accept your explanation and hope my PM explains my side also :) OK it's over.....done and done...lets move on :D I hope you've had a fab holiday and can't wait to hear about it. Have a safe trip and BTW I agree with @hunnybunny the other book by Hosseini "a thousand splendid suns" is much better. It's a story of growing up female in Afghanistan from the prospective of two girls from very different backgrounds. It's incredibly powerful! @all seriously you need to read this book!!
  • Hiya fellow flingers! my hump day is over, just one more to go on thursday :D Love the new avatars and I am sorry to hear the cold has been kicking around so much. I thought I kicked it to the curb, but it tricked me and gave me cough and muscle aches! Argggg good thing it is whineeeee tuesday :)

    @jlz agreed! And glad to have you back in the Nest! I have to find a way to make me do some reading, cause I have heard a lot of good things about both books! But there are so many other things to be done... like FLING!! hahahaha addicted... me nahhhhh (haven't been in rehab for ages and I think I have developed a fear of stepping in the Angry Birds anonymous... which I disguised as it being, I am happy with my addiction and don't need rehab LOL)
  • Hmmm whinee tuesday and I don't have a whinnnne level yet.. better find me my iPad and look for a whinnnnee level ;)

    OB can I have a large bowl of crispy ears and a Sunupper? Thanks!
  • Grr... this thing where I forget to log out of sis's account is really starting to drive me crazy. I just commented on the P2-20 walkthrough on HER ACCOUNT with an alternate strategy and she gets all the credit now. Grrr.
  • ABSM, if you copy your text, I can delete her comment and you can add it again under your account if you want... just say the word!
  • Thank you so much @E-star! Go right ahead!
  • Done :) and no problem, glad I can help!
  • @absm any luck with 7-11 yet?
  • @hunnybunny Haven't had much time to work on it. Homework, homework, homework! Takes away from fling time! I've looked at your strategy though, and will certainly try it.
  • Hello everyone I'm giving one giant WWWhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeeeeeee for all of TOT!!!
    Hope everyone's whining worked:)
    OB I'll please have a Hawaiian pizza and a PigKiller please:)
  • @kathy I'll join you in that wwwhhiiiiiine. Five days on 3-14 with no improvement. *sigh*
  • Hi @karen68 i hear ya!! I hate to settle for 99th place but these levels get so tediously monotonous:( lol good thing there's no swearing allowed haha
  • Well my WWWhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeeeeeee paid off for 3-6 anyway:)
    OB another PigKiller please:)
  • @kathy glad the whine worked :) 3-6 was a fun level. Can you send some luck my way?!
  • *sending good luck vibes to @karen68 :) ;)*
  • Hahahaha Roflmao !! No kidding @kimmiecv i Was just about to give a big WWWhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeeeeeee about that stupid stupid bird
    Crack Head!!! Perfect!!! 3-11 she refuses to drop that frakin'egg is it'the Golden Egg' Nooooo just a stupid frackin' egg!!!
    Oh hi Pahtnah btw:) hee hee
  • OB 2 Double Sunuppers please;) oh and 2 for my Pahtnah hee hee;)
  • Hey back Pahtna!! :D Sorry I'm starting dinner up so I missed your come back @Kathy! Thanks for the double! I swear I want to fry that stupid bird up for dinner!! Worthless Crack Head!! Ok off I go again!!! :)
  • BFNIMCBLIDK Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa
  • Lol me to:) except i know you don't eat fat white Birdies haha;) enjoy dinner:)
  • Arrgghhgh @kimmiecv make me stop!!!
    *takes deep breath..deeeep breath*
    O.k tomorrow another day...ermm uhmm
    *places flashlight on Kimmie favorite booth, deep sigh...*
    Nighty night Pahtnah, i just couldn't make it i improved a little on 3-11 soo close, not really but i can just feel it, see it But that CrackHead bird won't drop her frakin' stupid precious useless EGG!,,
    O.k night hahaha..
  • Hey @HarryStar6 :) just on my way out awesome avatar:) you still playing tourney Ripsy?
  • Hey @kathy thank you :), yes I am playing the tourney against Ripsy.
  • Nighty night all:) have a Fantabulous Flingin' Evening:) may the birds be with you:)
  • @kathy good night see ya later :)
  • :) good luck @HarryStar6 :) night..:)
  • (It must be still Tuesday somewhere...)
    Whhhhiiiinnnneeeee!! Cloud City 4-14. Those two leftmost pigs *whine* are never *whine* gonna *whine* die!!!!
  • Good morning my Friends!!
  • @harrystar6

    I like your new Halloween Avatar :-)
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