The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1875
  • @e-star are you up yet???? Come play with @rat and I!!!! :D
  • @rat which Space game did you just toast another level in?
  • Cosmic Crystals 7-5. I'd been helping @iBird all day and he took my instructions to heart. He grabbed two top scores using my advice. So I came up with a new way to approach it. Lots of points still there in this one.
  • Niiiiice!!!! And once again this just proves the point I made in MoE 5-29! Top flingers may share their strats with exquisite detail But in the end they aren't Top flingers for nothin!! ;)
  • Ooopsy just realized its only like 9:30am in e-star land!! No way she's up and ready to play!! It'll be hours before that happens!!! :/ darn time zones!!! :(
  • Why thank you @kimmie. Thank you very much. *said in my best Elvis voice"
  • *Snicker* love the Elvis impers!! LOL
  • Frankly, my dear Mr Rat, I couldn't give a damn
  • Whoo Hooo Love em @sweetp!! Awesome add on to the decos in BP!! Vewwwwy scawwwy!!! :D
  • Awww @hunnybunny you know we're just yanking your chain right?!!
  • Hey hey @kimmie! I've dingalinged you but you dingalinged me at the same time and now I've ran out of time.....again:( Well done everyone on getting through that awful ToT! Kimmie where did you find that bunny?! Haaahaaa!!! Poor HB is in her sick bed and you've just boiled her!! I hope you took it the way it was intended @hunnybunny?! Leave it to Kimmie to pull out funnies! Priceless! So off to where now @kimmie? Hamoween? MUCH better than the first. Ewwwww I wouldn't have joined you if you'd paid me!
    Ok times up:( about to start work *sob*
    Hope everyone has a fab Saturday!
  • Heyyyy @JLZ-666!!! Well Pooh!!! :/ Figures your off to work and we've run out of time before we had any!! I can't remember much as of yet in hamoween except I Loved the black TNT pumpkins!!! :D Gotta say I'm sooo happy to be out of ToT and could care less in the end where I end up now I've hit my spot!! Proved to myself I could do it and that's me done!!!
    Nawww I didn't pull a bunny boil!!! I pulled a Hoodoo Voodoo bunny stick pin! I wouldn't boil the bunny like that whacko chick in that movie I can't remember the name of!! Couldn't pass that one up when an unnamed (for purposes of safety) someone showed it to me!!! ;D
    OK have a quick day at work so you can enjoy your weekend!!! Yeahhh your almost Done!!!! :)
    Chow baby!!
  • Snicker, Snort, Get in here! I might need you to do that trick we trained for. @kimmie is still up and it's getting late. I mean early. I don't know...She just needs to get off the computer and on her pillows.

    BFNIMCBLIDK, but I'm leaving the puppies with instructions.
  • @babycakesrat I'm Off And I get to sleep in as much as I want to!! Me gunna start flinging in HoW!!! Heeheee
    Snort phhheeet Snicker phhhheeet come here I've got some yummys for you! And Wicked wants to play!!!! ;)
  • 1 down,1 waiting @kimmie so just wanted to say a quick chow baby to you as well lol!! Yeah it's going to be a fast day thankfully. The black pumpkins and bats are wicked Kimmie!
    "For purposes of safety" LMAO! Yep ;)! I'm waiting to see what @hunnybunny comes back with! It's all good fun! I know you're not a real bunny boiler like that crazy B! I cannot watch that film,she gives me the willies!! Made hubby watch it as an educational video though!.....think it worked ;)
    Ok gotta scoot and make pennies!
    Kisses sweetums!
  • @Kimmie I've no problem with it! And I've narrowed the "culprit" down to two suspects.
    We part company now, anyway. I'm moving to Seasons Greedings next. My reasoning: once the two most hateful levels are finished, the rest should be plain sailing. I hope :-/
  • @fbb love the emocion carving the jack-o-lantern
  • Good deal @hunnybunny!! It was just too funny to pass up!! You'd be waaaay off course in your two guesses though HB it's no one you'd ever suspect!! ;)
    Good luck in Seasons Greetings, don't like those snow levels! Not one bit!!! :/
  • Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa @fbb almost missed your decos!! Love em!!! :D
  • @kimmie @kathy don't think I've played Ham o Ween since I found the nest, it'll be interesting when I get there to see how the walkthroughs and Estar's fab videos help with my rather pitiful scores!
  • @hunnybunny my scores are horrendous in most of seasons, I played it when I first started AB games and had no idea about ABN and the leaderboards so I've Lots of work to do in seasons!! sigh
  • Perhaps the "culprit" will own up? I can assure you I am a peace loving bunny, who would never consider a violent reaction!
  • HAHAAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAAA you were a Cop!!! Peace loving bunny my behind!!! LMAO :D
  • And shouldn't you have been in bed hours ago?
  • *Snicker* @hunnybunny these days I'm usually calling it quits around this time! Only so I can lay in bed and stare at my walls!! ;) Ach I was married to a Cop, must be different in your neck of the woods!! LOL
  • One of my favourite stories. A cop from New York came over for one of those "exchange of ideas" visits (better known as a jolly!)
    He asked how many people the police shot in a year in the UK. The answer was about 26. He rolled his eyes, and said, "In New York we can shoot more than that on a sunny afternoon in July"
    I guess we are a little different
  • Just remembered! Happy Thanksgiving weekend @karen68! Hope you're all having a great family weekend and you're not chained to the stove lol!
    That's me done and done with work woohoo!! I'm off home to ermmm chain myself to the dove! Going to do some cooking for the freezer now that it's cold outside. BTW @hunnybunny are you still watching the bake off? I'm loving it! Who do you think's going to win?
    @fbb great Halloween decs! Especially like the pumpkin :D
    Ok I'm hitting the road,supermarket and kitchen.
    Have a good one @all!
  • @SweetP thanks for the card
    @JLZ I'm still watching, avidly, but my guess as to who will win changes every episode
  • Ugh. The 'Male Gamers Only' ads are popping up on here again.
  • Our cops shoot around 26 people a year in the UK @hunnybunny? Heck that's a lot! Father in Law,uncle in law and cousin in law.....yep pretty much all hubby's side are cops and thankfully we've had no firearm incidents. FIL has some impressive scars from being thrown through patio doors but thankfully that's as bad as its got. I'm just glad they don't have guns. On a lighter note,I'm going with Kimberly to win.....I Kimberly.....possibly;)
  • @ABcrazy -- I sent e-mail to @Birdleader about those ads a couple of days ago. Sounds like you are still getting them.
  • @all -- IOS 7 on iPad: Some things have changed so much I had to google for help.
    Gamecenter -- There is no way to log out from within Gamecenter, you have to go to settings.
    Hard close of apps is different: Double click brings up a scrollable (left / right) list of all apps open with view of current page. Swipe current page off top of screen.
  • Thanks @mvnla2 I saw one of those ads today on here. Also saw one about some French something or other that promised to 'blow my mind'. The blonde in the lacy bustier didn't appeal to me though, so I didn't click through. Is this something that should be reported in the Problems with this Site Forum?
  • @ABcrazy -- I usually send a screenshot directly to the admins or @BirdLeader (you can use the contact form under about). Yeah, I don't really think the other ad is appropriate; it comes in several different varieties, maybe Italian and ??? -- All seem to have the same woman. I'm also not fond of some of the Equinox ads.
    Might be worth mentioning in the "problems with this site" forum.
  • I would like Kimberly to win but I think simpering Ruby ( who is a brilliant baker) is really beginning to irritate me probably will !
    Half watching strictly while hubby cooks dinner - I am knackarooned done shed loads of laundry, ironed it all, cleaned bathroom, cooked stew for my Mummy, baked a couple of apple pies so now blobbing in front of the telly!
  • Just a quick pop in going for lunch. . Happy Thanksgiving @Karen68 :)
  • Q - Why did the tiny ghost join the football squad?
    A - He had heard that they needed a little team spirit !
  • Happy Thanksgiving @karen68
  • Just realised I said I was chaining myself to a dove? Ehhh? WTH? Haahaaaa! Nope,no birdie cruelty tonight! Lasagne done. Fish pie done. Pizza eaten,so have date with a glass of vino,couch,hubby and recorded "strictly" and "x factor" woohoo! I'm rocking a Saturday night..yeeshhhhh;)
    @mumsie Ruby's nerves will seal her fate....I think! They're all fantastic,ohhh to be as good as their bad days! Have a great blob out night,you deserve it! Can I have some apple pie???????
  • Aww thanks @mumsie, @kathy, @jlz. I will be chained to the kitchen tomorrow, & part of today too, I've got 16 people to dinner tomorrow. But I'm looking forward to my house smelling like roasting turkey all day!!
  • Lol @JLZ666 good thing I was worrying about the poor dove and what done had to do with cooking; ) ahhh @Karen68 I love the smell of the house at Thanksgiving time ;)
    @firebombbird and all who parciptated in the decorations The BP looks great and spooky
    We should plan a Halloween party! !!;)

    On my way home
  • @karen68 -- Happy Thanksgiving! Are you planning on sneaking in some flinging?
  • Reading through the last couple of pages that I missed! Hope you all are having a great weekend. After the rainstorm on Wed, the weather here has been absolutely gorgeous. Cooler temps, with pretty blue skies and puffy white clouds.

    You're welcome @hunnybunny. Hope you're feeling better!

    @karen68, mmmmmmm! Love the smell of roasted turkey and all the fixin's! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    Love the decorations @fbb, especially the emoticon carving the pumpkin! LOL
    I like that idea, @kathy! A Halloween party all day long, for everyone to enjoy!

    Well, it's time to get the chrome on our motorcycle shiny so we can enjoy this beautiful weather and go for a nice leisure ride.

    Stay safe, have fun, and happy flinging everyone!
  • Thanks @sweetp & @mvnla2. Of course I'll try to sneak some flinging in but I'm not sure I'll be successful. How rude is it to fling in front of company? :)
  • Hee hee @ karen68 ya maybe a little;) have a wonderfully weekend im off too a great start in ham o'ween 3rd place in 1-1;)
    @KimmieCV wasn't sure when to start so I did lol;)
    OB a quick toast to now the hmm.. ah well to me, karen and kimmie for conquering ToT in the top 10 and onward to ham o'ween:) *clink*
    Ill have a PigKilller please;)
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