The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1876
  • Enjoyv riding @ sweetpea ;)and yep maybe a Halloween party gotta run it by @team ;)
  • And The Princess is in the House !!!;)
  • Aha Ifound my swipe keyboard;) yay no more ppicking and pecking at letters;)
  • @karen68 -- It's not rude if they're all watching football, and you're not. Good luck!
  • Hahaha good point @mvnla2 ;)
  • LOL @mvnla2, too bad my family's not a football crowd!
    @kathy *clink* I'll join you in that toast! Great start on Hamoween - I figure I'll be starting it in a couple of days & catch up :)
    Ok, back to the kitchen...
  • Oh @karen68 if you want us to wait no problem, but I'm sure you'll catch us in no time lol probably bypass us hee hee . Sorry to Keep interrupting your cooking..
  • @all--Is anyone else having problems with CC 7-20? Every time, and I mean EVERY TIME, I shoot the two concrete balls die. You can't get past 1 star without them. They worked fine before. No updates or changes that I'm aware of. I've got a decent score already but I wanted to get a great score. I saw where one other person had this happen in the walkthrough a week ago. How do you fix it?
  • Hey @firebombbird nice I like it;)
  • Hee hee looks like we looking out the BP windows ;)
  • Sorry Pa your having b issues:( I again am up to late. But it's Saturday night;) I'm good;)
  • @Rat Try restarting your device, it may solve your problem :)
  • *stumbles in bleary eyed , places flashlight on @KimmieCV booth*
    Nighty night Pahthah;)
    Night Pa ;)
    Night John boy, mary Ellen b and everyone;)
  • @iBird--Thanks, but already tried it. No go.
  • OOOOHHHH @Kathy you were up Laaaate!! :D

    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    @rat9 have you asked Slim or BL to see if they've heard of it and have an answer? Worth a try!
  • @Rat mine are working perfectly!
    @All good morning
  • Heeheeeee I pulled a Kathy!!! ROFLMAO toooooo funny!!!!! Guess @e-star will save the day and make it a wee one!! :D
  • @kimmiecv Yup ;) goodmorning! Got to run again, just woke up... So I need a cup of coffee hee hee
  • Yes @kimmie I recognised the song from its parody straight away. It was number one here for weeks
    I'm a little disappointed that the "culprit" hasn't come forward. As my other half says, "If you can't take it, you shouldn't give it" and there's no chance of returning the compliment if I don't know where to send it ;-)
  • Thanks @KimmieCV for shining up my flashlight;)
    Aww @HunnyBunny your not upset for real are you. ?I hope not:( so your off to seasons greedings good luck;) can't remember much of it except I don't think I liked it!!
    OB could I have a pigkiller please I'm off to fling:)
    Have a Fantabulous Day everyone:)
  • @hunnybunny I Loooove that song!!! :) OK time to fess up, I can't have you thinking the wrong way! It's 100% my tease, my sister sends me funny pics just about everyday and that was one of them that was bundled in, everyone's dying to know who sent it and it wasn't even anyone from the nest! I added "intrigue" by intimating it was a nester but truth is my sis only ever pops in here to look at walkthroughs and isn't signed up no matter how many times I try to get her to! So there you all have it the real "culprit!" And funny thing is she had no idea there was a Bunny in the nest!!!
    I told her about it last night, she got a kick out of me using it, a bigger kick when I told her its not the only one I've used!! :D
  • @Kathy your veeeery welcome!! @estar thank you for fixing my HUGE screen!! LOL

    Ok I'm off to do massive Decorations at home!! Moms Bday is Halloween so I've got to get the house spooked up good and proper then hit the front yard!!!
    Everyone enjoy your Sunday!! :)

  • Hahaha oohh @KimmieCV Your Sis!!! That's priceless!! Here I was thinking it was surfcow the Joker or absm;)
    Curious @hunnybunny who your guess was?
    Roflmao !!!
    OB a Pigkiller please ;) and one for my Pahthah to get her along with decorations;)
  • Haha ha @KimmieCV same wavelength;)
  • I know @Kathy everyone was tossing names out at me and it was time to tell who it was!! ROFLMAO some if the names tossed out had me saying WTH?? Why that person?!! LOL :D
    Ok really got to go!!
    Oh @hunnybunny take a look at my album, there's a pic of a bunch of eggs starting to hatch it's hilarious! That would also be one from my sis!! :D She does have a funny sense of humour when she wants to!!

    Byyyyyyeee byyyyyeee!!!!
  • Byyyyeeeeee @KimmieCV :)have fun;)
  • Wooo Hooo @ sweetpea gonna join our quest in HoW ;) ;)
    OB please give sweetpea a drink of her choice when she pops in;) on h the house of course;:)
  • Wooo Hooo Yeah !! Go Pats!!!
    Crap forgot to check mooroy!!! Brb...
  • Arrgghhhh!!!! Mooroycomics page down:( :(
    What's up with that @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster .?
  • @all--Hi. Just a quick look for my balls. Has anybody found my balls yet?
  • @Kathy Mooroy Comics is working just fine for me. I haven't done a new one b/c I was camping and just got back. It was one of the WORST campouts I've had.

    @Rat please explain to me what this means. I'm scared.
  • Hmmn @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster I'll try again:/
    Pa you cannot find your balls still in cc7?
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster could you post the link again. ? I'm on my new tablet and maybe I'm typing it wrong?
  • @Rat BFNIMCBLIDK is that rot13 code
  • @ happyshake what's rot13 code?
  • *biting nails*
  • Waahoooooo. GO PATS!!!! ;) ;) never lose the faith;)
  • @ABCrazy -- See BL's response in "problems with this site" forum. He said he blocked a lot of ads again this morning. So if you see any more, you should tell him. He also said there is a way you can block individual ads, but it didn't block the one I'm trying to get rid of.
  • @ABSM--read up to my last post. Oh, I'll just tell you. My software on CC-20 is exploding the concrete balls before they can be used to play the game. No balls, no good score. You can get one star without them. But that's it. Asking for help.
    @Happyshake--Acronym code
    @Kathy--See CC 7-6 walkthrough for details on Rot13
  • Okey Dokey Pa;)
  • Well after reading @ happyshake encrytpted strat I hope I never try CC unless I can do it myself and not depend on encrytpted strats from high scorers:( maybe it is one of those'you had to be there'moments Pa?
  • @Kathy
    @Rat Oh ok. That's strange.
  • Thanks @ AngryBirdsSpaceMaster ;)
  • Long time, no talk @abs(t), Sorry for the confusion with me looking for my lost balls. Can't stay, the shower is already running. BFNIMCBLIDK
  • @Kathy @Rat @Happyshake -- Would love to know what encryption code is. I can't make anything out of strat on cc 7-6.
  • @mvnla2 your guess is as good as mine? I think it's a post that should be deleted as its not helpful to anyone and is more of a mockery ' in your face'! I hit it you didn't ,figure it out yourself'
    Any hoo that's just my opinion and since I'm not playing the level I cant really put my 2 cents in;)
  • Argghh work tomorrow; ( *places flashlight on @KimmieCV booth for shining*
    Good n night all ;)
    Happy Flingin' night crew;)
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