The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1877
  • @Mvnla2--I'm not coming to Happyshake's defense tonight, but I can tell you it's a basic 13 letter alphabet shift code. A becomes L and so on. The walkthrough says to shoot your bird very slowly over the precipice and let it bounce about five times on the surface of the crystal. If you watch the score it will climb towards 1000. If you shot it slow enough and reach 1000 points, the orb will explode. Second shot at other orb. Voila, two birder.
    Now, If you aim it in the right spot, at the right power, the bird will continue to the second orb. Then all you need is a crystal shard to hit the orb to get a one birder. Come to think of it, this is a lot more detailed than the walkthrough. Pass it on.
  • Thanks @rat -- I'm obviously not up on encryption codes.
  • @all--I don't know if anyone is playing the Space challenge tonight. But I noticed I had no strategy posted on it. That has been rectified. Come and get me if you can. lol Good luck challengers. I don't see another thirty puppies getting out of the kennel on this one. My score is pretty high.
  • *poofs in shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * Have a good day at work tomorrow!! ;)
  • @mvnla2 missed your question last night. Easiest way to decrypt that code is to copy-paste it to voila- you have the decrypted or encrypted code...whatever you want
  • Just notice orange bird can take up suction container in ABO.
  • @hunnybunny you know southpark? Kenny the little boy who speks total gibberish?

    fppmpppmfpmf, fmpmfpmmmfmp mfffmm mmmpppppffmpmfpmpppff pfmpffmppfmpfmpffm mpffmfppppppffm fppmmmffm fmpppf mmfppfppmppmfmfpppmffmmfmmmfmpmpp
  • Mff fmpmfpmffppppmp ppmffm fmmfmppffmmmfmpmppmfmffm mfffmm mmpmppfmpfmpmpppff fmpmfpmmmppp ffmppffmfpfffmm mffppp 7-11
  • @hunnybunny 7-11 and 7-5 are my least favorite levels; I could go as far as to say I hate them. Kennyspeak is fun ;-) but for others it can look a bit weird
  • @happyshake I'm a Seasons girl, who dabbles in Space. 7-11 is one of my favourites, as I had the top score twice, and play it occasionally to see if I can get back to no.1 It's a pleasant change from Seasons. I'm certainly no expert!
    Have you seen this discussion, I was proud of mine, you're going to blow me out of the water
  • @ABCrazy -- See my most recent comment on the Problems with this Site forum. I opted out of all interest-based advertising, which relegates the ads I don't like to an infrequent occurrence.
  • @hunnybunny I've been to 65 countries so far; 39 on this trip in the last 27 months
  • @happyshake I've been to 48 UN recognised sovereign states. But I prefer the definition, which makes it 67! They count places, for example, like Gibraltar (a British dependency), strangely Turkey (Europe) and Turkey (Asia), and the bigger Greek Islands as separate countries.
    What's your favourite?
  • Thanks @mvnla2! Interesting that the interes-based ads are the ones you don't like! ;-) seems like they don't know us as well as they think they do....
  • Hey everyone;) Hope you all had Fantabulous flinging day?
    @ Happyshake @HunnyBunny didn't realize you could actually decipher Kennyspeak ;)
    @mvnla2 is there a forum on problems with the site? How do you opt out of ads?
    OB could I have a Sunupper please;)
  • @hunnybunny - it is so confusing. There are so many lists of countries varying from 206 to 230. I was totally surprised to find out that Kosovo is no a state - well I passed the border twice and can confirm it is. ;-)
  • regarding your question about what is my favourite, well I've been to Indonesia 7 times - so obviously I like it a lot.
  • @kathy I was rather surprised. If you go to the site @happyshake posted, it translates either way.
    @happyshake I'd vote for Thailand (but definitely NOT some of the grim tourist places, like Phuket, never again!) And Hong Kong is pretty good too. Having said that, we visit Barbados at least once a year, perfect for relaxing.
  • Thailand is a fine country. Two of my favourite places are there. Ko Li-Peh and Chaing Mai. Never been to Hongkong or Barbados, can't afford it.
  • @ABCrazy -- The most recent ad that's been annoying me is for Equinox gym, and it's partly my fault. I wanted to see if it was a legitimate business, so I Googled it. Big mistake. I was sometimes getting 4 ads from them on a single page. Their ads have mostly disappeared since I opted out of all interest-based advertising.
  • Very interesting forum @mvnla2 thanks:)
    I also checked out the lowest score possible forum looks fun, but I'm too busy in seasons trying to get high score;) wish it was there a while ago when I had nothing to play:/accomplish..
  • Hi @kathy! :-) I've been following your (+ @kimmiecv) breadcrumbs in POTJ lately. Thanks for the help. Them levels need lots of practice!
  • Thanks @mvnla2. I'm glad opting out has worked for you. It's just creepy annoying how much the ad bots try to infer from what we search on. Probably best to just opt out as much as possible.
  • @ABCrazy I'm happy the crumbs are working for you:)
    @mvnla2v I don't see the ads your talking about? Then again i pay no attention to the ads till you mention it but i don't see any offensive ones?
  • Argghhhhhh!!! I know it's not Tuesday so I won't whine, just complain...
    OB a double PigKilller please ty;)
    Ham o'Ween level 1-4 is infuriating to say the least!!!! It's so easy yet so freaking hard to increase score range from 35k to at the least for 100 Club you need over 67k!!!! Very frustrating rinse and repeat!!!
    Ok I'm done...
  • @kathy trying to follow the breadcrumbs... :-) will get there with time..... Someday.
  • Oh yeah @ABCrazy Took Kimmie and I months to get through, but doing it as a team made it soo much Better:) lots more fun;)
  • Gotta get a showa!! BBFNMCBLIDK ;)
  • @Kathy -- "Interest-based" ads mean Google looks at what you search for on the internet, and matches ads to what it thinks you are interested in. So unless you opt out, the ads you see are "tailored" to your interest, at least mostly. Congrats if you don't see any ads you don't like. I'd like to know why they think I'm interested in some of the ads I was seeing. Heaven forbid if you accidentally click on one.
    And then there is the one (something to do with prostrate) that counts scrolling over it as clicking.
  • @mvnla2v I think maybe i remember opting out when i signed up for Google but that's years ago..I didn't realize that Google was connected with the ads on this site maybe that's what i dont see many, but i do get tons of spam mail. ..tons. .
  • Maybe cause you clicked on one, or if you go to a store and they offer discount if you sign up they actually share or in some cases sell your email address.
  • @kathy I hear ya on HoW 1-4! It took me a gazillion resets (2 days' worth!) to get the 67K score. Hopefully your "complaint" worked and you'll get to beat my score.

    OB, please give @kathy another double Pigkiller on me, please.
  • Thanks @sweetpea :) yep 1-4 is infuriating!! I was surprised when I read your post in Walk through lol.. granted it's an easy shot but the scoring is so all over the place:(
    Ohhh need to practice the 3 P's especially the Patience part lol;)
  • Anytime @kathy. Always here to give encouragement. Around here, Patience is NOT a virtue! I think that's why these feathers are getting so much grey-er! LOL BTW congrats on getting 3rd on the leaderboard for 1-1, WTG!

    And how is @kimmiecv doing?

    Oops, reading the past two pages since I left on Saturday...Thanks @kathy. We did have a very nice ride, into the hills above the city, through wine country and avocado groves. Ended up at one of our fav restaurants, Famous Dave's for some fall-off-the-bones ribs!

    You're so funny @karen68! I saw your comment about being rude if you did some flinging in front of company? I think not! You've worked hard in the kitchen, so I think they'd understand if you needed a little break. Get lots of rest and whenever you can, join us in HoW. ;)

    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster - I'm glad you're a Pats fan too! The last few seconds of the game was a nail-biter, but Brady made a perfect pass to the end zone and voila, TD!

    OK, off to flinging for awhile folks. Have a good evening everyone!
  • Oohhhhh yeah @sweetpea Brady pulled it off as usual they don't call him 'The Comeback kid'for nothing;)
    O.k it's Officially A Tuesday;)
    OB put in your earplugs
    *sets baskets full with earplugs on all booths and on the bar. .,
    Ready set, ,,,,, HoW1-4 WWWWWWHHHHHHIIINNNNEE
  • *places flashlight on @KimmieCV favorite booth*
    Nightty night Pahtnah :) good luck vibes heading your way;)
  • Good grief @kathy! That was LOUD and clear. I hope your WHINNNEEE gets you through 1-4 and on your way! I'm sending you home with a nice bottle of Merlot.
    BTW, how did you get such a high score in 1-1? I went back to look at it, and still can't break my 73K!
  • @sweetp she's hot and heavy in HoW!! Me thinks @Kathys new big screen is agreeing with her!!! :)
    Thanks for the good luck vibes @Kathy, I Need them!!! :/ Would have had a fab score in 1-3 BUT one of the biggies decided to play hard ball and wouldn't roll over!!! Argh
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely through dreamland * sigh another late one tomorrow :(

    Off to fliiiing!!!
  • Oh @kimmiecv can you forgive me?! Look what I'm taking the rug rats to see at lunchtime! I LMAO when Eva told me that's what she wanted to see......and it's in 3D!! Haaahaaaaaa! It's your worst nightmare large and loud! I'm not going to be able to watch this without thinking of you so just wanted you to know you'll be in my thoughts all day!
    I'm coming over to talk to you just now but had to share this heeheeee!
  • AAAARGGGHHHHH!!!! @JLZ-666 that's just WROOOONG!!!! ROFLMAO
    Have a good time with the kiddies!! :D
    Ok see ya there in a wee bit!!!
  • Ok that looks really cute!! *Snicker*
  • Cute.......CUTE?!! Am I hearing right @kimmie? Haahaaaa! I think I've lost you in rooms but I'll let you read about my morning and get you back here,if only for a quicky! Going to make more coffee.
  • Heeheee IKR but he is kinda cute in a slimy way!! Read up while you get your coffee @JLZ-666 and ill also the same!! LMAO we're going from room to room to pub!! :D
  • I've moved again @kimmie,sorry!
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