The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1878
  • @kimmie ...........What can I say? I've been crying all morning! I'm a terrible wife! OMG you've only got an idea in your head.....the real thing is burned in mine! It was 7 flippin 15am!! My neighbours must have thought he was killing me! Waaahaaaa! Oh poor man :( I'm not any good in a crisis,I just lose it! *sniff.....breathe.....breathe........* I'm ok now!
  • Heeheeheeeeee if the neighbours saw you crying they'd Really wonder!! Unless the can also hear you cackling like I am!!! :D
  • Oh I don't believe it!! He's just txt me to say he's left his e-cigs on the kitchen table! Oh he's had a great start to the day! Haahaaaa! I can't speak...poor baby can't even get some nicotine relief! Ok honey I'm going to have to get my butt in gear and take them down to him before I get the kids. Sorry I can't stop but I'll let you know how I get on with the slimy suckers....and the movie! Oh is ears must be burning!! Right I'd better scoot. Kisses XXX
  • Ahem....*Snicker* ahhheeemmm aren't you just glad it was him and Not you!!!!! HAHAAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAAA OMG it's toooo funny!!!!! :D Crap I could use the rolly guy in every sentence at this point!!!!
  • What happened between page 1877 and 1878? @JLZ666 seemed fine, turn the page and she's crying, a terrible mother, and wife. Is it because I'm male? I don't see it.
  • @rat she's not a Mum, she's taking her niece and nephew to the cinema and her hubby had an erm mishap and instead of helping she was helpless with laughter causing tears to stream from her eyes, hence the bad wife comment!! :D
  • Oh, I thought she was taking some of my relations from the Rug clan to the movies.
    You know, the Rug Rats.
  • She's going to see Slimy Snails!!!! :O Yikers!!!! Those wouldn't be part of my clan but they would be part of my pests in my innocent garden and fountain!!! :/
  • Oh, what a time we live in. They're making blockbuster movies about "SNAILS".
  • IKR it's my worst nightmare only On. A. Big. Screen!!!!
  • Can't you just imagine the writer going in front of a big CEO of MGM, Disney, etc. and asking for 2 or 3 hundred million dollars to make a movie about snails.
  • On that note I'm off!! Long day again tomorrow :/ Have a good evening/morning @rat :) maybe even get some sleep!! Catch ya tomorrow or I guess it'd be later tonight!!
  • Aaaaack!! NO!! And yet someone Did AND they got the flippin money to make it!! Crazy world indeed!! I'd have happily given them all the slimy snails they needed!! LOL
  • Good morning @all
    After five days of lying in bed and lounging on the sofa, I was starting to feel much better, until I looked around the house. Although my other half is rather wonderful, housework isn't his strongest attribute. The worst is the kitchen floor, it looks like a pack of wild dogs with very muddy paws indeed have run through it on a number of occasions. Where's the mop?
  • Good Morning Everyone :)
    *refreshes baskets of earplugs*
    Happy WWWwwwHHhhhhhiiiiinnnnneeeee Tuesday! !!
    Die Piggies
  • @sweetp indeed the bigger screen is helping like @KimmieCV said and for 1-1 I just follow natureswrath strat and suddenly I got it:)
    @JLZ666 have a great times at the movie:)
    See all later, work bell ringing:(
  • Hey Kathy, can I get a Bucket o' Bacon? Shape them like birds so I can give some pigs some scares.
  • OB sprinkles some magic orange dust on the bacon, it transforms into bird shapes, and he hands it over to iPuffle
  • Can't believe I've just been cheering on a turbo charged snail in his bid to win the Indy 500.....yeesh! Fab film for *cough* kids of all ages......and Kimmie;) Back home to watch "Tangled". Nephew has lost the will to live and has disappeared into his Xbox so it's a girly afternoon till I'm relieved of my duties!
  • @all Hi! I was away for 3 days, been missing you all. Now back home with my beloved wi-fi again *sigh of relief*.
    @kimmie I found this for you
    Incredible art!

    Broken balls and secret codes, what naughtiness on the nest has been going on while my back was turned??
    Today on BuzzFeed, a wonderful video of pumpkins.
    Still working on TorT, it's really a brute!! (that was a polite whine).
    Avoiding iOS7 like the plague.
    A happy day/night to flingers everywhere xoxo

  • @Kimmiecv -- Maybe you could visit your local movie theater and get some recruits to help with your snail hunts.
  • OB, may I have a bowl of oatmeal with all the fixins please, and a tall Sunupper. Thanks.

    @mvnla2 snails for pig bait is what I'm thinking!

    Welcome home @tompuss! Glad you're back, missed you around here. Watching that drawing was incredible! I've never sen such an ugly critter look good, LOL. Now that you've got your little whine going, hope your ToT flinging brings you luck.

    I'm on a mission to get this house cleaned today. Ugh, living on a farm has its downside - dust!

    Happy flinging everyone, I'll be back later!
  • Hi @angrybirdsfanguy ;)
    Hey d everyone;) I could swear when got ipuffles notification she was talking to sunshine
    *scratches head in confusion*
    Thanks for the merlot @sweetp ;)
    Welcome Home @TomPuss:)
  • What is that a speedartist?drawing the snail.
  • Not bad @angrybirdsfanguy !!Long time no see. ?How you been. ?
  • @kathy I would guess a normal to fast artist with the film on fast forward. I did find it interesting how s/he would jump around sometimes.
  • Yes @ABCrazy that was interesting reminded me of an old t.v show , I can't Remember the name I think it was Bob, it wasa teaching how to draw show. ? Lol the guy could draw pine trees in half second lol
  • Yes!!! @burpie Bob Ross;) ;) ty for refreshing my memory... Happy pine trees lol he drew them so quickly haha
  • OB Could I please have a double PigKilller;( I think Ham o'ween is going to be long long waiting game:(
    The three P's aren't helping:(
  • Wow! There really is a Pig Island, and it is located in the Bahamas! OK, it's not Piggie Island, but close enough. Will be adding it to map on next update.
    Oh, yes, the pigs on that island like to swim in the crystal clear water and sunbathe on the beach.
  • Wow @mvnla2 really :) that's pretty cool, interesting.
  • Hello again, everyone.

    OB, could I please get a double espresso with a shot of cognac, please? I'm getting "ham"mered in HoW and I need some pick-me-up!
    *Clink* here's to you @kathy. Hope it brings you luck tackling those piggies! ;D

    Yes @mvnla2 what a surprise to find that one! I gotta look that one up in Wikipedia and find out why they named it that.
  • *clink* Thanks @sweetp :) go get Em' you can do it!!! 1-5 is brutal can't even ache ive my old score!!
    Let's also * clink* to our very own @ mvnla2 for the recognition she received in B&R not gonna spoil the fun you'll all have to go there and see;)
    OB drinks on the house:) for mvnla2 the rest of the week;)
  • ;) nice clink @sweetp ;) -
    You'll get them patience lol.. Mine wears off very quickly. .Did you get pm I Sent?
  • @kathy @SweetP -- Thanks! It was a great honor for something I would do anyway.
    So the drinks for everyone (thanks Kathy for mine, rest are on me) are Chateau Montelena Chardonnay. @rdnzlrips82 -- Thanks for telling me about this.
  • Your very welcome @mvnla2;)
  • Forgot to mention that Slim awarded me points for helping on the new Icebreaker update. The new achievements are quite challenging. Don't know how many other people have played it, but it's worth your while.
  • Yep I saw that @mvnla2 ;) that was a nice surprise huh? ;) especially because, like you said, it was something you would do anyway;) cool beans; (
  • I don't know what icebreaker is? I do know it's past my bedtime... Let me know @mvnla2 and I'll catch ya tomorrow;)
    *places flashlight on @KimmieCV favorite booth, with a little rub off of my lucky lindy Coin;)*
    Nighty night Pahthah happy flinging;)
    P, s. I made a p.m. yep I'm scared. Can you check it out. ?.:/♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Hey cool I didnt know I had these thingies★★★★♥♡◇¤ ;) oh oh night. ?.
  • Ok, I'm back. Sorry I was busy baking a cinnamon roll cake for tomorrow's breakfast.
    I got your PM @kathy, and I sent you a reply. I love using the special symbols whenever I'm texting on my phone. They're fun! As you drift off to sleep, I wish you sweet dreams.
    Thank you @mvnla2 for the lovely glass of wine. I don't know what the icebreaker is, either so you'll have to enlighten us. Sounds like something nice to be sidetracked with, LOL!

    Well, time for my head to hit the pillow. G'night all, see you tomorrow.
  • Awwww @JLZ-666 give your honey a big squeeze from me and tell him I hope he's not feeling so....DOWN anymore! Hahahahahaha Love the snail preview, I can see why you liked the film. Did the snails ever mention @Kimmiecv's garden?
    Glad to hear the tablet is working out for you @Kathy!
  • *poofs in completely bedraggled (still at hospital they're doing an ex ray on Mom now, FINALLY after almost 4 freaking HOURS!!!) shines @Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely through dreamland *

    @tompuss that was a wicked cool video!! Too much fun to watch the slimy snail come to life!! Thanks for sharing!! :)

    @mvnla2 @bird-addict @jlz-666 Hahaa LOL :D
    @mvnla2 Congrats!! Very nice!!

    @Kathy it's another Rovio game that's been out for a while now, haven't played it but it did look like fun. Usually it'll show up on your refresh in AB games every once in a while.

    Ok think I mostly caught up, if I missed anything asked of me just hit me with a reminder, Moms back so I gotta go.
  • @kathy, @ABCrazy The artist, Marcello Barenghi, specializes in hyperrealism. This one took him 2hrs 36min in real time. Lots more on YT. . . He draws a mean light-bulb too!
    @kimmie Glad you liked that piece of fine art! So sorry about your Mom, oh that endless waiting in hospitals *sends sympathetic vibes*. Hope good outcome.
    @mvnla2 Congrats! And it was really interesting to hear about Pig Island. Does Rovio know about that? Surf&Turf update?
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