The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1882
  • I'm here Pa;)
  • Argghhhh I just missed lot.gotta go back. ? Please everyone hold up:(
  • @ABcrazy--Mentally I'm fine. But I think the bunny gave me the flu. Please no. I just had a cold for the last three weeks.
  • What anonymity Pa?huh?
  • Please hold? When has that ever worked? @kathy
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- Check the Icebreaker achievements page. It says which are believed bugged (there are several). I thought I had found all 25, but only got credit for 24. Then I discovered that I had missed one, and counted one that didn't exist.
    Chip off the Old Block has 2 (I missed one on far right).
    I have a complete list; can send by PM if you want. Slim keeps saying he is going to add the list to the achievements page, but I it wasn't there several hours ago.
  • @rat9 I'm obliged to butt in on your conversation on history teachers and how the big picture gets lost in the details. We had this one textbook in 7th grade history that we hated SO much... It seriously told you just about all the nitty-gritty you didn't need to know and disregarded all the things that you actually needed to know. Plus the way it was written made reading it less interesting than staring at a rock.
  • Lol pa not drinking I I wish mmm not new keyboard:(
  • @Kathy -- The U.S. State Department and most travel websites will tell you what areas to avoid.
  • @Kathy--If something bad happened, lets say a burglar is in your house, I wouldn't know where to send the police.
  • I gottta go BBFNMCBLIDKBPW heee hooooohaha
  • @mvlna2 Hmm. I've gone through troll marsh a million times, power up levels and all, and one gem is still eluding me. Would there happen to be any that are particularly well-hidden?
  • Sorry to hear that @ABS(?). I'd hoped teachers were getting better.
  • Ohh yeah hmmmmm... aww pa dont scare now:( I got scared last week when itook a shower and no one was home home I had a terrible nightmare...And now I'm about toget in the showa:(
  • Me as well @Ma. BFNIMCBLIDKBM
  • @rat9 Oh, the teachers were fine. It was just that one textbook. And I'm long out of 7th grade.
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- Do you want me to PM you the list of all the gems?
  • @rat @rat9 @kathy -- Well, anonymity has it's plusses and minuses. I know a lot of ABN members have shared their real names / e-mail addresses, but there is a risk in doing so. We don't really know each other face-to-face in real life.
    I worked many years for a company that had a very paranoid and diligent IT department, and some of their paranoia must have been transferred to me.
    The only people on ABN who know my real name or e-mail are the admins and one other person. The one other was how I found out that if you accepted a friendship request in game center, they sent the other person your real e-mail, even though you thought you'd set up everything to be anonymous. Thankfully, that other person is totally reliable.
  • I fully understand that @mvnla2 you cant be to careful. There are a few nesters that have my email and are fully trustworthy friends and only one who has my personal info who I trust implicitly .. I'd trust that person with my life;)
    Other than those very few I never give out details except of course everyone knows my real name due to my Lack of familiarity with the site when signed up. Didn't think to be creative.
    Though I'm not worried that any one here is going to break in and get me while I'm in the showa. CCrap I had the worst nigh t mare last week, triggered by locking all my doors and watching to much criminal minds,,.. And now I guess I gotta buck up and do it. ?..:(
  • @mvnla2, @kathy...I'm glad we have this anonymity to protect us from those that would want to prey on us. I've been an admin for a couple of social websites and it kept us busy all the time, monitoring the members. I'm one of those paranoid people that has seen the evil that can be spawned when someone isn't careful. On that note, I'm off to do some flinging.
    I'll be back later, when my fingers are screaming for a break! ;)
  • @Kathy -- Missed your post on the last page.
    Yes, fbb is in VietNam; hope he is OK.
    But Humph! Just tried sorting the table; only sorts a single page. How useless!
    Will have to investigate later.
    Also searches a single page. Gaah!
  • @LesToreadors -- @BirdLeader can make a forum that is classified as an announcement and therefore is always at the top of the forum page. I think this would be a great thing for Pigineering.
    BTW -- Would still like to put you and the rest of the Pigineering crew on the members' map (in groups). You will each get a large green pin.
    I don't think there is any prejudice / stigma attached to the country you live in. Members and great flingers live all over the world. It is truly amazing how many countries ABN fans live in. The only thing that creates a barrier for some people is the fact than ABN uses English, and some people are not that comfortable with it.
    Personally, it would be impossible for me to write (or talk) in any language other than English, so I am very tolerant of people for whom English is not their native language.
  • @Les Toreadors I'm easily confused ask anyone honest;/ ;) I at first thought you were joking around in the spirit of the forum? But you say you have a forum or Web site of your own ? I realize you were speaking piggie speak lol but for real your a Pigineer? I'm interested is all
    Did I mention I hate my new new keyboard. ? It It guesses what I'm typing and it's a terrible gueeser!!! That's what v take me so long to type!!!!
  • @mvnla2 please explain pigineering to me in kathy speak lol;)
  • @mvnla2, I have a suggestion, if the admins will allow it. Since this site is written in English, there may be some Nesters that can only understand a very little of what we say. Would it be too much to add the translator on the home page? I've had one that worked very well, but for the life of me can't remember which one it was. If it's too much, then never mind. Just a thought to make it easier for our overseas members to navigate their way around the Nest.

    I didn't want to sound like a silly goon, but I'm with @kathy. What is pigineering about anyway? @mvnla2, @LesToreadors?
  • @mvnla2 @Kathy - rest assured I am joking. But as Foreman Pig's jokes go, they tend to be taken rather on a serious note!

    When I first started Pigineering I got a massive lot of "soliciting" from various people so the whole period of November 2012 -> April 2013 was spent 'cleaning things up' on Facepork and making things run autonomously and internationally like some sort of a ISS style organization.

    For the members' world map location I want to work a bit more with the 'contributing industries' first. We give each other industrial codenames, sort of. This is to protect our fans' real identities as there ARE certain other Bad Piggies communities who tend to want to prey on people and spread hate-speech on Facepork. This is one of the quirks of Facebook communities as personal info can be rather too accessible.

    So we have taken a bit of liberties with the names and locations and instead of mentioning @DHKim I would normally credit him as Dried Ham Industries, South Korea or something :)

    I am not at all concerned of my own personal identity (there is a pic of me somewhere) but rather fans should not have to deal with Internet politics from other communities who have no idea what is collaboration or constructive communication.
  • @Kathy-- Pigineering is related to the Bad Piggies app, which you may not have played. It's possible in Bad Piggies to create amazing contraptions that do all kind of amazing things. Pigineering excels in creating these contraptions, and publishes them on their website.
    My problem (@BirdLeader) is that I'm never sure how to find them.
  • @Kathy @BirdLeader @Les-Toreadors -- I had to google this to find the link. Why is it so hard, i.e. impossible, to find on ABN?
  • @Les-Toreadors -- Do you think something on ABN would automatically make a mess of your facebook page? I suppose it could; just interested to know.
    I thought it was possible to be more private on facebook than on ABN.
    Do you think I should remove DH Kim's identification as part of Pigineering on the members' map? Glad to do if you think it is best, and easy to do.
  • Thanks @ mvnla2 ;)
    and ty @Les Toreaderors
  • And your right @mvnla2 I tried bad piggies the app but didn't give it much of a second glance;)
    Ok I'm really off to fling, .made it in and out of the showa safely;)
  • Have a great night
    Hmmm @mvnla2 your up late ? Still on Vaca time. .
  • Never mind I'm backwards thinking. ?Just a hectic night
    OB a Sunupper to go please;)
  • @Kathy -- It's only 8:30 on the west coast, so it's still early by my standards.
  • @mvnla2 - @DHKim? Leave him in Seoul! He works independently from pigineering's normal routine and is a brilliant bacon diplomat. He has his own youtube channel too and crediting him as being 'part of' Pigineering would be a misnomer - "Dried Ham" is a great contributor to various bird and pig communities and Rovio likes him as well :)

    @Kathy - pigineering dot com would be an archive / blog website that I place noteworthy machines in but facepork is our main HQ and discussion site to date. That's where it started :)

    As for what the pork is pigineering, basically yeah, as @mvnla2 says it's just a place to post awesome pig machines.... and all our favorite massive failures :)

    ps. facebook is not a really nice place to hold tech. discussions on. Especially if they become fanfiction on their own. I have written Bad Piggies fanfics before based on folk tales or modern history.
  • @SweetP

    Depending on the 'industrial division' contributing ideas, some of the pigineering crew like to create realistically functioning machines out of pig scrap, while others like to push the boundaries of creativity, experiment with the limits of the game engine, etc.

    For myself I like to stick to simple functional mechanics with some reference from real life engineering terms. Looking at the physics of a torsion bar can result in the construction of a walking mechanical animal, as follows:

    I usually think up such hare-brained contraptions at work and test them late at night. Post them next 'morning' at my office local time. Fun thing about being someone's secretary is that I finally have enough time to tinker lol.
  • @LesToreadors @mvnla2 I never mind being in Jeju Island :D
  • OMG That is hilarious, @LesToreadors! That is one hare-brained contraption right there. Diesel Egglectric Porkpulsion, indeed Hahahaha!
    Love your imagination and creativity.
  • @Les Toreadors -- So where is the torsion bar in the mechanical sheep?
    I would really like to have something on ABN to tell me that Pigineering has posted a new contraption. Love them!
  • @mvnla2

    The whole body of the animal and legs works like a torsion bar. Kind of. Lol.

    Re: Pigineering Notifications. Careful what you ask for, the crew and I can post up a storm of stuff on a seasonal basis. I actually have a backlog of things to post on behalf of Dried Ham Industries, ALF BaconDynamics Lab, etc... Best to monitor the facepork page + youtube channel for stuff unless @BirdLeader works out something on my behalf. We have actually faced complaints with overenthusiastic bacon machinery posts in the past. Like, 10 posts of fanart and contraptions a day omg.

    @DHKim - That Island... is the shape of a Pork Chop lol.
  • Good night all. .
    *places flashlight on @KimmieCV favorite booth*
    Hope all is well Pahtnah. Happy flinging; )♡♡♡♡♡♡
  • @LesToreadors, I love the little comments in "Worst Airline In The World" video. That cracked me UP! Absolutely loved the boxing gloves punching the piggies.

    I could waste the whole day watching all of those videos.

    @kathy, good night and sweet dreams!
  • @ABcrazy and @mvnla2, I'm still fine, the city I live is in the south Viet Nam so it's not affected by the typhoon.
  • @mvnla2 - I have given the go-ahead for Pigineering's current crew to post their locations in the ABN Members group. You'll hear from 'the boys' shortly :)
  • @happyshake You know Mauterndorf? We had great holidays there. .
  • @abcrazy thank you :) Just more proof there are some very special people in the nest!!

    @Kathy hope you sleep well!! And things are well, I'm still calling Mom rocky though! She's now got a huge ring of Black with a wee bit of purple and bluish shiny white at the edges but All around her poor eye, which is swollen completely shut. :(

    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    Hey @tompuss :)

    Ok gotta go catch up on some PMs!
  • @kimmiecv Hey there! Hope your Mom's shiner fades soon, and that she's not too shaken up. And you get a good rest too xoxo
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