The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1880
  • Goodnight @happyshake @burpie @bubbleslover and @rat (although he's not in the BP, I was talking to him)
    Big bed and good book calling
  • Hey all! Had fun reading up on the events in here! @mvnla2 Congratz! You do amazing work around the nest for sure, so well deserved!

    @Kimmiecv WOW, that is a really long time for an emergiancy! Glad to hear your mom is checked out and given the okay. Hope she heals quickly, give her a kiss from me!

    @JLZ ermm Okay it's pretty tragic, but yeah I had to WHahahahahahah laugh to, I can totally picture the situation! Hope he just bruised his back and ego a little and will recover soon!

    @HunnyBunny, great to hear you are back on your feet! Both you and Happyshake have been around the world huh? I am not the traveling type, but love to learn about different cultures. It must be amazing to see them all in real live. Which brings me to my next question, @Happyshake not sure how old/young you are but are you travling the globe enjoying retirement or for business. And do you travel alone or with a misses? Sorry if those are too personal, in which case ignore me ;)

    And last but not least Welcome @Les Toreadors, luckily we are a fun loving bunch in here, so we will not turn you into bacon bits (just yet). But I hope you don't mind me ordering a portion of cripsy pig ears and a slightly offence named drink, now do you?...

    OB can I have my usual Pig ears and PigKiller? thanks, nothing like a late night snack before bedtime!
  • Goodnight HunnyBunny
  • Ow and I see Kimmie just popped in... hahaha I thought it would got worse with age as well, don't want to know what clumsy things she did in the past that makes this look less clumsy though... you could probably write a book :D
  • As always, none of us ever leave after saying goodnight!
    Swimming pigs @mvnla2 amazing!
    Now I'm really off to bed.....
  • Ow and welcome @DH Kim as well hope to see you around sometimes!
  • Wow!! I got a lot of catching up to do..... OB a supper please, I dont think I'll catch up I'll just start from here
    very interesting stories and info about the world I'll never see I must say thanks @happyshake
    @ buubbleslover Wales is a Country somewhere in France I think? But maybe not?
  • And hello to mister @rat in one of the backrooms, hope all is well my friend!
  • Hey Kathy! I know right, tons of amazing stories to read in here, so much fun seeing new people pop in and sharing some of their life stories, just love it!
  • Ah well still here @kathy I'm definitely not in France! Get out that globe you had for you birthday. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are all part of Great Britain. It's confusing but it certainly ain't France
  • @mvnla2 That pictures totally remind me of one homework I had to do several years ago, we had to create an imaginary country and make a presentation about it as if it was real, well and I came up with Island of St. Pig ;D
    But I never knew a similar island really exists!!
  • @E-Star I had my 50th birthday 3 weeks ago and I live my own style of retirement. Insted of working until I'm 60-65 I decided to have a 5 year retirement-break now and work after that until I die. I do not know how long I enjoy scuba diving, golfing and hiking - if I'm retired and can't do all this things...whats the point? If I am too old for travelling, I am still fit enough to work. The other way round does not make any sense for me. And if I'm too old and sick for both...well then at least I can say I did it all before that happened.

    The first 18 months I travelled as a couple, since 10 months I travel alone and it looks like it will stay like that.
  • @HappyShake I can not argue that kind of solid logic so kudos to you for making it happen! Sorry to hear you are no longer traveling as a couple though, sounds like such an amazing time it would be easy to stay together, but guess it was not meant to be. Another kudos to you for sticking with the plan. So 5 years of traveling huh? hahahaha I am such a none traveling type, I long for home within a couple of days LOL... So great to see so many different styles of life and possible cause of this amazing Nest!
  • @E-Star it is "only" 4 yers travel. The last year is intended to find the way back into the productive, money earning rat-race
  • "only 4" he says o_O LOL
  • And how long do you stay in one place? And are you renting apartments along the way or camping out?
  • Hey @e-star :) yes it was a very loooong time in emergency and I hope to never have to do it again!! How are things? Your likely just getting ready to hit your pillow walk :/ but maybe I caught you before?

    Hello @happyshake don't think I've met you, just seen you in BP off and on. Sounds like a wonderful and smart way to go, hitting so many travels while your young and Can really enjoy them!! :)
  • Hi @E-star;) Yes amazing stories;) and great to see new faces:)
    @hunnybunny haha I just went to look at my globe and was coming to correct myself:)
    that's awesome:@ happyshake to be retired and still have enough time and money to enjoy it is my dream....I love your logic do it while your young and healthy enough to enjoy it;)
  • Watching a show with bf before his nap. Going to fling a bit
    BBFNMCBLIDK bpw heee heee heeee...
  • Hi Kimmie :-* yup I should be heading to bed indeed, the alarm clock is set for 5:45... hubby informed me earlier tonight he needed to take a double shift again Blechhhhh so I better get my behind off this chair and into bed... still have 5 and a half hours ... take at least an hour to really really close my eyes, another 15 minutes before I drift of, so ermmm I probably will have some issues with getting my behind out of bed hahahah
  • Kick some bacon behind Kathy! Enjoy your evening! [[hugs]]
  • (((((((( HUGS))) Sweet Dreams E-Star :)
  • @E-Star whereever possible I try to drive arond the continent in my own set of wheels. I had a camper in Australia, in the US and in Europe. For Africa I'll buy a 4WD-Camper. In South-America and Asia I used public transport because owning a car in these regions is rather difficult due to beaurocracy whenever you try to cross a border. I do not try to check as many countries as possible. I stay rather long in one before I move on. For example, 3 months in Indonesia, Philippines, Argentina and Australia, 6 months USA.
  • Yikes yep you best get yourself tucked in e-star that early morning alarm is coming up quick!! :/
  • Oh yeuck I've been doing that lately also counting the hours not good:(
  • Wow @happyshake that sounds great but id be scared isn't it craziness over those parts of the world with all the stuff going on?
  • Error box is following me around!! @e-star sleep well when you finally get there!! And i hope your work day Flys by so you get to your weekend faster!! I'm off for a bit, need to help the parentage.
  • Lol not comment @KimmieCV about counting hours ...
  • Ohh noo. I've lost my error box and now it found you:( :(
  • @Happyshake So ermmm that is the transportation covered, but I don't suppose you sleep in your car now do you? It is great info to read though, love the different approach to each country, but I was wondering where you sleep, with locals, in hotels, a rented apartment or in a tent... I must dash though, it is great fun to chat with you!
  • See you lateron I'm off to fling; )
  • I know right Kathy counting them makes it that much worse...
  • Ermmm. Go to sleep e-star before the flashlight snatcher comes!! Hee hee
  • @kimmie give the parents a big Dutchie kiss from me and take a load off today, you need you rest as well missy! Mwaah!
  • *snatches flashlight from E-star hands* git!!!
  • I'm lost!! Who's counting what hours??
  • @Kathy I don't see mister @rat anywhere hee hee... *whispers* I am not afraid of snort and snicker LOL
  • Bugger, I forgot about your snatching skills Kathy... *hangs head and heads out the door* Night night everyone, all of those on the other side of the pond, enjoy the evening!
  • Thank you @e-star and my Mom says thank you to everyone for all the love thrown her way! She's a bit surprised but then she's not a Nester so hasn't a clue how many awesome peeps there are here!! Ill ummmm get rest eventually!! ;) Mwaaaah your for sure my Sweet Dutchie Friend!! :•

    Annnnd the flashlight snatcher has arrived!!! Wahahahahahaahahahaahaaa :D
  • *lights candles to guide e-star to dreamland* don't worrty bout Pa I'll looks for him:)
  • *Snicker* ROFLMAO that's right @e-star I'm not either!! *also said in a low whisper!*

    *super shines e-stars flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
  • Oooh double lit candles coool!!! :D
    Ok really gotta go!!
    Sleep well e-star and Kathy enjoy your flinging and movie/show thingy!! :)
  • Ahhh there you are with the good candles:) @KimmieCV I just grabbed some emergency onesin the drawer behind the bar cuz i thought you where out; )
  • Ok! @KimmieCV see us later:)
  • Heeheee never too many candles IMO @Kathy! :D Laters!! Have fun!! :)

  • @E-Star of course I sleep in my camper - that what it was designed for. Besides at some of the most fantastic places in the world there is no hotel and no campground. Imagine waking up with that view

    This was my private beach last week here on Sardinia
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