The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1890
  • Ok E-star I take your words for it I wont click on that link..not now anyway:)
  • Well done Estar for linking them. Excellent!
  • :) Kathy the Santa one is actually a fun one, link is above should you choose to want to watch it... Never knew British had a green clothed Santa, but according to the narrator, neither do the British people LOL
  • IKR HunnyBunny, I can watch this guy for a whole night, just left the Santa link in the comment above, also entertaining :D
  • K I lost somein the page change..and switching from tablet to phone
    Gotta catch up..
  • * packs up her globe and poofs home, more confused than ever*
    Sniff. ...sniff..m
  • Hee he I bookmarked the Santa one e-star gonna watch it When my tablet charges up; )
  • Loving Santa!
  • That's it, I really need to fling, starting to get withdrawals... BFNIMCBLIDK
  • Goodnight @EStar thanks for the links
    Good afternoon (I think) @Kathy throw away the globe, be yourself, live happily in total ignorance of world geography, it ain't going to change your life if you find out where Papua New Guinea is ;-)
  • Bye, E-star et al. I'm going to give the daily challenge another quick look before turning in.
  • Night night e-star I don't know what Happened I kee getting logged out when I shut my tablet off to charge it h, mm
  • Good luck with the challenge @Burpie
  • Hahaha @hunnybunny I can't throw it away it was a bday gift from @JLZ666 and I like it:)
    I like to learn even though I may not understand it at the moment it will sink in eventually
    knowledge is a good thing even if it Doesn't apply to your life you never know when it will pop up as a jeopardy question;)
  • @HunnyBunny -- How many British citizens could get a 100% (correct) score on a test of that video?
  • Sunny Sunday here (7.39am local time). How's everyone holding up this weekend? :)

    @HunnyBunny Papua New Guinea is pretty unforgettable for anyone who knows military history! :)
  • Anyone who thinks keeping track of time zones is complicated should watch the daylight savings video E-Star mentioned above.
  • @Les Toreadors -- Haven't updated map yet, so most Pigineering members are not on it yet. How many Pigineers are there? Names would help.
  • Wow! @all -- [edited] I just found out that it is possible to install an extension that blocks all ads from all websites. After reading comments below, I decided to turn it off, because I really want ABN to get as much $ as possible.
    After opting out of interest based ads, I haven't seen any objectionable ads so will go back to that.
  • Thanks @kathy and @burpie.
    See you later. It's race time!
  • Cool beans @sweetp ;)
  • Hey @LesToreadors holding up o.k and you. ? I've got my geography Lesson for the day;)
  • @mvnla2 - No worries I sent you a PM. Most of us piggy players are very informal so I don't mind for people to tag along and sign up as a 'pigineering crew' in future. It might serve as a nice rally point for the few green folk amongst us here.

    Of course, those several contacts I sent you can be differentiated from other pig followers, because they have bacon industry assignments lol.

    Thanks @Kathy I am doing well, more or less woke up to the scent of tuna for breakfast. And now in the middle of a huge bowl of hazelnut coffee.

    There's this Rovio designed artwork of Fat Pig drinking coffee from a teapot. I sort of parody it by drinking coffee from a soup bowl. Piggy Island is fun like that :)
  • Hee hee @LesToreadors that is quite an image;) I admit I still dont understand this pigineering thing but I have had enough learning for ty today haha Maybe in the future you could pm me and explain it in not such a busy interacting atmosphere? If not I understand;)
  • @mvnla2 do you mean AdBlock Plus? Great product. I use in in combination with NoScript (not available for Safari but JavaScript Blocker does pretty much the same) to prevent websites from automatically launching potentially harmful Javascript.

    With just these two things the internet becomes a safer, faster, less cluttered experience.

    I should point out - so as not to incur the wrath of the admis - that AdBlock Plus and NoScript do let you white-list sites. This way ABN and other sites that you trust can still get their ad-revenue.
  • Hmmm I'm really happy I dont have the disturbing ads, I wish I knew what I did to prevent them, so I could help. I have Android and all that java stuff @Burpie Mentioned I must have just checked the right box. I do have a block in my Setting for pop-up blocker, would that have anything to do with it?
  • @Kathy, I also use Android but I don't know. For starters, I don't use the stock browser. Also, I rooted my phone and installed AdAway on it ;)
  • Um, and as for javascript, a lot of sites require that to run properly. You don't want to block javascript always, everwhere.
  • Hmm @burpie well I don't know either, just happy I dont see the crazy sds sty, I still have the ads on the sides, I realky pay no attention to them but I know there aren't any unsuitable ones from what I do see..
  • Right now I have a Samsung ad at at the top, a monitor your pc at the bottom and a game ad on the the side:/
  • Which is as it should be, since we all want to support this site. But an ad-blocker would strip all of that cruft.
  • Yep @burpie I learned about java when I used to play pogo games on a a really old old computer haha I actually had to install java and update it regularly. ?
  • Ohh so an ad - blocker would block them ads at all=no $=no site correct?
  • Yup. Pretty much all ads vanish everywhere except Google text ads.
  • > no ads at all=no $=no site correct?

    Correct. We're not paying ABN any membership dues.
  • Right @Burpie no dues=need sponsers =we play free = see ads
    I agree if there are offensive ones but bird leader said he'd take care of any of those just gotta let him know;)
  • I used to pay 40$ a year to to play pogo and there were still ads just just not pop up ones
  • Ok going flinging gotta wake up bf in 10 minute for Work
  • See you later. I'm out of here, too. The daily challenge didn't work and it's bedtime.
  • @burpie -- It's just Safari AdBlock.
  • @Les Toreadors -- Declared Piggy fans get a green dot (there are a few, but you might not have noticed them), while everyone else gets red. The Pigineering crew gets large green pins. I mistakenly assigned everyone added in today's update to Pigineering, so will fix one mistake next update.
    I do need the one remaining Pigineering member to request a dot on the map in the map group. Otherwise I can't add him / her.
  • @burpie -- I do feel a little disloyal, especially since I was in the habit of clicking ads I was interested in so ABN would get more $. Maybe I will uninstall or turn off.
  • @BirdLeader -- Do you get more $ if people are using interest-based ads?
  • @mvnla2 I believe that the advertisers pay to advertise here whether or not we click on on them, like @burpie says just like t.v, we are subjected to ads that that support the network?
    Really you thought the site get more more money if you click on the ad? Im very surprised at that?
  • I could be wrong though :/
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