The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1889
  • O.k I'll kkeep looking hee hee
  • Oops Hubby calling, dinner is ready, back later :)
  • K bye enjoy dinner;)
  • plenty more to choose from OB please I'll double your pay and give you a big bonus last offer
    Then I let @KimmieCV loose;)
  • Hello @all! Well, @hunnybunny and @allChallengers, I've been flinging like crazy but haven't managed to improve on that old fluke score of mine, or even get near it. I think I must have had the luck to break some of the balls, cos there's nothing left to destroy except a few starfish, scraps of vegetation, and bits of chain. It is very odd tho that the clockwise method yields such a low score.
    Bat-Cat: j'adore!
    @LesToreadores Thanx for the info on "Gravity", it sounds great. The best space-movie experience I ever had was seeing "The dream is alive" at the IMAX. You were really up there with the astronauts, it was breathtaking. Saw it 5 times, wow.. .
    @EStar And I hope you enjoy your IMAX experience today! Yes, what bliss to have the theatre all to yourself. I saw "Alien" that way, a long time ago. . Sandra Bullock stars in "Gravity", yes? She of the incredible teeth, hmmm perhaps we could invite her to the BP for Hallowe'en. . .
    @kimmiecv Something for your dreams? Google "evzones" and click on "Images". A wonderful night guaranteed!
  • @kathy Hi there! I'm back (like Arnie). Had to sign off for supper. Oh, the birdie caskets, I love them! Well, trying to catch up here is like being at the supermarket without a list, there's so much going on. I really should jot stuff down during the day. Just now I'm re-reading "Hark" by Ed McBain, which anyone into acronyms and cryptic clues would enjoy (several Nesters spring to mind here. . .).
    Love the decoration. Spooky! Some time ago, they tried to introduce Hallowe'en here in France - a purely commercial venture, which never really caught on and has more or less petered out. But it must be such wonderful fun over there in the US, and I'm really enjoying all the artwork it inspires. And looking forward to celebrating it on the Nest.
    Have a super evening, dear Kathy. Me, i'm off to bed now, so I'll say night-night as well. C u soon.
  • Thanks @TomPuss nighty night;) im happy you'll be able to enjoy Halloween with us;)
    the book sounds interesting I'll have to check it out
  • 'Night, @all
    Over and out xoxo
  • Oh thank you @burpie :) the Halloween link keeps switching away on me but it looks very interesting;) the Christmas one a definite 'must read' quickly skimmed over it looks really interesting thank you;)
    I've bookmark both links for later reading:)
  • Ok so Holland is part of Netherlands also. ? Huh gotta get out my globe :)
  • @Kathy, I use the terms Holland and the Netherlands interchangeably but the proper name is the Netherlands.

    The Netherlands is divided into 12 provinces, including North Holland and South Holland. Amsterdam, the capital, is in North Holland. But Haarlem is the capital of North Holland. And the national government resides in The Hague... in South Holland.

    It's a confusing place.
  • Is a very confusing place(country. ?) Even on the the globe its not really defined. Is it Europe technically?and what's the United Kingdom ohhh you don't have to to explain its very confusing. ?Thanks though;)
  • Oops forgot @burpie ;)
  • Hello, how is everyone on this pretty Saturday!

    Been gone most of the day and taking a break from house chores.

    Ooh, I'm getting excited! Some friends invited us to the Indy race tonight. This will be interesting, as I've never been to an Indy race at Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, which is only about 40 miles from here. I've only been there for NASCAR races a few times. This will be the race that decides the championship for the 2013 IndyCar Series between two top contenders.
    It's gonna be flat-out, teeth jarring, turbo-charge-screamin' 3-wide open wheel racing at 200+ mph for 500 miles on this huge 2-mile track! Whoop-whoop I'm so excited!

    @kathy that is a really spooky character you got there! Nice added touch to the BP.

    Have a good night @TomPuss.

    Well, we have to get ready to leave, so I'll say goodnight everyone!
    Have a wonderful weekend @all, and Happy Flinging !

  • Wow @sweetp that sounds exciting!!! Have a great time;)
    I've never been but watch on tv sometimes, the the closet I ve come is stock car which is still fun but I can't imagine an indy race coool!!
  • @SweetP, you were here and gone as fast as those Indy cars... hope you have a great day!

    @Kathy, according to the members map you're in Maine. From there just head east past Australia ( ) and the UK. Stop before you arrive in Germany. That's the Netherlands.
  • @burpie I'm close to maine just a bit lower in Boston mass;) thanks for the direction
    @ E-star hoooo how awesome she must be thrilled I I know dora the explorer but not the amber one both are cute:)
  • Brb going to watch video:)
  • Amber is the name of my niece sweet confused @kathy ;)
    That second design is the Umizoomi LOL
  • @Estar, thanks for the video link.

    So did you upload those cake prints to the Hema? That's where I always send mine :-)
  • @E-Star -- Love the video! My head is spinning; @Kathy should take some sea-sickness medicine before viewing.
    Looks like there are comparable videos on other countries, like Great Britain.
  • Ohh haha Iknew that was her her name but I also thought there was a cartoon amber like Dora hee hee that's how good you are:)the characters on the card look like that
    and thanks for the video ermmm.. uhm yep yep that clears it all up;) a little anyway
    Sooooo what is the United Kingdom if its nothing to do with Netherlands/Holland then I don't need to know b haha
  • Hahahahahahahahaha @mvnla2 yep I should have!!!very quick video !!
  • night night @TomPuss can not but wonder though, bedtime at 9:30?? Guess you are not an nightowl like me, if I was in bed around that time, @kimmiecv would send me a PM straight away asking if I was ill LOL

    @Sweetp enjoy! Hope it is exciting as you expect it to be and a great weekend to you as well!
  • @burpie well technically no, but eventually yes... I am not ordering the cakes, but my brother indeed orders them at the Hema ;)
  • Ooh oh battery low on tablet gotta switch switch to phone :( brb
  • United Kingdom has nothing to do with the Netherlands Kathy... whole separate story ;)

    @mvnla I know right, even for me it was an entertaining but also educational video hahahah
  • @burpie loved Satirewire! Naughty though to suck @Kathy in. Bad boy!
    Hi @Kathy take no notice of burpie.
    @Estar my niece was the biggest Dora the Explorer fan in the world. Moved on to Barbie, and then the Sylvanians. Giving you notice for future birthdays. Lol
  • Ha ha E-star, they also do the little tompousen with prints. They're pretty good.

    For my kid's 4rth birthday I used Pocoyo. For his 5th it was already Transformers. How time flies.
  • Thanks @E-star that's all i needed one continent at a time heee hee
  • Huh @HunnyBunny what i get sucked into fair...I don't get it ?
  • @Hunnybunny, it's an oldie but goldie. Here's another one of my all-time favorites:
  • @kathy burpie told you to leave Boston go past Australia to Europe. He's teasing you
  • @HunnyBunny hahahaha ermmmm Amber is my 5 year old niece, her sister is 6,5 years and she moved from Dora to Cinderella and now a horse fan. But good to know there can be Barbie in my future LOL
  • @burpie ermmmm what?! Pocoyo?? hahahah have to google that one, but Transformers at 5! They do grow up fast indeed. How old are they now? I thought you were one of the oll and grey ones here in the nest... really sorry if you are not!
  • O my ..... I thought the Netherlands was confusing... but WOW nope the United Kingdom wins hands down!!
  • @burpie can hear myself saying "who's she?" "Wasn't he in the other thing we watched last night?" "Didn't he shoot the first guy?" Best I don't watch any more films with the other half! Clink on Burpie's link
  • Off to watch the Netherlands and UK links.....
  • @Estar, I'm 43 and we have just the one son - he's 5.
  • Ah so "they" is "he" sorry my bad. 5 is still a fun ages imo... my nephew is 7 and is ermmm less interested in the goofy aunt each year LOL
  • @estar i have just the one niece, she's ten going on twenty
    Watched the Netherlands link, now on to the uk
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