The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1901
  • Hee hee I took you with me. .hope i didn't bump you to much on my way downstairs:/
  • Oops The a Princess has arrived; )
  • Just been discussing with OB about fixing a 50” smart board next to my rocking chair so I can play AB on it - heard about it in the Seniors forum - thanks @mvlna2 for the heads up. OB is trying to work out the cabling so no one falls over as it will have to be encased in heavy duty casing so the heyyous can't chew through it!
    Glad to hear you enjoyed the golf @mvlna2 - it's great when it goes well isn't it!
  • Nah Kathy it was a smooth ride down the stairs, Sorry I was enjoying some apple pie ;)
  • @Mumsie that is one big bliep screen! But be sure to ducktape the cabling onto the floor, just to be safe in case mister @Rat trips over them.
  • OB - did you hear what E* said - order in some heavy duty duct tape too! What's that? Who's paying for the smart board? Oh ..... Well we could ask Peter Vesterbacka! Ok put the project on hold for now - I'll put it on my Christmas list!
  • Didn't the BP have a deal with Rovio.. as long as we keep the patrons happy (read drink and addicted) we got every tool we needed to provide the addiction? I think the new screen really counts as a necessity don't ya @mumsie?
  • Couldn't agree more!
  • Happy it was smooth ride e-star;) I used to bump @KimmieCV around something awful lol
    Hmm @Mumsie a 52" smahtboad ya want eh' let me call my connection and will see what we can do foh yah;)
  • @Kathy poor @Kimmiecv she must have bruises all over, but I have some ermmm extra filling to use as bumpers LOL. hugggssss I am off to fling!

    Been hopping around the nest and see it is already midnight again! Haven't flung a bird and really need a fix, so I am off and getting mine! Have a fab afternoon/evening/morning everybody!
  • The story about the creepy guy is in all our local news outlets. They all report tore or less the same story. They credit the waitress for making the call, but it was my friend sitting across the table from me. She made the call after the waitress told us of the situation. I haven't talked to my friend since the incident, but it is possible she wished to remain anonymous, that would be like her.

    Here is the news story

    Turns out we were a bit late :/
  • Happy Flingin e-star I'll say sweet dreams now(((hugs)))))
  • I'm off to Gngb one & all
  • Thanks for the update @BPC going to read now!;)
  • I wonder if the whine factor would work for school, I have a bunch of tests tomorrow...
  • Nighty night @Mumsie((((((( hugs)))))
  • Hey @blahalb09 give it a shot;)
    Can't hurt right;)
    but if I know you your well prepared and sure you'll do well;)
  • Holy crap @BPC 15 is bad enough SHE was really 13!!! The world is a scary place these days
  • I'm off as well I'm actually going to try to read my new book wish me luck lol
  • She didn't look more than 12. I wonder if where her parents are....
  • Ya gotta wonder @BPC who knowsI'm sure more of the story will come up. ?
  • @BPC -- Thanks for the link. I wish more parents knew what does happen to kids on-line, and believed it could happen to their kid. Glad ABN is pretty paranoid.
  • @Mumsie -- Ask OB to hire an electrician to do a professional job with all cables in the wall or under the floor. The smart board is WiFi enabled, so no need for cables to your computer / device.
  • I figure we'll have to lay out the cables and then then lay down new floor boarding, maybe put in wall to wall carpet on that side will keep it warmer als o;)
  • @Kathy -- Isn't there a crawl space under the floor? Any self-respecting electrician can put cables in the wall and under the floor without requiring new flooring or plaster. Not clear why we need any cables on the floor???
  • Ok really going to read. ?:(
  • Ohh yes @ mvnla2 I didn't think of that;) Thanks that'll save some$;)
  • I don't know anything I just call the guys lol;)
  • Wow @BPC I didn't realize how close that was to my previous home in WA O.o
    Creepy stuff.
  • @Kathy it's been a long while since I got bounced round in your pocket!! :D Ahhhh memories!! LOL That picture is too cute for words!!! :D
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * I hope to see ya tomorrow!! :)
  • Good morning @all. @BPC that is just creepy. Good on you & your friends to call the police on him. Hopefully he gets the punishment he deserves.
  • Good Morning everyone Happy Hump Day !!!
    Have a fantabulous flinging day:):)
  • Thanks to my secretary I just found a new way to create a destructive 'lightning storm' in Bad Piggies! OMG!

    I haven't been able to play anything for the past few days due to a mad work schedule and everything including vacation plans being screwed up, so it's nice to be able to sit down and do some bacon engineering for once.

    Today I made something less drastic than a lightning storm though, just testing the new separation item in V1.5 just out for PC.
  • @TomPuss, thanks for the links. It's okay if the waitress takes all credit, I am not sure our group would have been fully aware of the situation if she did not start a conversation with us. I couldn't even see the pair until I stood up to sneak a peak.
  • @Les Toreadors -- Neat! But when do we get to see the lightning storm?
  • @TomPuss @BPC -- Interesting links, and interesting how different her story is from BPC's. Only it the second one above to you find out she'd been seeing him with young women / girls? for years!
  • @all Hi! Well, I must be v brief - pad running out of juice (and so am I): I spent ages redoing all my passwords and taking other precautions after realizing I'd clicked on a scam e-mail. Haven't flung a single bird today. Wicked world we live in. .
    @mvnla2 Yes I agree, 2nd vid v revealing. .
    Hey @EStar! We can't go on not meeting like this! Glad weather not as bad as feared.
    Dentist tomorrow morning, gotta get fangs filed for Hallowe'en.
    Toodle-oo, goodnight all
  • Good morning @all! After a day of mostly sleep and a relaxing bath, I'm so much better.

    Thanks @Mumsie, fever and chills are gone, no headache, and I have my tastebuds back (yay, I can eat and it won't taste like cardboard). Still a teeny bit achy but that will go away in a few hours.

    Hahaha! You're too funny @mvnla2. There's no way we could get our bags on the bike, but I know there's a few contraptions out there that could get the job done. I think the easiest way for us would be to strap them to the top of the saddle bags, but it would be difficult for me to get on or off! LOL. It was very sunny and warm in the low 80's. Sounds like you had a nice round yourself!

    Sounds like you need to start checking out some of the courses out this way! Another really nice one is called The Links at Summerly. It's in Lake Elsinore and for me is very difficult because of the water hazards. Seems that water is always a magnet for my golf balls!
  • @e-star, yes the bug did get me, but I'm much better now. Thanks so much for the matzo ball soup @sunshine!
  • Hi @all - busy day today - facetime with gdaughter whose birthday it is today then went and bought golf boots
    Sadly they didn't have my size in black so had to get brown - won't win any fashion awards as my rain suit is black and pink but may feet will stay dry!!
    Then home to make 6 lasagnes to freeze. Then FaceTime with middle son who is Santa Cruz - he went to a friends wedding in Vegas and then hired a car - loving it!
    OB - any word from Peter Vasterbaka! I'll have a large G & T please - no ice the temp is setting to drop on this side of the pond and its raining again!
    Mumsie sits down with OB to discuss the plans for the smart board
  • So glad you're feeling better @SweetP - Sunshine's soup is magic!
  • @all--The months of frustration are over. @BirdLeader fixed my home page. All sorts of things are now working. But best of all, I can post pictures now.
  • yeahhhh @rat it is working!! Whooooohooooo, but ermmmm do we all have to do the scavenger hunt and hop over to the Engagement thread of Slim (me like hunts, hee hee) or are you going to post you pre-E-Star born photo in here as well?
  • @TomPuss, I know right, we are so close in timezone one would think we would bump into one and other more often, but me being a nightowl makes it hard to be around at the same time. Good luck at the dentist tomorrow!
  • @Mumsie Happy Birthday to your gdaughter !! And WHAT?! 6?! Really??? 6 Lasagnes?? WOW!

    @Sweetp so happy to see you are getting back on your feet, but do remember, this years bug is a real sneaky one, it comes back when you least expect it, so take it slow and steady!
  • @SweetP -- Glad to hear you're on the mend.
    My idea of perfect golf weather is 60's or at most low 70's; no rain goes without saying. That's what we had yesterday (the perfect weather). Every time I got ready to take my sweater off, it would cloud over and get cooler.
    Hmm --- I think you're right about checking out some of the courses in that area, but one that has lots of water hazards is going to cost me a lot of balls...
    @Mumsie -- I thought golf boots was a Britishism for golf shoes until I looked at the photo. : D. Don't know if you can buy them this side of the pond though. My rain suit is used only in emergencies to get me back to the clubhouse.
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