The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1909
  • Hee hee how was your day? I'm still tearing hair out lol
  • Crap brb gotta give Tig his meds!! :)
  • Ok see ya back soon:/
  • @Kathy I feel your pain Big Time!! 1-8 no matter how I approach it hasn't budged 1 point for me!!! :/ Really getting beyond frustrated with HoW!! My flinging mojo has dried up!!! :(
  • Yeah my fav time of the year!! An hour early means dark early!! Love it!!! :)
  • Who woke up the Rat with all that DINGING. Can't a guy get some sleep?
  • Arghhh my dingers on both devices going crazy and they were both frozen up at same time
    My keyboard has gone beyond wonky on my phone and my tablet is idk gotta check.
  • @TomPuss--Good to see your 10-4 on the 10-20. I couldn't answer too close to that question even though I wanted to. Never been asked that question by a woman before.
  • Ok here am !! @Pa ((((( hug))))) sorry to disturb your rest a but WTh no speak for 2 days?
    @KimmieCV I know you are a dog with boneb when it come to flinging but your score not bad
    a wise friend oonce said to me. ."you know one level won't matter, you will finish in top 10 no matter what and you can always go back";)
  • As I said in pm @Kathy. It's FOOTBALL season.
  • Go Pats!!!! :-)
  • Hahaaa @Kathy!! In light of this wise *Snicker* persons insight I will take the advice, going to give it tonight and if I can't make headway ill move on, my biggest fear is leaving to many stragglers so that I get bogged down at the end and we both know once you hit the end you've had waaaay more than enough of the game and just want OUT!!! :/ And 1-5 is pretty much a sure thing when it comes to a low score!! This makes 2!! Argh

    Hello @rat9, nice to see your at least breathing!! ;) Obviously your one of those extreme football dudes so I guess you'll be off more than on in BP for a while. :( Ah well enjoy your games!! :)
  • Lol @ KimmieCV )_* snicker * we'll get there don't you worry.
    Bear with me I've switched keyboard settings just gotta get used to it :-)
  • LOL @Kathy good luck with the new keyboard choice! :D

    @rat9 when you can get your eyes off the tv I have 2 questions for you, have you updated the space bug fix and has it wonked out any of the stuff you might achieve so that now your unable to achieve them Thanks to the bug fix?
  • Hello I think I got it :-)
  • Whatever you got @Kathy I'm happy for you!! LOL
  • Ok with that going flinging :-) OB could I please have a Pigkiller to go :-)
  • Ooohhh @SweetP she's beautiful:)
  • I used to have one just like her with the white tuft under her neck:)
  • Thanks @SweetP not sure why football is equated with soccer ball in emoticon?
    I will check out Google image ty :-)
    I'm going fling a bit before bedtime I'll be back;)
  • @kathy I think the ABO update added 15 levels in Red's Mighty Feathers episode. Haven't played it yet, so don't know if this episode started out with only 15 levels, then added the second set of 15 on this last update.
  • Oohh @Sweetp maybe your right. .I didn't check that i was expecting a whole new episisode the way it was shown in Google play store:/I'll check that out ty:)
  • K really going flinging hnow and woohoo I fixed my keyboard on my phone anyway we'll see about tablet:)
  • @kathy, I just called my hubby and asked him if he would get off an hour early, and sadly he said no. BUT, he does get paid for the extra hour (OT). I think your BF should be paid, because he's on the clock too.
  • No I haven't updated my app yet @kimmie. Should I hold off for some reason?
  • @rat that's what I was asking YOU!!! I'm a scared to update because it might fix some unknown glitch that YOU actually know about but that will be gone if updated so I was asking YOU if YOU knew of a reason NOT to update it because YOU are after all the King of space!! So have YOU heard of a reason it shouldn't be updated? I haven't heard anything but then I've been scarce in the nest the last couple weeks.
    Phew :)

    Edit: that was to you @rat9 (just in case it didn't notify you by using just rat, of course since this is an edit it may not notify you anyways since its not a new post....hmmmmm)
  • @rat9 can you hear me???
  • @rat can you hear me now??
  • None of them worked until Slim fixed my home page last week @kimmie. But @rat9 works now, except in here.
    BFNIMCBLIDK, it's cold outside.
  • Is that you @kimmie? My hearin' in't what it u'sta be. Naw, I reckon I don't know da answer ta ya question.
  • Huh so neither @rat9 nor @rat get you a notification in your email :/ well shoot! But at least you have all the other stuff fixed!! Stay warm! See ya later :)
  • OMG WTH???? BP is flippin out again!!! Putting comments in double and at off times!!! Ack I think Sunshines clowns are at it again!!!!! :O
    I'm outta here before those suckers catch me too!!!!!
  • Which one worked @rat @rat9?? I'm never sure if the 9 needs to be there or not!! :/
  • Oooh I've got a funny for you but can't put it in here, it's not politically correct and with the atmosphere of all things politically correct someone will find it bothersome I'm sure!! *insert rolling eyes here* but your last comment made it pop into my head! Ill PM you so at least you can get a laugh out of it!!! :D
  • Hi @kimmiecv. I think some of those nasty clowns are at it in our FF message page! I saw the double comments above.

    Oh well, time for bed. Nighty night!
  • Oooh and they're now out of sequence too!!! AAAAACK!!! BP is under clown attack!!! It's all @sunshines fault for bringing the clown out!!
    *quickly flys under fav booth*
    Good night @sweetp, watch your back those evil clowns are treacherous!!!! :O
  • *warily peeks in the window, sees no sign of clowns*
    Good Morning OB :-) I'd like a nice big cup of coffee and some Piggie Pancakes please :-)
  • Oohh :-) KimmieCV please send me the funny too. Hee hee I love un_politically correct jokes;)
    Thanks @SweetP and @mvnla2 he does get paid for the hour;)
    Hi @rat9 Pa sorry I fell asleep on my keyboard again:(
  • @Kimmiecv, I updated AB Space this morning (to version 1.6.5) and I can't see any difference in Cosmic Crystals. Of course, there weren't really any glitches in that episode to begin with. I have no idea what they changed.

    For all the old glitches I keep backups of previous versions, going all the way back to 1.0 on PC and starting with 1.1.0 on Android.
  • Hello everyone! Have a fantabulous day!!! :D
  • @Kathy Un-politically correct jokes?!? I've got a totally un-politically correct Christmas animation planned! (Hint: LaPierre wants an AR-17 but Santa needs it)
  • Thanks @burpie now we can update safely :-)
    Hi @bubbleslover have a fantabulous day yourself, :-)
  • I do hope I won't have to edit that
  • Hi @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster didn't see you there :-)
  • Lol I think your safe @ @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster ;)
  • And I don't that the Thanksgiving one will be any more P.C. (Hint: the title is Hit-Turkey Absolution)
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