The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1910
  • Mine shall be this page change! Yay!
  • New avatar @@bubbleslover?
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- It only has to be politically correct if you post it on ABN. If you just post a link with a warning, it should be OK, but it's up to the admins. They sometimes delete links because of the content on the link.
  • Hi everyone ;)
    What does politically correct mean?
  • @all -- Trying to get above average in all of ABSW 2 -- Don't know if I will be able to make it. After all, if Slim is using character swaps or telepods, what chance do I have?
    I have been able to make it in most, but not all of the old levels. I think it's still too early to tell for most of the new levels, although I seem to be close to the bottom on one of them. : (
  • Hnmm hard to explain @Annifrid
    Good luck @mvnla2 but i think the leaderboards allow telepod score?
    Do they @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster do you know?
  • @Annifird -- Hi! Politically INcorrect means you have violated rule 2 on page 1. Politically correct means you won't offend anyone because of your statements on those subjects.
    Kimmie's "politically incorrect" joke probably makes fun of a group that doesn't agree with her views on politics (or religion, or...).
  • @Annifrid, I find the first line of the definition by the urban dictionary rather amusing: correct

    Edited to remove the quote.
  • I guess the way to explain @Annifrid is that you can't say Anything that might potentially offend someone else.
  • Aashhhhh @Burpie please edit the 'P' word:(
  • @Kathy -- Yes the leaderboards for ABSW 2 allow scores with character swaps and telepods. It is somewhat interesting that at least some of the top scores were obtained without them, and I've been able to get above average in most levels without them. Yesterday I even got a top score in an old level; don't know if it's still there.
  • Can't be insulting kitty's now can we? You know what i mean though
  • Oh that's cool then @mvnla2 so you have a fighting chance ;) nice job on the top score; )
  • Im off to do some flinging OB a Pigkiller please; )
  • @Kathy, so sorry. Expurgated.
  • No worriez @Burpie ty;)
  • Thanks @everyone ... guess I get it now :)
  • @kathy @mvlna2 Leaderboards allow Telepod scores.
  • Ohhh have to do dishes but wanted to get caught up here first!
    @burpie thanks for the update info on space! And OMG abso BRILLIANT on the "politically correct" in Everything you say!! Love it and explains the overly abused can't say anything for fear of offending the weak minded masses sensitive view of the world explanation!! That made my day!! :D Ahhh for the good old days when you could tell a good joke and everyone could just laugh!!

    Hope everyone's enjoying their whats left of Sunday!!
  • @mvnla2 it wasn't a joke about any of those things listed on page 1. ;)
  • @kimmiecv in 8th grade I drew a daily comic on the white board in Science during first period. I drew a HILARIOUS (seriously, one of my best comics) about LaPierre and the NRA and it drove the teacher to give the whole class a speech on how "you mustn't offend anybody in any way." Pffff. I violated her standards like eight more times that year. I wish that I had had more freedom in what I could draw.

    Another reason I like the comic strips Pearls Before Swine and Non Sequiter. The authors are not afraid to make some non-PC jokes. They're the funniest ones.
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster and you Should have the freedom do draw whatever is in your creative heart:) you are a very talented young man and I'm sure it will take you far in life:)
  • Yay! My Nook finally connected to the Internet! I got Tusk till Dawn, Cosmic Crystals, Moon of Endor, and last but not least.... Angry Birds Star Wars II! I also got the newest Rovio Stars game, Juice Cubes. I love them all, and it took way too long to get them. *pays for some Pig Ears of Joy* So how you guys doing?
  • Well, I guess I'll go now.... Since no one is here...
  • Oohh sorry @theanonymoussomone sorry I missed you
    That's great you got your Nook back and all your games:) have a great night:)
    And how many times I have to tell you...your pig ears on me:)
  • Good night @Kathy!! Hope you kicked bacon butt!! :)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * that keyboard looks uncomfortable as a pillow Pahtna! LOL

    @absm have to agree with Kathy! And good for you to continue to do as You please! Life's to short to worry about what might or might not offend anyone! Let them deal with their own inadequacy you've got comics to draw!! ;D

    @tas good for you!! Enjoy all those new games! Should keep you busy for a while!! :)
  • Good morning everyone:)
    Great avatar @Annifrid :)
    Of too work have a fantabulous day all:)
  • Hello @everyone -- greetings from a ghost from the past!

    Thank you @E-Star for mentioning me, which finally kicked my butt to come back and say hi to all my friends. And welcome to any new visitors to the BP that I missed meeting during my, uh, hiatus.

    For those of you who have been following the suspenseful drama that is my job situation, we STILL haven't heard from the client. Special, yes? So I have, as we say, Let That One Go. Which means that I've been busy looking around for other work. And looking for work is much more work than actual work. It's a major pain. Since I haven't had any income now for months and months and months, our financial situation, while not dire (it's not like we're going to lose our house or anything, or we don't have food on the table, or the loan sharks are coming around with baseball bats and their eyes on our knee caps), is Not Optimal.

    Also, I've had to spend significant time dealing with issues related to my aging mother. My brother, who lives with her, is essentially her full-time caregiver, even though she doesn't see it that way, because her memory has been deteriorating, but she keeps forgetting that her memory is deteriorating. And so she gets resentful about my poor brother when he has to intervene to make sure she is safe and gets to all her doctor's appointments and track down what transpired during an appointment if she won't let him come with her, because she doesn't remember anything that happened during the appointment. Given that there's a ridiculous amount of record-keeping and follow-up that comes with that situation, not to mention the stress on my sainted brother, I've been working with him to help him in any way possible, and to make sure my sister and I have access to all the information we would need to step in at a moment's notice if my brother became ill himself or whatever.

    My, that was a great deal of Sharing, wasn't it? But you, my dear, dear, friends, have always been so very, very kind and thoughtful and supportive, that I know you'll forgive me for just blurting out my Troubles. Which really, just amount to Life. I'm fine, there's nothing going on that isn't just what happens to most people at some point, for which I'm grateful. And I feel much better for having gotten all that down in writing and out of my head -- it makes everything seem much less daunting, and really not that big a deal. So thank you, thank you, thank you for your patience and acceptance!

    I do, however, feel terrible that I haven't visited in so long and kept up with what's going on with all of you, and I've been thinking of you often, and have missed you all very much. You are lovely people, and you always brighten my day!

    I should probably spend less time flinging and more time visiting here. Especially with the Halloween episodes of ABF -- I love those scary zombie piggies, and they drive me insane. Especially the little blue ones; there's always one of those pesky critters left somewhere at the end, when I've run out of birds. Very creative and clever episodes, but apparently far beyond my flinging powers to conquer.

    Also been spending lots of time playing the new ABSW2, first on my iPad, then now (YAY!) on my PC. Does it make me a bad person that I enjoy playing on the Pork side more than the Bird side? No? How about the fact that I really, really, really like killing Ewoks?

    OK, even for me this is a ridiculously long post (surprise!). So I'll end here, review some of the recent activity around here, and post some smaller comments as I catch up with what y'all have been up to.

    And hugs to all!
  • @junkenmetal, playing on dark side is ok, but killing poor little Ewoks? that's low
  • @Junkenmetel -- Glad to see you, but sorry to hear everything has not been a bed of roses (petals only), but more like a bed of rose stems with huge thorns. We were thinking you had won the contract and were very, very busy with all the new work.
    Sounds like you were plenty busy, but with events one would rather not have to deal with.
    Best wishes for finding a new job soon.
    Also hope you and your siblings don't have too much trouble dealing with your mother. Just decided to send you a PM.
  • Hey @angryboy -- Have you played ABSW 2? Those Ewoks aren't very likable.
  • Heeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy @Burpie. Just thought you'd like to know I got another one of those impossible to repeat strategies on CC 7-16. You might lose a little sleep again trying to catch this one. See ya soon.
    @JunkenMetel--Happy to hear from you. Not so happy about the job. Good luck with everything. I haven't worked in over twenty years. It's doesn't define who you are and it's not the end of the world.
    @AB--Ewoks...really. Tsk, tsk, tsk...
  • @mvnla a little bit, but any Ewoks are friendly, bird OR pig
  • i don't see Ewoks in ABSW 2, i see them in the first one
  • @Angryboy Oops! Don't tell Ripsy, but I was confusing Jawas with Ewoks. I think @Junkenmetel (whose name you misspelled, BTW) did also. I do like the Ewoks, but not the Jawas.
  • Ohhh! that makes more sense, yea those jawas are pests
  • @JunkenMetel, I don't know the backstory regarding your special client (special as in pathological liar, cheapskate, little yellow bus?) but I do appreciate how tough it still is to find a decent job. Good luck with the ongoing hunt. And best wishes to you and your family.

    @Rat9, You know I can't ignore an eight thousand point difference... Listen, how about I send you a nice bottle of Dutch gin and we forget about this level?
  • Hi @all!
    @kimmie My fave time of year too - I like dark evenings. Don't care for daylight saving at all, it puts me right out! Love to Tig xoxo
    @EStar Like you, I wish we could put the clock back every weekend!
    @SweetP Lovely foto of puss, cute as a button. . They have their little ways, don't they - mine used sit on my lap while I was reading, then his face would appear over the top of the book, which he'd gently pull down with his paw. Then he'd pat my cheek oh so softly. Yeah, these are the moments we miss. . .
    @Kathy Love the good-luck cat! And raise my glass of Big Pine Puss in salutation! *clink*
    @Annifrid That's a really super avy
    @Junkenmetel Sorry to hear of your troubles. . Unbelievable they didn't get back to you, how very unmannerly. (((good vibes))) to you and your family.
    @rat Congrats on epic CC-16 score! What did you use - a wrecking ball? Wow!
    'night, all
  • @burpie, I'm never going back to it, so in that respect, I've forgotten it. How about I send you a bottle of Kentucky bourbon, you forget it, and I keep the 8k point lead? That way, I'm happy and you get to sleep this week. Decisions, decisions. What will he do?
  • Hey everyone;)
    @JunkenMetel nice to see you:) Sorry to hear your client hasn't responded,I think @burpie put it best!! You can always vent here dear no worries and i do hope things start looking up for you soon. Also totally understand what your doing with concerning your mom:(, my mom had Alzheimer's soo yes I completely can relate, my sis actually was more of a caretaker than me dad passed away, I to tried to help out when I could and yes she was difficult always getting mad at us because she couldn't remember that she couldn't remember, is a very confusing thing I'll keep your family in my prayers.
    Pa another amazingc strat congratulations:) and good luck @burpie please don't lose to much sleep,;)
    HI @angryboy:)
    Glad you like the good luck kitty @TomPuss :)
    Thanks for taking care of my flashlight @KimmieCV and no that isn't a very comfortable pillow lol
    OB a Pigkiller please:)
  • Hi TomPuss, Kathy.

    Rat, Very tempting but I must decline. I shall huff and puff and blooooow your house down. Either that, or get a blister on my thumb trying... we'll see ;-)
  • @burpie hahaha LOL love the ascii Avy, sadly just before my time, but my hubby did show me the fine arts of the oll days ;) As to my pity, I wish I had something to do with your avatar as it does suite you really well, but I think you found IceBird all on your own didn't you? Good luck with the learning and remember if ever in need of assistance or tips I am only a PM away :D
  • @JunkenMetel awww so you were not busy with work after all, so sorry to hear that my friend! And thank you for the kind words, as I consider myself as one of the many in here who enjoy getting to know one another and be there just for being there. No need to feel terrible, as with friends there is no need to feel obligated to do anything. Walk in here everyday or walk in here a year later, I am certain there will always be a familiar face welcoming you back "home". Sorry to hear about your mom as well, that can not be easy to say the least. Can not even begin to imagine what you all are going thru, seeing a person you love slip away slowly like that. I understand what you say though, that is life indeed, but it is still a load you have to carry. I wish you and you brother and sister all the strength you will need. Keep on kicking that bacon behinds ;)
  • And hey to the rest of you lurkers out there, hope all are having a Marvelous Monday!
    I see we didn't lose @rat to the clown Sunshine ;)
  • Ow and @rat I think I read your email powers aren't working in the forum section... Because Forum and Main site are two different systems, the preferences are separate as well... did you check out your forum settings? You can find them by
    - scrolling up tot the top
    - click on your name above the forum title (in the dark blue bar, next to "discussions"
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    - in a dark blue box there should be "Edit Forum Preferences"
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